Notes |
- SOURCE NOTE: I have been going over the notes of Joyce L. CloreElkins and those of Cathi Clore Frost and comparing them for some sortof collaberation on where the family was located. It would appearthat the farm land bordered both Parke and Montgomery Counties andoverlapped into both. So, it has been very difficult to determineexactly which county is the birth and death counties of individuals inmany cases. Also, in many cases, where one of them is married in acounty it's not necessarily where they lived in a county and viceversa. There may be some errors in locations of births and deaths.If you should decide a mistake was made, please feel free to contactme: or at
Sandra L. Juhl 3810 - 10th Avenue Place, Moline, Illinois 61265.
SOURCE NOTE: This is Cathi Clore Frost's ancestral line of Clore's.
SOURCE: Multiple letters with research from Lawrence & PrincessThompson, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 47933, c.1982 perpostal mail to Joyce L. Clore Elkins.
Howard and Margaret Deer Clore had eleven children, but only eight areknown at the present time.
SOURCE Note: Please see the biography of son Henry Harrison Clore.See excerpt below:
"Howard Clore was educated in the subscription schools of Kentucky,which he never attended more than 6 days after he was 10. On Dec. 12,1839, he married Margaret Deer, whose father, John Deer, was a nativeof Virginia, removed to Kentucky, and finally located in MontgomeryCounty, Indiana where he entered land at an early day. Mrs. Clore wasborn in Boone County, Ky and died November 6, 1856. After his firstmarriage Mr. Clore located on the farm which he now operates on Sec.16, Howard Township, Parke County. No improvements had then beenplaced upon the farm, which has since been developed entirely by him.In 1868 he built the large and imposing house where he now lives.Before this his home had been an old-fashioned double log house. Hisfarm comprises 520 acres, which with the exception of 40 acres, is allin one body. On New Years Day, 1859, Howard Clore was again married,the lady being Sarah Deer, sister of his first wife. After her deathhe married Mrs. Elizabeth Frame. He had 11 children by his firstunion, 5 by his second. Those living are: Amanda Ellen, who lives athome; Henry Harrison, subject of this sketch; Sarah L; Howard, Jr. whois a farmer in Lucas County, Iowa; and Whitfield, who is engaged inpartnership with his brother Howard in stock-raising in Lucas Co,where they have 850 acres of land. In 1852 Mr. Clore went to Iowa andentered about 700 acres of land. Mr. Clore, Sr. has his farmsuperintended by another and is not actively engaged himself onaccount of his age. He has one of the finest farms in the county, allupland. He has a large amount of stock on the place and in the pasthas raised considerable for the market. His home was built at a costof $8000 in 1868. Mr. Clore is honored by all who know him and thoughnot a church member, has a strong love for everything relating toreligion, especially that inclining toward Universalism."
SOURCE: Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke &Fountain Counties, Indiana (Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 555; LastModified on © Saturday, 13-Jan-2007 11:54:29 MST
© 2002 HTML compiled by:Blacksheep Genealogy
© Copyright Saturday, 13-Jan-2007 11:54:29 MST Karen Zach
HTML By: Blacksheep Genealogy
Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project, Copyright ©1997-2007, MontgomeryCounty Website
[Transcribed 21 March 2007, SLJuhl, compiler]
"CLORE, Howard farmer and stock raiser, Waveland, is one of the mostsuccessful business men in Howard Township. He was born in Kentucky.In 1819, and is the son of Israel and Frances (Deer) Clore. Hisparents were natives of Madison County, Virginia His father was bornin 1779 and died 18554; his mother born 1783 died 1871. His fathernever lost an opportunity to impress upon his family the duty ofhonesty in their dealings with men. Howard Clore emigrated toMontgomery County. From Kentucky; with his parents, in 1837. In 1837,he was married to Margaret Deer, daughter of John and Margaret (Clore)Deer, both natives of Madison County, Virginia; they emigrated toKentucky, and then to Montgomery County, Indiana. By this union, hebecame the father of 11 children, all of whom are dead but Hannah E;Sarah l and Henry H, who is married to Maria A. Myers. William W,deceased was a volunteer in the 115th Indiana reg. He died in 1865,aged 25 years. His first wife died in 1845; aged 35 years. He wasmarried a second time, in 1857, to Sarah A. Deer, sister to his formerwife and by this marriage they have 5 children, three now living:Howard D, Whitfield and Robert A. This second wife died in 1873, aged49 years. He was married a third time, to Elizabeth Frame, daughterof Robert and Mary (Smeak) LaFollette, both natives of Hardin County,Kentucky. They emigrated to Montgomery County, Indiana in 1826, andhe died in 1876, aged 73 years. Mr. Clore's paternal grandmother wasa pioneer settler in Virginia, and lived to a good old age. Hismaternal grandmother, after having raised a family in Virginia,immigrated to Kentucky, and a second time became a pioneer settler.Mr. Clore settled in Howard Township, where he now lives in 1839. Hiseducation was such as the pioneer schools could give. In religiousbelief, he is a Predestination Baptist, but has never united with thechurch. His father was of the same faith, but, owing to a split inthe church, never became a member after he left Kentucky. Mr. Clorehas a well improved and stocked farm of 400 acres located along theline separating Howard Township from Montgomery County. Lately he hasdeed his children 1, 299 acres of western land. In politics he is astaunch republican. He was raised to believe in equal rights. (1880History of Parke County, Indiana J. H. Beadle, Chicago: H. H. Hill &N. Iddings, Publishers) ( 1874 Atlas of Parke County has H. CloreSection 16 Farming born Boone County Kentucky came to Parke County1840 )" [Transcribed 29 April2008, SLJuhl,]
"Howard CLORE, the 7th child of Israel and Francis Clore was born on afarm in Boone County Kentucky on the 23rd day of March, 1819. In 1837he removed to Indiana and lived for 2 years in Montgomery when heremoved to Parke County. And settled on the farm where he still lives.He is now one of the most extensive farmers in the northern portion ofthe county, having under cultivation 300 acres of land and he hasbesides 1000 acres of land in Iowa and Missouri, a part of which isunder cultivation. Mr. Clore began life a poor man, but being a man ofremarkable business qualifications, has accumulated a large amount ofvaluable landed property. In early life he was a Whig, but since theformation of the Republican Party he has been one of his most activeand zealous supporters. Mr. Clore is now a widower, his second wifehaving died on the 30th day of December 1873 - 1874 - Atlas of ParkeCounty, Page 40" [Transcribed 29April 2008, SLJuhl,]
Lucas County was created in c.1846 and in c.1849 organized. TheCounty seat is: Chariton, Lucas County, Iowa.
29 October 1850 United States Federal Census
District 137, Sugar Creek, Parke County, Indiana; Sarah Clore-sisterliving next door
Roll: M432_164; Page: 243; Image: 487;
Dwelling: 1163/1163
Howard Clore 31, M, Farmer, 3000, KY
Margaret 28, F, KY
William H. 9, M, IN
Amanda 8, F, IN
Matilda 2, F, IN
Henry H. 11/12, M, IN
Obtained 29 January 2008; SLJuhl, compiler.
"U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
Name: Howard Clore
State: Howard Township, Parke County, Indiana
Tax Year: October 18, 1862
Roll Title: District 7; Annual Lists; 1862
NARA Series: M765
NARA Roll: 28
Two Horse Carriages, 100.00/2.00/2.00 U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data: National Archives (NARA) microfilm series:"[Transcribed 29 April 2008, SLJuhl,]
"U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
Name: Howard Clore
State: Howard Township, Parke County, Indiana
Tax Year: June 27, 1864
Roll Title: District 7; Annual Lists; 1864
NARA Series: M765
NARA Roll: 29
Valuation: 699.00
Rate of Tax: 3.
Class: A
No. of Abstract: 32
Class A add Valorem Duty: 20.97 U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data: National Archives (NARA) microfilm series:"[Transcribed 29 April 2008, SLJuhl,]
"U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
Name: Howard Clore
State: Howard Township, Parke County, Indiana
Tax Year: 1864
Roll Title: District 7; Special Income Tax Lists; 1864
NARA Series: M765
NARA Roll: 29
Valuation: 699.00
Income Tax: 84.95 U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data: National Archives (NARA) microfilm series:[Transcribed 29 April 2008, SLJuhl,]
"U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
Name: Howard Clore
State: Howard Township, Parke County, Indiana
Tax Year: 1866
Roll Title: District 7; Annual, Monthly and Special Lists; 1866[Annual]
NARA Series: M765
NARA Roll: 31
Source Information: U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists,1862-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network,Inc., 2008. Original data: National Archives (NARA) microfilm series:"[Transcribed 29 April 2008, SLJuhl,]
"04 August 1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Howard Clore
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1819
Age in 1870: 51
Birthplace: Kentucky
Home in 1870: Howard, Parke, Indiana
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 25,000/5,000
Post Office: Waveland
Household Members: Name Age
Howard Clore 51 Farmer, KY
Sarah Clore 46 K.H. (keeping house), KY
Amanda Clore 29 IN
Henry H Clore 20 IN
Margaret S Clore 18 IN
Sarah E Clore 14 IN
Howard Clore 12 IN
Whitefield Clore 11 IN
Robt A Clore 9 IN
Lenora Clore 7 IN
Elizabeth Deer 38 Housekeeping, KY
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Howard, Parke, Indiana;Roll: M593_349; Page: 86; Image: 173; Page # 4; Dwelling 26/ 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. [Transcribed 29April 2008, SLJuhl,]
"04 June 1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Sarah E. Clore
Home in 1880: Howard, Parke, Indiana
Age: 25
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1855
Birthplace: Indiana
Relation to Head of Household: Daughter
Father's Name: Howard
Father's birthplace: Kentucky
Mother's Name: Betsy
Mother's birthplace: Indiana
Occupation: Housekeeper
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Household Members: Name Age
Howard Clore 61 Farmer, KY, Va, Va
Betsy Clore 52 wife, IN, KY, KY
Manda Clore 38 dau., IN, KY, IN
Sarah E. Clore 25 dau., IN, KY, IN
Howard Clore 22 son, IN, KY, IN
Whitfield Clore 20 son, IN, KY, IN
Robert A. Clore 19 son, IN, KY, IN
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Howard, Parke, Indiana;Roll: T9_303; Family History Film: 1254303; Page: 396.2000;Enumeration District: 168; Image: 0277; dwelling 40/41; page 6; super.4; enum. 168; B. and The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [databaseon-line]. [SLJuhl, Compiler]
"Abstracts of Parke Co., Indiana, Guardian Bonds, 1832-1858,
Abstracted by Lilian Hargrove Weller, Kenma Publishing Co.,
Evansville, IN 1979, p. 34:
Howard Clore, Guardian for Elijah Clore, Josiah Clore, John Clore andAaron Clore [his nephews] heirs of Joel Clore [his brother], deceased.
Date of Appointment: September 13, 1847, Securities: WhitfieldClore, Bond $4800." Taken from the notes of Cathi Clore Frost ofOregon. [Transcribed 29 April 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907
Name: Howard Clore
Issue Date: 1 Feb 1851
State of Record: Indiana
Acres: 40
Accession Number: IN3330__.285
Metes and Bounds: No
Land Office: Crawfordsville
Canceled: No
US Reservations: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Number: 35607
Legal Land Description: Section Twp Range Meridian Counties
8 17-N 6-W 2nd PM Parke U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data: United States. Bureau of Land Management, General LandOffice Records. Automated Records Project; Federal Land Patents, StateVolumes. Springfield, Virginia: Bureauof Land Management, Eastern States, 2007." [Transcribed 29 April 2008,SLJuhl, Compiler]
"Data Source: U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:57:17 AM
View Record Name State of Record Issue Date Meridian County TownshipRange Section View Images
Howard Clore Iowa 1 May 1855 5th PM Lucas Co., IA 73-N 22-W 19 --40 acres
Howard Clore Iowa 3 Jun 1856 5th PM Lucas Co., IA 73-N 23-W 11 --40 acres
Howard Clore Iowa 3 Jun 1856 5th PM Lucas Co., IA 73-N 23-W 24-- 120 acres U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data: United States. Bureau of Land Management, General LandOffice Records. Automated Records Project; Federal Land Patents, StateVolumes. Springfield, Virginia: Bureauof Land Management, Eastern States, 2007." [Transcribed 29 April 2008,SLJuhl, Compiler]