Notes |
- Information on Obit obtained from the Essley-Noble Museum in Aledo,Mercer County, Illinois on 31 May 2008 by, SLJuhl, Compiler; Book1966, Page 66-129. Record kept in Jacobs Family Records--Juhl FamilyVolume.
SOURCE: 31 May 2008, Essley-Noble Museum, Aledo, Mercer County,Illinois; BOOK: HISTORY of MERCER COUNTY Illinois 1882 - 1976, byDaniel T. Johnson, Published by the Mercer County BicentennialCommission, 1977; Page 309.
"Page 309-SEATON COMMUNITY CLUB The Seaton Community Club wasestablished to promote the needs of Seaton and the surrounding areaand to encourage community spirit and cooperation...Some of thepresidents over the years have been...Rolly Reed,..." Transcribed 04June 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
Aledo Times Record Newspaper, Aledo, Mercer County, Illinois; Dated:12 October 1966; Section 1, Page 6, Column 5+6; Article obtained: 31May 2008 by, SLJuhl, and transcribedthe same day as below.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Reiser FuneralHome, Aledo for Rolly Reed, 79, of Seaton, who died Friday morning inthe Mercer County Hospital.
The Rev. Laverne Soales, of Indiana, former pastor of the CenterPresbyterian Church, Seaton, officiated. Burial was in the GreenMound Cemetery, Keithsburg.
Mr. Reed was a farmer and a former Joy school custodian. He hadresided in Seaton for the past five years.
Born Aug. 22, 1887, in Eliza Township, he was the son of William andRelda Sumpter Reed. He married Lena Norton, June 27, 1912, in Aledo.They spent all of their married life in Mercer County except for twoyears spent in Oklahoma.
Surviving are the widow; two sons, Rolly Jr. of Seaton and Wayne ofGreen Mountain Falls, Colo; two daughters, Mrs. Irene Taylor of RockFalls and Mrs. Willis Miller of Davenport; a sister, Mrs. (Florence)May Fitzgerald of Portland, Ore.; 10 grandchildren and 10great-grandchildren."