1868 - Yes, date unknown
Name |
John H Surrency |
Birth |
6 Mar 1868 |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I791 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- One Big FamilyEntries: 9171 Updated: 2004-07-25 05:47:16 UTC (Sun)Contact: Cyndi Burke-Markus Home Page: Impressions NOTESExcerpt from an interview with Delia Viola Dupree SurrencyRutledge (widow of John H Surrency) conducted 1/6/1988 by MerleSurrency Harris: "When I was married to John we lived out atSadie Cypress.We lived there for 4 or 5 years, where we had cattle and hogsand I had a drove of chickens. John raised a garden, seetpotatoes, peas and things like that. He coon-hunted and trappedand sold hides and, for a long time, carried the mail. Hecarried the mail before there was ever a road built between here(Immokalee) and LaBelle. He'd go one day to LaBelle and the nextday back to Immokalee by horseback. Later he had a little oldtruck he had put canvas sides on and which he could buckle downif it come a rain. He had a Model T Ford at one time and then hegot a Chevrolet. Later he got a truck to haul cows to market on.H had two horses and I had a 100 head of chickens. He had 100head of cattle and about 75 head of hogs."-Excerpt from an interview with Delia Viola Dupree SurrencyRutledge conducted 1/6/1988 by Merle Surrency Harris: "John told me abouthis two brothers, Elton and Alexander. He said when his mama passed awayhe stayed with his oldest brother until he was nine years old. Hethought they were mean to him so he ran away and worked for one fellowand then another for his board and a little change, and then he'd move onuntil finally he got to LaBelle. When he was about 21 he run up withthis girl in LaBelle and they got married. Her name was Zella. I can'tremember her last name."