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- "According to census, Charolette is a sister to Conrad Carl and JamesFarner. Charolette married a Millikin or Mullins. According toEsther Hann Billings of Montezuma, Parke County, Indiana, Conrad CarlFarner was her grandfather and his father was Isaac Farner. So has tobe a near relative." Transcribed 14 September 2006 by, SLJuhl,compiler; Information taken from notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkinswho knew Esther Hann Billings well while they both lived in ParkeCounty, and certainly before Esther passed in 1993. Of course, Estherwas related to Gladys Farner Elkins as well, Joyce's mother-in-law.
"WorldConnect: Post-em postedSunday, February 1, 2009 7:40 PM
From: ""
Database: sljuhl1234
Individual: I05392
Name: Phyllis Snider
Note: Found marriage record in Vigo Co, IN. 3-22-1886" [Transcribed03 February 2009, SLJuhl RNBSC, Compiler & Family Genealogist;]
"04 June 1900 U.S. Federal Census - Conrad Farner - Super. 5, Enum.67, Sheet 13 C; Lines 91-95; Dwelling 74/74/76;,database online; Obtained: 16 February 2009 by SLJuhl RNBSC, Compiler;
Home: Reserve, Parke, Indiana; Age: 40; Birth: Sep 1859, Ohio, White,Americn, Male, Head of House, Father Born: Indiana; Mother Born: Ohio;Souse: Julia E.; Marr. 1886 for 14 yrs.; Residence: Montezuma Town,Parke, Indiana; Unable to read occupation; rents home; Household:Conrad Farner, 40 ; Julia E. Farner, 35, wife, Jun 1864, IN., 4child/3 living, marr. 14 yrs; Carie E. Farner, 11, dau., Sep 1888,IN.; Clift Farner, 10, son, Oct 1889, IN.; Carl Farner, 3, son, Sep.1896, IN. Source: Year: 1900; Census Place; Reserve, Parke, Indiana;Roll: T623_396 Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 67." NOTE: In the 18April 1910 Federal Census these are the changes in the family status.Julia is listed as having had 5 children now and only 3 living. Thiscensus does indicate Conrad Carl Farner's birth place as Indiana, notOhio. His occupation is given as Brick Plant, and he now owns hishome.; Super. 4, Enum. 88, Sheet 2A, Lines 23-27;[SLJuhl RNBSC, Compiler]