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Pursuant to the -Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."
NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of James Thomas Magellan Douglas, late of Estancia Esperanza Rio Gallegjosi, in the Republic of Argentina (who died on the 20th -day of February, 1923, at the Hotel Metropole, London, and letters of administration to whose estate were pranted to Violet Mary Douglas, 'by the • Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's Hieh Court of Justice, on the 26fch day of February, 1923), are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or demands to us, the undersigned, as Solicitors to the said administratrix, on or before the 8th day of June, 1923; and notice is "hereby given, that at the expiration of that time the said administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which she shall then have -had notice; and that she will not be liable for the assets, or any >art thereof, so distributed, to any person, or persons )f whose debt, claim or demand she shall not then have had notice.— Dated this 3rd day of May, 1923.
DAVIDSON and MORRISS, 40 and 42, Queen Victoria-street, E.G. 4, Solicitors to the said 137 Administratrix.