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- Born: March 15, 1762 Died: March 29, 1851 Married: Catherine Collier of Raleigh, NC in 1789 James Douglass was the youngest son of Edward Douglass and Sarah George.
When he was born in 1762, his mother was 48. In 1767 when James was 5, the family moved to NC, near the Guilford Court House. The revolutionary war would have been fought while James was a teenager. By 1788 the family was in Gallatin, TN (Sumner Co.). James built a brick house, in which the county court sessions were held in 1788 and 1790. James Douglass was listed as "Register of the Court" from 1804 to 1836.
He and Catherine lived in Gallatin until their deaths. His will was dated Jan 24, 1851, "in which he completed gifts to each of 11 children amounting to 4300 dollars each or a total of $50,000 in land or cash and slaves".
There is a family cemetary in Gallatin where James is buried along with Catherine.
James and Catherine had 11 children:
Alfred Hire Douglass, married, first Louisa Scurlock; second, Rebecca Louise Fulton Matilda Golden Douglass, married, first Jacob Cook; second, Joel Parrish Edward Lucas Douglass (Uncle Ned), married Delia L. Douglass Isaac Collier Douglass, married Eliza W. Baker James Sewell Douglass, married Lucy Helen Scurlock Harry Clinton Douglass married Elizabeth Wynne Elliott Young Norvel Douglass, married Beneta Rawlings; second, D. Green Robert George Douglass, married Elizabeth Sewell Blythe William Cage Douglass, married Lucy Ann Sewell Thomas Clayborne Douglass, married Frances Ann Cantrell Louisa Frances Douglass, married George Webster Allen
For a link to Roger Moore's web page on the Douglass family click on Descendants of Edward Douglass while online. James Douglass is name #17.
***"There is a picture of the old James Douglass home on the Douglass Pike 4 miles west of Gallatin, Tenn, that was taken by Curtis Douglass. The brick house was built around 1785 on West Station Camp Creek - in what was then still part of the territory of North Carolina. The elder Edward and his wife Sarah & their remaining children followed Edward Jr. & Elmo (who settled on 640 acres of land in 1786 on Station Camp Creek), Reuben and James - to Sumner Co. The house and burying ground were still there in 1920 when Curtis Douglass took the original picture and visited the burying ground. The house was dismantled in the 1930's." (JBT)
James Douglass and his wife Catherine Collier Douglas, daughter of Isaac and Frances Unk Collier, came to what is now Sumner County, Tennessee, but was then (1790) part of North Carolina. After Isaac Collier and his family moved from Virginia to North Carolina, Catherine Collier and James Douglas were married on 29 Jan 1790, in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. They then moved to Tennessee and settled four miles north of Gallatin on what is now Douglas Pike. They lived more than sixty years in the brick house, which James built. James and Catherine both died there and are buried on the home place in the Douglas Cemetery. The house was built with bricks made in a kiln on the old home place.
Once Indians stole all (30 or 40) of James' horses. As a result, when Catherine milked the cows James stood guard with his gun watching for Indians.
James had a cherry sideboard and several other peices of furniture made for Catherine by a cabinet maker. Vines Lucs Collier, Jr. bought the cherry sideboard that belonged to his Aunt Catherine Douglass.
James Douglas Last Will and Testament is found in Will Book I in Gallatin, Sumner County, Tennessee. ~ Sharon C Foster
***In 1850, 15 year old, John, is listed with this family. He is probably a grandchild.
***Find A Grave Information from Tennessee Records: Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts (1933) Memorial #10696599 ~ James Douglass was the son of Edward Douglass and Sarah George. On 29 January 1790, Franklin County, North Carolina, he married Catherine Collier. They had 11 children: Edward L., Alfred H., Matilda G., Isaac C., James S., Harry C., Young Norval, Robert G., William G.,Thomas C.,
and Louisa F. Douglass. James died after 24 January 1851 when a codicil to his will was written. Douglass Cemetery is located on Douglass Pike, north of Gallitin, Sumner County, Tennessee.
- (Research):Antoinette (Douglas) Jordan contributes:
James Douglas is my 4th great grandfather, Catherine Collier is my 4th great grandma,my grandfather is Charles Robert Featherston,Dollie Melvina Featherston is my grandma my dad is Holcie Lee Scott/Douglas
my grandfather James Douglas was a slave owner ,I'm a Imulatto Douglass