Notes |
- A-SOURCE: Notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins of Parke County,Indiana and direct Clore descendant.
All records kept in the Clore Volumes in the safe keeping of Joyce'sdaughter and compiler, Sandra Lee Elkins Juhl.
SOURCE: Letter dated May 1, 1982: "On further study I noticed, too,(our Germanna Record) that "Big" Mike Clore and Wife (Margaret Weaver)were 1st cousins - mother's were sisters: Dorothy Kaifer (Mrs. JohnClore, Big Mike) & Barbara Kaifer (Mrs. John Weaver, Margaret)."Multiple letters with research im Montgomery, Parke, and FountainCounties, plus cemetery visits from Lawrence & Princess Thompson,Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 47933, c.1982 per postalmail to Joyce L. Clore Elkins. (LT)
B-SOURCE: Les Erler of Tennessee, Family Genealogist, shared pere-mail personal correspondence his family lineage with this compiler.Copies of e-mail records and obituaries supplied by Les Erler arebeing kept in the Clore Family records in a seperate sectiondesignated for his family. [ 01 March 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler, dau.of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins of Parke County,] After the death of his father, JohannGeorg Klaar, Michael was placed into the guardianship care of hisgrandfather Peter Weaver per his father's will dated 19 September1751.
By Augusta B. Fothergill and John Mark Naugle
Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1978
Bristol Public Library
701 Goode Street
Bristol, Virginia 24201
This Edition 1963
Obtained: 23 February 2007
[Transcribed 27 February 2007, SLJuhl, compiler]
"The following information is from the Clore-Glore Genealogymanuscript by Delma Rae Carpenter, Sr. (1881-1967). A copy of this isavailable at the Madison Co., VA Library. This manuscript is atypescript and update of another, handwritten, Clore-Glore Genealogymanuscript by Dr. Arthur Leslie Keith. The original of Keith'smanuscript is at the Newberry Library, Chicago., IL. Please note thatsome of this information has been updated by other researchers in themeantime and I'll try to add notes with the current information. Page19:
Michael Clore. In my article in the William and Mary Quarterly, Vol.XXVI, 181, I endeavor to assign certain children to this Michael. I amsatisfied now that all the children given there were the children ofMichael Clore, son of John Clore. There is then no record of thisMichael, son of George Clore, following the probate of this will. Heprobably died young.
Page 23-24:
"Michael Clore (son of John Clore) was born December 1, 1746, diedDecember 7, 1817, in Madison Co., Va. The title "Big Mike", applied tohim, to distinguish him from other Michael Clores, suggests that hewas a man of large size. The Quarter-Master General's report forDistrict of Charlottesville shows that he was paid for his services asblacksmith, October - December, 1781. Tradition claims that he was agunsmith. These services qualify his descendants for admission intothe patriotic societies. He was also a cabinet-maker. The Cloresliving near Madison, Va., today, furniture makers, may have receivedtheir craft by direct inheritance from him. The writer has a pair ofhalf-round mahogany tables, made in very substantial manner and stillin good condition. These tables were in possession of the Clore familynear Madison for more than a century. They are clearly of theHeppelwhite style which was the vogue about 1780. The writer believesthat in all probability they were made by Michael Clore himself.Michael Clore was one of the executors of his father's will. In 1782he was taxed for 185 acres, in 1786 for 48 acres. In Madison Co., Va.,he was taxed for 186 acres down to 1814, in which year his land wasdescribed as lying 3 miles east of the Court House and on the RobinsonRiver, which seems to identify it as part of the land which MichaelClore bought of Christopher Moyer, 1744. [A handwritten note, probablymade by Delma Carpenter, Sr. says this is "a bad guess" and in factMichael purchased the land rather than inherited it.] The land is alsodescribed as joining land of John Clore, dec'd. In 1814, Michael Clorewas taxed for 500 acres, "from Weaver's Estate", lying on the RobinsonRiver, and in 1815 and 1816 for a total of 686 acres. Michael Cloremarried Margaret Weber (Weaver) in 1769, who was born December 19,1752 (according to the Hebron Birth Register) or December 21, 1752, asgiven by tradition. She died November 24, 1842. She was the daughterof John Weber by his wife Barbara Kaffer (Cafer, etc.), daughter ofMichael Kaffer of the 1717 colony. John Weaver was the son of PeterWeaver who died 1763. Michael Clore and wife Margaret had 16 childrenof whom the first five are recorded in the Birth Register of HebronChurch."
The newsletter Beyond Germanna, Vol. 11, No. 4, July 1999, Publishedand edited by John Blankenbaker, PO Box 120, Chadds Ford PA 19317-0120has an article on the "Parentage of Michael ("Big Mike") Clore".Authors of the article [John Blankenbaker, Nancy (Moyers) Dodge andCathleen "Cathi" (Clore) Frost concluded that, based on land andbaptismal evidence, this Michael Clore was most likely the son ofGeorge Clore and Barbara Weaver. In Germanna Record #10, he wasidentified as the son of John Clore. A letter written by John Clore ofCrawfordsville, IN in 1895 to his cousin Howard D Clore of Norwood, IA(in possession of Cathi Frost of St. Helens, OR) also identifiesMichael's father as John Clore. In a later article published in BeyondGermanna [look up date], I (Cathi Clore Frost) concluded that "BigMike" was indeed the son of John Clore. The land evidence of the firstarticle proved to be inacurate. George also had a son of that name butcircumstantial evidence indicates he must have died without heirs,most likely young and unmarried.
The Hebron Communion Lists: Communion Lists of the Hebron LutheranChurch 1775 to 1812 Madison, Virginia by John Blankenbaker (Chadd'sFord, PA 2001):
p 5 Communicants Christmas December 25 A.D. 1775
Michael Klor wife Marg
p 9 Communicants Easter 1777
Michael Klor wife Margretha
Madison County, Virginia A Revised History by Margaret G. Davis(Madison County Board of Supervisors, Madison VA 1977), p 89:
Robinson River Regular Baptist Church
Baptist Church of Christ - Robinson River at Criglersville organized 4January 1790. Members came from Ragged Mountain Church which wasorganized in 1778 in the building is in present Rappahannock County.
Same, p 91:
Bethcar Baptist Church was formed in 1823 so members of Robinson RiverRegular Baptist Church living near Madison Court House would not haveto travel so far to attend services. Among those withdrawing to formBethcar were Moses Clore, Absalom Carpenter, Ephraim Clore, James W.Crow, John Fishback, Abner Deer, Margaret Clore and Anna Fishback.
31 December 1776 John Clore granted to son Michael Clore "for the loveI do bear to my son" 100 acres, part of the tract on which John livedincluding the plantation where Michael lived. Recorded 15 March 1779.(Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book I, p 172-173)
1 March 1777 Hermon Spilman and Catharine his wife sold to MichaelClore 150 acres formerly belonging to John Huffman, father of AnnCatharine Spillman, for £70. Recorded 17 March 1777. (Culpeper County,Virginia Deed Book H, p 396-397)
21 June 1779 Michael Clore purchased 85 acres from Michael Swindle andwife Elizabeth for £100. (Culpeper County, Virginia Deed Book I, p367-369)
21 June 1779 Michael Clore and wife Margret and Michael Swindalexchanged land in addition to the sale of the same day. (CulpeperCounty, Virginia Deed Book I, p 369-371)
Culpeper County, Virginia 1782 Land Tax List, p 14
Michael Clor taxed for 185 acres
Culpeper County, Virginia 1782 Personal Property Tax List, Alcock'sDistrict
Michael Clore 1 white male over 21
Mose 1 slave over 16
2 horses
7 cattle
Culpeper, County, Virginia 1783 Land Tax List
Michael Clore taxed for 185 acres
Culpeper County, Virginia 1784 Land Tax List
Michael Clore taxed for 185 acres and 1 acre
Culpeper County, Virginia 1785 Land Tax List
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres
Culpeper County, Virginia 1785 Personal Property Tax List, Alcock'sList
Michael Clore 1 white male over 21
1 young slave
4 horses
9 cattle
15 May 1786 John Clore, Exor of John Clore Dec'd sold to Michael Clore48 acres for £3 and 12 shillings. (Culpeper County, Virginia Deed BookN, p 294-297)
Culpeper County, Virginia 1786-1791 Land Tax Lists
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres and 48 acres
Culpeper County, Virginia 1786 Personal Property Tax List, WilliamChapman's District
Michael Clore 1 white tythe over 21
0 Do. under 21
0 slave tythes
1 do. young
3 horses
8 cattle
1.8.0 tax
1 tythes
Culpeper County, Virginia 1787 Personal Property Tax List, GoodrichLightfoot's District
Michael Clore Person chargeable with tax
Michael Clore White males above 21
1 young slave
2 horses
8? cattle
Culpeper County, Virginia 1790 Personal Property Tax List
Mical Clore & sons 4 white males over 16
Culpeper County, Virginia 1791 Personal Property Tax List
Michl Clore & sons 3 white males over 16
15 October 1792 Thomas and Frances Bohannon sold to Michael Clore 100acres for £67 and 10 shillings, recorded same day. (Culpeper County,Virginia Deed Book R, p 155-156)
Culpeper County, Virginia 1792 and Madison County, Virginia 1793-1794Land Taxt Lists
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres and 100 acres
Culpeper County, Virginia 1792 Personal Property Tax List, John Gibb'sList
Michael Clore & sons 4 white males over 16
Madison County, Virginia 1793 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Sons 3 white males over 16
1 black over 16
4 horses
24 July 1794 Michael Delp and wife Marget sold to Michael Clore 13acres on the waters of the Robins River near dark Run for £8.15.6.(Madison County, Virginia Deed Book 1, p 109-110)
Madison County, Virginia 1794 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Son 2 white males over 16
1 black age 12-16
4 horses
25 March 1795 Michael Clore and wife Margaret sold 150 acres to AdamClore for £50. (Madison County, Virginia Deed Book 1, p 204-205)
Madison County, Virginia 1795-1796 Land Taxt Lists
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres, 100 acres and 13 acres
Madison County, Virginia 1795 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Son 2 white males over 16
1 black over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1796 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Sons 2 white males over 16
1 black over 16
5 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1797-1799 Land Tax List
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres and 113 acres
Madison County, Virginia 1800-1811 Land Tax Lists
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres
Madison County, Virginia 1801 Personal Property Tax List, Apl. 16
Michael Clore Sr. 1 white male over 16
1 black over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1802 Personal Property Tax List, March 12
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
1 black over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia A Revised History by Margaret G. Davis(Madison County Board of Supervisors, Madison VA 1977), p 294: MichaelClore was appointed to keep weights and measures in 1802.
Madison County, Virginia 1803 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Son 2 white males over 16
2 blacks over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1804 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Son 2 white males over 16
1 black over 16
5 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1805 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Sons 3 white males over 16
1 black over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1806 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & sons 3 white males over 16
1 black over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1809 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
2 blacks over 16
4 horses
1810 United States Federal Census
Name: Michael Clore
County: Madison
State: Virginia
1 male age 16-25 yrs
1 male age 45 and over yrs
3 females age 16-25 yrs
1 female age 45 yrs and over
6 slaves
Source Citation: Year: 1810; Census Place: , Madison, Virginia; Roll:69; Page: 380; Image: 673.00. 1810 United StatesFederal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The GenerationsNetwork, Inc., 2004. NOTE: Sons Israel, Jeremiah, Levi, and Gideonwere also on the same census sheet living next to each other.[SLJuhl, Compiler]
Madison County, Virginia 1811 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
2 blacks over 16
1 black age 12-16
6 horses
26 March 1812 John Weaver and wife Margaret and Aaron Weaver conveyedtheir parts of 500 acres John Weaver Sr. purchased of Samuel Colberton 28 August 1800 on the south side of the blue ridge to MichaelClore, it being the land which John Weaver Sr. bequeathed as follows:200 acres to son John, 100 acres to son Aaron, 200 acres to daughterMargaret Clore wife of Michael. (Madison County, Virginia Deed Book 5,p 197-)
Madison County, Virginia 1812 Land Tax List
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres and 500 acres from John Weaver'sEstate
Madison County, Virginia 1812 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
2 blacks over 16
1 black age 12-16
6 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1813-1817 Land Tax Lists
Michael Clore taxed for 186 acres and 500 acres
Beg. 1814 the 186 acres is listed as "on the Robinson River andadjoining John Clore, deceased"
The 500 acres is on the ridge and later the Blue Ridge
Madison County, Virginia 1813 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
2 blacks over 16
2 blacks age 12-16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1814 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
2 blacks over 16
2 blacks age 12-16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1815 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & Son 2 white males over 16
2 blacks age 12-16
3 blacks over 16
4 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1816 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore & son 2 white males over 16
5 blacks over 16
6 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1817 Personal Property Tax List
Michael Clore 1 white male over 16
5 blacks over 16
6 horses
Madison County, Virginia 1818-1824 Tax Lists
Michael Clore, deceased, taxed for 186 acres and 500 acres
Madison County, Virginia 1820 Tax List
Margaret Clore taxed for 1.16 or 116 acres adj. Michael Clore,deceased
Gideon Clore (of KY) taxed for 13 acres on the Robinson River
Aaron Clore (Mad.) taxed for 11 acres on the Robinson River
Madison County Land Book No 2 1822 (Madison County Court House), p 5:
name residence estates # acres description distance & bearing from CH
Michael Clore deced In Fee 186 The Heirs of Jno Clore NE 3
" " " 500 686 On the Blue-ridge "
Madison County, Virginia 1825 Tax List
Michael Clore, deceased, taxed for 500 acres
Madison County, Virginia 1826 Tax List
All land of Michael Clore, deceased is gone from tax rolls
William Clore taxed for 198 acres on Dark Run, 118 acres adj. JohnYager and 48 acres adj. William Carpenter & others
Deed Abstracts of Madison County, Virginia 1793 - 1804: Madison CountyDeed Book 1 (1793-1796), Madison County Deed Book 2 (1796-1801) andMadison County Deed Book 3 (1801-1804), Abstracted and Published byRuth and Sam Sparacio (1986), p 13:
Deed Book 1, p 109-110
On Margin. "Examined & delivered John Fishback Exor of Michael CloreMarch 1819 -- 13 acres"
Indenture (no date) between Michael Delph and his wife, Marget, andMichael Clore .. for £ 8.15.6 .. sell land on Waters of the RobinsonRiver near Dark Run .. 13 acres .. Adam Delph's line ..
In presence of John Piner, Michael (X) Delph
John Clore, Philip Snider Margt. (X) Delph
At a court held .. 26th June 1794 .. Indenture proved and ordered tobe certified.
At a court held .. 24th July 1794 .. fully proved and ordered to berecorded.
Same, p 23:
Deed Book 1, p 204-205
Indeture 25 March 1795 between Michael Clore & Margaret, his wife, andAdam Clore .. for £ 50 .. sell 150 acres .. on waters of RobinsonRiver .. in John Clore's line; George Clore ..
In presence of Am: Bohannon, Michael Clore
John Clore, John Wright
Recorded Madison County 24th April 1795.
Madison County, Virginia Processioners Returns 1796 & 1800 (FHL film#32596 item #1), 1796, p 45:
19 January 1796
The Lines of Michael Clore and Margaret Delph processioned
Clore present Michael Delph agent - PP Levi Clore
The Lines of Michael Clore and Solomon Carpenter Processioned parties
present PP Solomon Carpenter
The Lines of Michael Clore and Joseph Carpenter Processioned
Parties Present PP Levy Clore
The Line of Michael Clore and George Raysor Processioned Parties
Present PP Joseph Carpenter
23 March 1800 Line of Michael Clore and Abraham Gair
Soloman Carpenter and Michael Clore
17 March 1800 Michael Clore and Margaret Delph
Mihcael Glore and Joseph Carpenter
Precinct of Capt John Bradforts Company
Madison County, Virginia Land Survey Book 1 1792-1803 (FHL film #32956item #2), Plats p 42:
March the 22nd Day 1797 Survey'd for Michael Clore 7 Acres of
Land lying in the County of Madison By Virtue of an Entry on a
Land Office Treasury Warrant for 480 Acres N'o 1629 Dated Octo
the 14th Day 1795 granted to Thos Wood & Assign'd to Henry
Wayland & Assign'd to sd Clore in part by sd Wayland & Begat
A a large white oak standing on a hill side Corner to Jacob
Razor lb[?] with sd line N46'30 W 100 ps to
B a Treble red oak Corner to John Wayland lb[?] with sd line N 38'30 E76
C a large whit oak Corner to sd Wayland lb[?] with another of his
Lines N 36'30 W 16 ps to
D a Large Bunch of Maples standing on the north side of little
Dark run lb[?] Down the Meanders of sd run N75 E12 ps to
E N 49 E 14 ps to
F is Razors's line the with sd Razors line S 37 E 26 ps to the Beg
Henry Wayland S.M.C.
Will Abstracts of Madison County, Virginia (1793-1813): Madison CountyWill Book 1 (1793-1804), Madison County Will Book 2 (1804-1813) andAbstracts of Marriage Bonds (1793-1800), Abstracted and Published byRuth and Sam Sparacio (1986), p 113:
Will Book 2, p 334-335
Know all men .. we Fanney Clore, Charles Major and Michael Clore ..are bound .. in sum of seven thousand dollars .. 28th November 1811.Condition .. Fanney Clore, administratix of all goods, chattels andcredits of John Clore, deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory..
At a court held .. 28th November 1811 .. bond acknowledged and orderedto be recorded.
Will Book 2, p 335-336
Know all men .. we Fanney Clore, Charles Major and Michael Clore ..are bound .. in sum of seven thousand dollars .. 28th November 1811.Condition .. Fanney Clore .. shall well and truly pay unto EdmondClore, Steven Clore, Wesley Clore, James Clore and Salley Clore,orphans of John Clore, deceased, all estate due them ..
At a court held .. 28th November 1811 .. bond acknowledged and orderedto be recorded.
Will Book 2, p 338-339
List of appraisement of John Clore, deceased, taken the 7th ofDecember 1811 .. value totalled £ 930.1.0 .. made by Aaron Carpenter,Joseph Carpenter, Lewis Crigler. Returned into court 26th December1811 and ordered to be recorded.
Madison Co., VA Will Book 3, p 330 [Typescript by Jan Creek]:
I Michael Clore of the County of Madison Virginia, do make this mylast will and testament in manner following to Wit -
First, I lend to my wife Margaret Clore all my estate both real andpersonal during her widowhood, upon condition that whatever she makesfrom my said Estate, be equally divided among all my children andtheir heirs, but in the event of her not being disposed to divide suchproceeds equally among them it is my will that she shall pay to mychildren and their heirs two thirds of what my land and Negroes wouldhire and rent for - but no such rent or hire shall be required unlessshe shall actually make such unequal distribution of the proceeds ofsaid Estate at any time. ----
Secondly - After the death of my wife Margaret Clore I wish and dowill that my Estate both real and personal be equally divided amongall my children and their heirs in the following manner, that is tosay I wish my Negroes to be divided and remain in the family, unlessany of them should turn out to be bad and troublesome, in that eventmy Executors hereafter to be named, and my wife and children mayconclude and dispose of them at any time, as they may see cause. Mytract of Land being small, whereon I now live, I will to dispose of bymy Executors at publick sale and the money arising from such sale tobe equally divided among all my children - Of the personal propertywhich I have now in possession, my three daughters, Rhoda, Julia andSally, who now live with me are to have one bed and furniture each,some pewter ware, flax wheel, pot & pan each, which they have now inpossession, and one cow and calf each. I also leave to William my sonone horse, bridle & Saddle of the same value of those my other sonshad and one cow and calf. The balance of my personal property notbefore mentioned to be sold by my Executors and the money arising fromthe sale thereof to be equally divided among all my children and theirheirs. My mountain tract of Land, which is one third of five hundredacres, I wish my Executors to dispose of in the best manner they canand the money to be equally divided among all my children and theirheirs - I have heretofore advanced to my son John, now deceased, sixtydollars - to my son Jeremiah twenty dollars - to my son Levi twentydollars and to my son Israel twenty dollars - all which sums they areto account for in the general division of my Estate, as so muchreceived by them, but they are not to pay interest on the same - Inthe division of my Estate I include the children of my son John in theplace of their Father, that is that they are to have one fourteenthpart after deducting Sixty dollars heretofore advanced to theirFather; one half of which fourteenth part I give to James Clore (whois subject to fits) and the other half to the balance of my said sonJohn's children. I will to my old Negro man Moses seven dollars to bepaid out of my Estate by my Executors - I appoint my Son in Law JohnFishback and my Son Gideon Clore Executors of this my last will andtestament - Should they differ in opinion at any time in the executionof this my Will, I wish them to refer each point in dispute to WilliamBooton, Cornelius Carpenter & Robert Thomas whose descission I hopewill always be satisfactory.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th dayof July one thousand eight hundred and fifteen
Michael Clore Seal
Signed, Sealed and published by the
Testator to be his last Will and testament
In presence of ?????????
Benjamin Cave
Belfield Cave
John Wright
Henry Barnes
Morgan Utz
A Codicil. Whereas in some years past I became jointly with CharlesMajor Security for the Administratrixship of my son John's wife, tohis Estate. Now in case my Estate should be likely to suffer by anymisconduct or neglect which may or may have accured by the aboveadministratrix, Then in that case my will and devise is that the itemspointed in the above will with respect to my son John's childrenheiring one fourteenth part of my Estate - that it shall be null &void, but if otherwise, that it may stand as first above written.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd dayof Sept. Eighteen hundred & Seventeen.
Michael Clore Seal
Sealed & acknowledged
In presence of????..
John Wright
Edward Graves
Jacob X Rasor
At a Court held for Madison County the 11th day of December 1817.
The Last Will and testament of Michael Clore deceased was exhibitedinto Court and proved by the oaths of Belfield Cave, John Wright andHenry Barnes three of the witnesses thereto and the codicil theretoannexed was proved by the oaths of John Wright, Edward Graves andJacob Rasor witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded - And on theMotion of John Fishback one of the Executors therein named Certificateof probate thereof is granted him in due form whereupon he qualifiedand gave bond and security according to Law.
Benjamin Cave Clk
Know all men by these presents, that we John Fishback, Richard H.Field, Robert Thomas and William Booton are held and firmly bound untoDavid Field, William Mallory, Michael Wallace and Anthony Twyman,Gentlemen, Justices of the Court of Madison County, now setting in thesum of twenty thousand dollars to the payment whereof, well and trulyto be made to the said Justices, and their successors, we bindourselves and each of us, our and each of our heirs, executors andadministrators, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealedwith our seals and dated this 11th day of December Anno Domini 1817,and in the 42nd year of the Commonwealth.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above boundJohn Fishback Executor of the last will and testament of Michael Cloredeceased, do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory ofall and singular the goods and chattels and credits of the saiddeceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession orknowledge of the said John Fishback or into the hands and possessionof any other person or persons for him and the same so made, doexhibit in the County Court of Madison at such times as he shall bethereunto required by the said Court and the same goods chattels andcredits, and all other the goods, chattels and credits of the saiddeceased, which at any time after, shall come to the hands possessionor knowledge of the said John Fishback; or into the hands andpossession of any other person or persons for him do well and trulyadminister according to Law: And farther, do make a just and trueaccount of all his actings and doings therein, when thereto requiredby the said Court; and also shall well and truly pay and deliver allthe legacies contained and specified in the said Testament, as far asthe said goods, chattels and credits will thereunto extend, and thelaw shall charge, then this obligation to be void and of none effect,or else to remain in full force and virtue.
Sealed and delivered, in the John Fishback Seal
Presence of the Court Richard H. Fields Seal
Ro Thomas Seal
Wm. Booten Seal
At a Court held for Madison County the 11th day of December 1817 ThisBond was in open Court acknowledged by the parties thereto and orderedto be recorded.
Benjamin Cave Cmt
Madison Co. VA, Will Book 5, pages 240 & 241 [typescript by JanCreek]:
John Fishback executor
To the estate of Michael Clore deceased D°
To Amount of Michael Clore's estate 5901.79
Oct. 23rd 1824 Paid Adam Rouse for crying sale 4.00
Dec. 29th " Paid William Rouse for acting as clerk 4.00
Sep. 1st " Paid George Schroffe for mending still 5.00
Oct. 28th " Paid Henry Towles 7.34
Oct. 18th " Paid John Wayland 1.28
" 7th " Paid William Clore 36.78
" 23rd " Paid Isaac Skinner 6.54
" " " Paid Sheriff of Madison for taxes 10.07
" 28th " Paid L. Booton for Surveying 6.00
" 12th " Paid Chs. R. Gibbs 1.84 ½
" 28th " Paid for harnes 2.75
Nov. 25th " Paid James W. Crow 1.50
Oct. 9th " Paid Lewis Carpenter 7.30
" 15th " Paid as directed by Will [to Negro Moses] 7.00
May 25th 1825 Paid H. Allison 12.27
Feb. 16th " Paid Fielding Crigler 3.40
Apr. 8th " Paid John Rasor 4.70
" 27th " Paid Charles W. Clore 2.50
Oct. 14th " Paid Norborne B. Spotswood 9.25
" 3rd " Paid Finks & Hume 7.18½
Oct. 1824 Paid B. Cave 6.00
Sep. 7th 1827 Paid H. Allison 5.00
Oct. 22nd 1824 Paid Aaron Clore Legatee 347.00
" 13th " Paid Michael Clore, do 347.00
Apr.15th 1826 Paid Charles W. Clore do 70.75
Paid Edmund Clore, do 70.75
Paid Stephen Clore do 70.75
Oct. 13th 1824 Paid Levi Clore do 347.00
Paid Israel Clore Atts in fact for John Wilson, John Deer and GideonClore, also his own legacy 1066.00
Paid Rhoda Clore, Legatee 185.45
Jan 20th 1828 Paid James W. Crow 161.55
Dec. 5th 1825 Paid Abner Deer Atts: in fact for Jeremiah Clore 347.00
Jun 29th 1827 Paid Ezekiel Miller 347.00
Oct 13th 1824 Paid Absalom Carpenter 347.00
Paid William Clore Legatee 347.00
July14th 1827 Paid Israel Clore's order 77.50
Sep 28th Paid Waller Hayden Atts. in fact for Israel Clore, GideonClore, John Wilson and John Deer 33.00
Oct. 7th 1825 Paid William Clore for boarding his mother 1825 35.00
Amount of property bought by John Fishback 520.86 ½
Paid Israel Clore for himself and as attorney in fact for John Wilson,John Deer and Gideon Clore 211.50
Allowed John Fishback 4 pr ct commission upon the amount of sales,which amounts to 236 dols 04 cts. from which we deduct 173 dols 86 ½which sum of 173 dols 86 ½ cts. in an overplus of the amount due himas legatee, which goes to show that there is a balance of 62 dols. 17½ cts. due to sd. Fishback as his commission 62.17 ½
Clerk fees for recording sale book 3.00
Sep.16th 1828 Paid Edmund Clore guardian of Sarah Clore 70.81
Settled with John Clore as will be seen by the will of his FatherMichael Clore 60.00
Clerk's fees for Order of recording settlement 2.12
Commissioners fees 2.00
$ 5287.95 ½
Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Madison dated the 27th dayof March 1828, we the undersigned Commissioners therein named,proceeded to state, settle and adjust the account of John Fishbackexecutor of Michael Clore deceased, and beg leave to submit the aboveas our report.
Given under our hands this 13th day of March 1829
Jacob Miller
Wm. T. Foushee
At a Court held for Madison County the 23rd day of April 1829
This settlement of John Fishback exor: of Michael Clore deceased, wasordered to be
Belfield Cave C.M.C." [Transcribed 08 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]