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Oliver Stroube was born July 19, 1836, in Bracken county, Kentucky,and was married March 10, 1862, to Eliza J. Blackerby, a neighbor girland schoolmate. He was a grandson of Nicholas Stroube, who migratedfrom Pennsylvania to Bracken county. His son John, the father ofOliver, was born in Bracken county and married a Reeder. Nicholasbuilt a stone fence which is still standing and recently owned by Mrs.J. L. Hamilton, of Greencastle, who is a niece of Mr. Stroube. Oliverwas a farmer and owned a farm in the southeast corner of Madisontownship, three miles southwest of Greencastle. On this place he spentthe most of his life and there met his death, April 3, 1901. For someyears he served as a justice of the peace in Madison township. Hiswidow is now living with her daughter. The six children of OliverStroube are as follows: Frank M., present sheriff of Putnam county;John William, trustee of Madison township; Charles N., a physician atRoachdale; Earl P., a farmer in Madison township; Ida M., wife of Dr.Reginald Pollom, of Cayuga, Indiana; Armenia B., now Mrs. E. R.Bartley, of Greencastle.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN." [Transcribed 14 March2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
The family of this name has been, long and favorably known in Putnamcounty, especially in and around Madison township. John WilliamStroube, perhaps the most prominent of the connection, is a son ofOliver R. and Eliza J. (Blackerby) Stroube. He was born in thesoutheast corner of Madison township, three and one-half milessouthwest of Greencastle, December 27, 1865. He is the second of eightchildren, six of whom reached maturity and are all living, namely:Frank M.; John W.; Charles K., a physician at Roachdale; Earl P., ofMadison township; Ida M., wife of Doctor Pollom, at Cayuga, Vermillioncounty, Indiana; Minnie B., wife of E. R. Bartley, of Greencastle. Thefather died April 3, 1901, on his old home farm, since sold; his widownow resides in Greencastle.
John William Stroube remained at home until the completion of histwenty-first year, meantime attending the common schools and assistingin the farm work. September 11, 1887, he married Ida M., daughter ofJames H. and Eva (Stoner) Torr, of whom more particulars may belearned from a sketch elsewhere in this volume. Ida M. was born in theold Torr homestead, October 26, 1866. After his marriage Mr. Stroubeengaged in farming. In Apri1, 1903, he removed to his present place,four miles west of Greencastle. His farm contains ninety acres, mostlyincluded in the Torr homestead. His wife's father died October 31,1903, but his widow is still living on part of the old home place. InNovember, 1908, Mr. Stroube was elected trustee of Madison townshipand took office January 1, 1909, to serve four years. He has nineteachers under his supervision. Mr. Stroube encourages home pupils tobecome teachers and has measurably succeeded, as most of his teachersare residents of the township. He has a high school with a three-yearcourse and the total enrollment is two hundred and sixty. The schoolbuildings are above the average in structure and conveniences and Mr.Stroube visits the schools, attends the institutes and otherwiseconnects himself with the instructors, so as better to keep in touchwith the educational system. Mr. Stroube is a prominent Democrat andhas served in many party conventions. Mary Edith, a young lady ofeighteen and Mr. Stroube's only living child, is a student in thesenior class of the Greencastle high school.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN." [Transcribed 14 March2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
It is not an easy task to describe adequately a man who has led aneminently active and busy life and who has attained a position ofrelative distinction in the community with which his interests areallied. But biography finds its most perfect justification,nevertheless, in the tracing and recording of such a life history. Itis, then, with a full appreciation of all that is demanded and of thepainstaking scrutiny that must be accorded each statement, and yetwith a feeling of satisfaction, that the writer essays the task oftouching briefly upon the details of such a record as has been that ofFrank M. Stroube, the well-known sheriff of Putnam county.
Mr. Stroube was born at Augusta, Kentucky, July 19, 1863, the son ofOliver Stroube, a native of the Blue Grass state, this family havingbeen prominent for several generations in Bracken county. There OliverStroube was reared and educated. In 1865 he came to Putnam county,Indiana, locating on a farm in Madison township, where he soon had acomfortable home and where he lived until his death, April 3, 1901, atthe age of sixty-three years, having been born July 19, 1838. He was aman whom everybody respected owing to his steady habits and his genialdisposition. He married Eliza Blackerby, a native of Bracken county,Kentucky. She is a woman of such kind and generous instincts that sheis greatly admired by her friends and neighbors in Greencastle, whereshe now resides.
Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stroube, named asfollows: Frank M., of this review; J. W. is trustee of Madisontownship, where he resides; Anna died when one year old; Dr. CharlesN. lives at Roachdale; Earl is a farmer in Madison township; CliffordE. died when one year old; Ida is the wife of Dr. Reginald Pollon,Cayuga, Indiana; Minnie is the wife of E. R. Bartley, of Greencastle.
The paternal grandfather of these children, John Stroube, was a nativeof Virginia, removing from that state to Kentucky at an early date,where he spent the remainder of his life, dying at Augusta, Kentucky.He married a Miss Reader and they became the parents of four children,all deceased but one son, N. J., a banker in Augusta.
Frank M. Stroube was brought to Putnam county, Indiana, by his parentswhen he was but an infant. He spent his youth on the home farm, whichhe assisted in developing, attending the district schools in themeantime. He remained at home until he was twenty-five years of age,when he took up the livestock business, buying and shipping. He wasvery successful at this and built up an extensive business, becomingknown throughout the county as one of the leading stock men of thislocality.
Mr. Stroube always took considerable interest in political matters andas a reward for his public spirit and his genuine worth he was electedsheriff of Putnam county on the Democratic ticket in 1908, and,according to the statement of many of his constituents, he has so farproven to be one of the best sheriffs the county has ever had, alwaysfaithful in the performance of his duty and going about the same in aconscientious and business-like manner.
Mr. Stroube was married on September 19, 1888, to Belle Roberts,daughter of John Roberts, of Manhattan, Putnam county, where she wasborn and reared, attending the public schools. Three children havebeen born to this union, named as follows: Jean Lucille, Ruth Marieand Gail Blackerby; they are all members of the family circle,constituting with their parents a mutually happy household, their homebeing a cozy and pleasant one.
Mr. and Mrs. Stroube are members of the Christian church. FraternallyMr. Stroube is a Mason, and he carries into his daily life its sublimeteachings.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN." [Transcribed 14 March2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]