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- "Montgomery County, Indiana USGenWeb Project;
Mary Jane Reynolds
Crawfordsville Daily Journal
24 March 1909
Mary Jane Reynolds Burk
Death Ends Long Suffering
Mary Jane, daughter or Bony and Malinda Reynolds, was born October 21,1853; departed this life March 19, 1909, at her home, one mile northof Brown's Valley, aged 55 years, 4 months and 19 days. She was unitedin marriage to Mr. Abe Burk Dec 12, 1880. To this union were born nochildren. She has been a consistent member of Freedom Baptist churchfor the past 36 years, and always attended services when her healthwould permit. She possessed a kind, quiet and unassuming nature andwas held in high esteem by all who knew her. Mrs. Burk, who had notbeen strong physically for some time, was stricken with paralysis lastMay, which affected her right side, arm and speech. The use of thoseparts was never restored to her while she lived. While looking on herpitiful condition, it seemed to me there would be but very few whocould endure such awful affliction with such true Christian patienceas she, and although being deprived of her speech she left clearevidence that all was well with her soul and that she was waiting,only waiting, for that welcome summons from him who in the twinklingof an eye can change a life of misery and affliction into that of joy,peace and happiness. We would say to the lonely husband who was seldomabsent from her bedside either day or night for almost a year, that itshould be a consoling t thought to realize that he did all in hispower to administer with patience and untiring efforts to her everywant, and that God doeth all things well. Her funeral was conducted onSunday p.m. at 2 o'clock at Freedom church, Rev S. K. Fusonofficiating in his usual impressive manner and the friends should findgreat comfort in his beautiful prayer and the reading of the fifteenthchapter of First Corinthians in which it is said ?The last enemy thatshall be destroyed is death, but thanks be to God which giveth us thevictory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Those left to mourn the loss oftheir loved ones are a devoted husband, a loving and aged mother, twodear brothers, and many loving friends, one brother, sister and fatherhaving preceded her to glory. Mr. Burk wishes to thank the choir fortheir beautiful singing, also Brother Fuson for his comforting words.The pallbearers were: T. F Patton, John Brewer, Isaac Rice, Charlieand Fred Rogers. The remains were laid to rest in Freedom Cemetery, incharge of Undertaker Kritz of Waveland. File Created: Dec 04, 2007"[Transcribed 27 May 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]