Notes |
- In the notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins: William F. Elkinsmarriages are listed as:
1). Catherine Lane
2). Mary E. Marietta Anderson
3). No name-- md. 18 may 1893, Monroe County, Indiana
4). Maria Mullens Gray
Apparently there was some questions as to the order of the marriages,and perhaps the date of his marriage to Mary E. Anderson was inquestion. [SLJuhl, Compiler]
1). Marriage Records: Monroe Co., IN. Bk. 8, William Elkins to MaryE. Elkins, issued 17 May 1893, filed 23 May 1893, md. 18 May 1893,remarriage to 2nd wife.
2). Monroe Co., IN. Bk. 8, 3 Dec. 1896:
William Lepland Elkins Res: Bloomington, Age 54, Race White,Occupation ___, Birth Place Lawrence Co., IN., Father Jerry (Jesse),Mother's maiden name Rogers; # of marriage 3, Married Maria (Mullen)Gray, Age 42, 2nd Marriage.
3). Service Record: Pvt. Co. G, 21st Regt. Enr. July 24, 1861 atIndianapolis by Capt. McGoffin. Must. July 24, 1861 at Indianapolisby Lt. Col. Wood. Age: 23, Eyes: Dark, Hair: Brown, Height: 5-10,Complexion: Light, Nativity: Jackson, Ind., Occupation: Farmer,Discharged: At New Orleans, La. Oct. 16, 1862 on surgeon'sDisability." [Transcribed 06 April 2007, SLJuhl, Compiler]