Notes |
- U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
Name: Richard Elkins/with Granville Elkins
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Indiana
Regiment Name: 52 Indiana Infantry.
Regiment Name Expanded: 52nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Film Number: M540 roll 22
National Park Service. U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007.Original data: National Park Service, Civil War Soldiers and SailorsSystem, online <>, acquired 2007.
[Transcribed 12 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
Richard Elkins (First_Last)
Regiment Name 52 Indiana Infantry.
Side Union
Company A
Soldier's Rank_In Pvt.
Soldier's Rank_Out Pvt.
Alternate Name
Film Number M540 roll 22
52nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Organized at Rushville and Indianapolis, Ind., February 1, 1862. LeftState for Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 7. Attached to 1st Brigade,3rd Division, Army of the Tennessee, to March, 1862. Garrison FortsHenry and Donelson, Tenn., to April, 1862. 1st Brigade, 4th Division,Army of the Tennessee, to May, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Armyof the Tennessee, to July, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Districtof Memphis, Tenn., to September, 1862. Garrison Fort Pillow, Tenn., toNovember, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., 13th Army Corps (Old),Dept. of the Tennessee, to January, 1863. District of Columbus, Ky.,6th Division, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rdDivision, 16th Army Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2ndDivision (Detachment), Army of the Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland,to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps (New),Military Division West Mississippi, to August, 1865.
SERVICE.-Investment and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., February12-16, 1862. Garrison at Forts Henry and Heiman till April 18. Actionat Paris March 11 (Detachment). Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.,April 18. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30.March to Memphis, Tenn., via Grand Junction, LaGrange and HollySprings, June 1-July 21. Duty at Memphis till September. Action nearMemphis September 2. Durhamsville September 17. Garrison duty at FortPillow, Tenn., and operations against guerillas in Tennessee andArkansas September 30, 1862, to January 18, 1864. Expedition toJackson September 19-25, 1863 (Detachment). Expedition to Covington,Durhamsville and Fort Randolph September 28-October 5, 1863. Scoutfrom Fort Pillow November 21-22. Ordered to Vicksburg, Miss., January18, 1864. Meridian Campaign February 3-March 2. Clinton February 5.Meridian February 14-15. Veterans absent on furlough March and April.Left Vicksburg March 4, arriving home March 17. Left for field April23. Reached Columbus, Ky., April 26. Moved to Morganza, La., thence toVicksburg, Miss. Non-Veterans temporarily attached to 89th IndianaInfantry. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Fort DeRussy March 14.Bayou Rapides March 21. Battle of Pleasant Hill April 9. Cane RiverCrossing April 23. At Alexandria April 26-May 13. Moore's PlantationMay 3. Bayou LeMourie May 6. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. MansuraMay 16. Yellow Bayou May 18. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., thence toMemphis, Tenn., May 20-June 10. Lake Chicot, Ark., June 6-7.Colliersville, Tenn., June 23. Near Lafayetteville June 23. Smith'sExpedition to Tupelo July 5-21. About Pontotoc July 11-12. Harrisburg,near Tupelo, July 14-15. Old Town (or Tishamingo) Creek July 15.Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. March throughMissouri in pursuit of Price September 26-November 19. Moved toNashville, Tenn., November 26-December 1. Battle of Nashville December15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-23. Duty atClifton, Tenn., and Eastport, Miss., till February, 1865. Moved to NewOrleans February 6-17. Campaign against Mobile and its defences March17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8.Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of MobileApril 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25, and duty there till July14. At Tuskeegee till August 28. Mustered out September 10, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 26 Enlisted men killed andmortally wounded and 2 Officers and 175 Enlisted men by disease. Total205.
American Civil War Soldiers;
Name: Richard Elkins
Residence: Freetown, Indiana
Enlistment Date: 29 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Indiana
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 29 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company A, 52nd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 29 Aug 1864.
Mustered Out Company A, 52nd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 15 Jun 1865.
Sources: 76
Source Citation: Side served: Union; State served: Indiana; Enlistmentdate: 29 Aug 1864..
Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [databaseon-line].