Notes |
- 1785 - Russell Co. formed from Washington Co. (VA).
1785 - "09 Dec Washington Co: Petition for division of Washington Co.,includes names James, Jesse, and Drury Elkins [This is probably ClarkCo. KY James bmt.]" SOURCE: The Elkins Eagle Quarterly Newsletter,Volume IV, No. 4; Titled: Virginia Chronology, Continued, page 108.[Transcribed 09 February 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
1787 - SOURCE: "In the 1787 Census Records Of Virginia in RussellCounty is Drury and his brother Jesse. Plus, 18 Sep 1787 RussellCounty, Drury Elkins on grand jury. Russell Co. Order Book L, page61." [SLJuhl, Compiler]
1787 - RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA - PERSONAL TAX LIST, William Webb,Commissioner
Drury Elkins, 14 June. 1 white male above 21, 2 horses, 2 cattle
Jesse Elkins, 23 June. 1 white male above 21, 2 horses, 5 cattle
Source: Elkins Eagle, Vol. V, No. 3, Page 70; from the Bulletin ofthe Watauga Association of Genealogy; Submitted by 112e Nancy Cowanof Bethany, OK.
[Transcribed 16 September 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
1787 - "Russell County Census.
ELKINS, DRURY 6/14 A 0 0 0 2 2
ELKINS, JESSE 6/23 A 0 0 0 2 5
SOURCE: The Elkins Eagle Quarterly Newsletter, Volume IV, No. 4;Titled: Virginia Chronology, Continued, page 109. [Transcribed 09February 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
1792 - Clark/e County, Kentucky shows: Drury, James, Robert, Samuel,and Zachariah (son of Robert). Martha Elkins, daughter of Drury,married in Clarke County, Kentucky on December 21, 1798 with Drury &Margaret's consent to Samuel Stogdill. (Notes of Joyce Lorraine CloreElkins)
1792 - (2). SOURCE: 1792 State Tax List in Clark/e County, KentuckyElkins Males Listed
[SLJuhl, compiler]
SOURCE: "1800 Census - United States, Tax List, Jesse Elkins listedas living in Green/Greene County, Kentucky."
Kentucky Census, 1810-90
Name: Jesse Elkins
State: KY
County: Green County
Township: No Township Listed
Year: 1800
Record Type: Tax list
Database: KY Early Census Index
Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. Kentucky Census,1810-90 [database on-line]; [SLJuhl, compiler]
SOURCE: "Elkins Eagle, Vol. IV, No. 4; Virginia Chronology,Continued, pages 113 & 114.
c. 1800, Jesse Elkins living in Greene County, Kentucky" [SLJuhl,compiler]
NOTE: It's probable that Robert Elkins is related to our Drury andJesse Elkins. He's living in Clark County, Kentucky in ca.1800census. James Elkins is also living there at the time. James ElkinsJr/Sr.'s father was James Elkins Sr/Sr. Since they are all probablybrothers, then James Elkins Sr. is probably the father of Robert,Drury, and Jesse Elkins as well.