Notes |
Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex/Race Age Cert # Death, DateCounty City Date, Filed
PARK EFFIE E F/W UNK 0012970 1947-03-12 ROCK ISLANDMOLINE - - "
[Transcribed 01 November 2008, SLJuhl RNBSC, Compiler & FamilyGenealogist;]
SOURCE: OBITUARY INFORMATION - The Moline Daily Dispatch Newspaper
Monday Evening, March 17, 1947; Page 3; microfilm
Moline Public Library 3210 - 41st Stree, Moline, Illinois 61265;309-762-6883;
Obtained: 18 November 2008, by: SLJuhl RNBSC, Compiler & FamilyGenealogist;; Transcibed: 20 November 2008.
Mrs. Effie E. Park
Funeral services for Mrs. Effie E. Park, 77, who died Wednesday in herhome, 1424 Twenty-ninth avenue, Moline, were held Saturday afternoonin Esterdahl chapel, the Rev. Clinton B. Meininger, pastor of theFirst Christian church, officiating. Burial was in the family lot inBowlesburg cemetery.
Mrs. Titus Samuelson was at the organ. Pallbearers were ClydeGriffin, Donald Griffin, Elmer Griffin, Harry Ferry, Ashby Ferry andMarvin Beckstrom."
Effie Ellen Griffin Park
<> “Birth:Aug. 27, 1869; Death: Mar. 12, 1947
Effie EllenGriffin Park was born Aug. 27, 1869 in Rock Island County, Illinois.She died March 12, 1947 at Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. Shewas a daughter of Asbury and Sarah Smith Griffin. Mrs. Effie E. Park,77, a life resident of the community, died at 6:15 this morning in herhome at 1424-29th avenue, Moline, where she had resided since 1901.She had been failing in health the past two years.
Mrs. Park, the former Effie Griffin, was born Aug. 27, 1869, inHampton Township. She was married to Irvin Park June 13, 1893. He diedin 1913. She was a member of the First Christian Church and the RoyalNeighbors of America. Survivors are two daughters, Miss Myrtle Parkand Miss Hazel Park, both at home; four brothers, J.F. Griffin ofCarbon Cliff, Asbury F. Griffin of Coal Valley, Bert E. Griffin ofPeoria, and Milton A. Griffin of Moline; three sisters, Mrs WilliamFerry of Moline, Mrs William Koppe of San Jose, Cal., and Mrs. GoldieBeckstrom of Moline.
Burial:: Bowlesburg Cemetery
Silvis, Rock Island County, Illinois, USA” [Transcribed 19 February2009, SLJuhl RNBSC, Compiler;]