Notes |
- SOURCE: "JAMES C. GRAHAM, born between 1800 and 1820 (1810) in NorthCarolina, died at age about 80 in Iowa and buried there (actuallyburied in Putnam County, Indiana with wife Mary). He had been marriedbefore with children. Only known child was Jonathon Graham (We nowknow that there were more children). James and Mary had sons, GeorgeF. Graham and Aaron A. Graham (also James F. Graham). 1850 censusalso lists a James F. Graham headstone in Jackson Co., IN. with nodates so he possibly died young. In 1850 they are in Jackson Co.,IN., then moved to Iowa and about 1854 returned to Portland Mills,Greene Twp. Parke Co., IN. James operated a daily mail route fromWaveland to Greencastle thru Portland Mills. They later lived inRussellville, Brown Twp. Montgomery Co., IN. He died spending hislast years with his children in Iowa. Per Joyce Lorraine CloreElkins". [Transcribed by, sljuhl, 11 Jan 2005]
"1800-1890; From the notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins
EXCERPT: (Graham) "Weiks - History of Putnam County, Indiana." Pages732/734.
Paragraph I, Page 732 of Aaron A. Graham.
James C. and Mary A. (Reynolds)(Elkins) Graham, the former a native ofNorth Carolina and the latter of Tennessee (Virginia). In a veryearly day they came to Indiana, later moving to Iowa. About 1854 theyreturned to the Hossier State, locating in Portland Mills, Putnam Co.,where Mr. Graham, operated a daily mail route from Waveland toGreencastle through Portland Mills. They later lived in Brown Twp.,Montgomery Co., where Mrs. Graham died at the age of 77 years. Hespent his last days in Iowa with his children, dying there when about80 years of age. They were parents of but two (living) sons: GeorgeF. and Aaron. However Mr. Graham had been previously married and hadchildren by his first wife."
Russellville Cemetery, Russellville, Putnam County, Indiana", J.C.Graham (name on Headstone) (No dates - died in Iowa), Mary Graham, age76 yrs., 10 mo., 3 dys. Died: August 11, 1887."
[Transcribed 20 March 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
1820 - In the 1820 census in Jackson County, Indiana, it gives:
3 males under 10 yrs old:
1 male 26 to 45 yrs old: James Graham himself
1 females under 10 yrs old:
1 female 16 to 26 yrs old
Up through the early censuses, this Graham family not only lived inJackson County, but lived very close or near the family of WilliamElkins. NOTE: "The little town of Elkinsville in Brown County iswhere William Elkins is living, and he is thought to be the firstsettler there. They probably didn't move necessarily, because Jackson& Brown Counties were divided up by 1836."
1830 - SOURCE: In the updated 1830 U.S. Federal Census for DriftwoodTownship, Jackson County, Indiana, page 440, obtained on 01 Dec 2006, and reviewed 14 Jan 2008 by thiscompiler, not only are James Elkins, James C. Graham, Wm. Runnels(Reynolds), and Jonathan Graham listed on the same page as neighbors,but Wm. Runnels (Reynolds) and James Elkins are listed the onedirectly under the other as heads of families and direct neighbors;Wm. Runnels is directly listed above James Elkins and James C. Grahamis listed 10 households above both of them.
1). Wm Runnels = 1 male 10-15 yrs, 1 male 15-20 yrs, 1 male 50-60 yrs(Wm. Runnels); 1 female 5-10 yrs, 1 female 15-20 yrs, 1 female 40-50yrs (this may or may not be Abigail)
2). James Elkins = 1 male 20-30 yrs (James Elkins); 1 female under 5yrs; 1 female 20-30 yrs (Mary Polly A. Runnels/Reynolds)
3). James C. Graham = 1 male 20-30 yrs (James C. Graham); 1 femaleunder 5, 1 female 20-30 (wife); 1 female 60-70 (mother? ormother-in-law?)
[14 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
NOTE: Please review the biography of his son Aaron A. Graham in hisnotes.
MORE SOURCES: From Notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins, ElkinsVolumes
1. Marriage Record: James C. Graham - Mary Elkins
2. Census Readings: Multiple
3. History of Montgomery Co., Ind.
4. Obituaries
5. History of Putnam Co., Ind.
6. History of Parke Co., Ind.
1850 - SOURCE: "06 August 1850 United States Federal Census;WWW.aNCESTRY.COM
Name: James C. Graham
Age: 50
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1800
Birth Place: North Carolina
Gender: Male, Occupation Farmer
James C. Graham 50, as above
Mary 30, female, Tennessee (Mary was older than this, and born inKentucky)
Jonathan 17, male, farmer, Indiana (probably son from first marriage)
George F. 7, male, Indiana
Aaron A. 6, male, Indiana
James F. 4, male, Indiana
Norval Hamilton 26, male, farmer, Indiana
Living next door to Franklin & Eliza Hamilton along with NorvalHamilton in the household of the Graham's, dwelling 12/12.
Home in 1850(City,County,State): Hamilton, Jackson, Indiana
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Hamilton, Jackson, Indiana;Roll: M432_152; Page: 97; Image: 197; dwelling 13/13. United States Federal Census [database on-line]."
NOTE: "In the 1850 census there was also a Norval Hamilton living inthe household of James C. and Mary A. Reynolds Elkins Graham, inJackson County, Indiana, age 26. Located him in Parke County, Indianalater and he married and had children. Lived and died in Greene Twp.,Parke Co., IN.", per Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins. [Transcribed by,sljuhl, 11 Jan 2005]
1860 - SOURCE: "18 Aug 1860 United States Federal Census; page 183;
Name: Aaron Graham
Age in 1860: 16
Birth Year: abt 1844
Birthplace: Indiana
Home in 1860: Green, Parke, Indiana
Gender: Male
Post Office: Portland Mills
James C. Graham 60, M, Farmer, NC
Mary 46 ? can't read very well, F, TN
George 18, M, Farm Boy, IN
Aaron 16, M, Indiana
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Parke, Indiana;Roll: M653_287; Page: 774; Image: 776, dwelling 1332/1322.
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.,2004. [Transcribed 10 March 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
1870 - " 13 June 1870 United States Federal Census
Name: James C Graham
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1805
Age in 1870: 65
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1870: Tama, Tama, Iowa
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Tama
James H. Hollen 50, M, W, Farmer, 10,000/10,000, Indiana
Eliza A. 47, F, W, Keeping House, Indiana
Eva 21, F, W, at home, Indiana
Katie 9, F, W, at home, Iowa
Clarence 5, M, W, at home, Iowa
Fowler, Marion 27, M, W, Farm Laborer, Indiana
Rushe, Charles 20, M, W, Farm Laborer, Germany
**Graham, James C. 65, M, W, at home, North Carolina
NOTE: It looks as if Mary was in Indiana at this time helping family,while James was staying in Iowa with his daughter and son-in-law.
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Tama, Tama, Iowa; Roll:M593_420; Page: 337; Image: 674; Page 23; Dwelling 194/ 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003.
1880 - James C. Graham is not found in the 1880 Census.
1835 - SOURCE: "Accession/Serial #: IN1300__.006 BLM Serial #: INNO S/N;
Acres: 80
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 9/16/1835
Land Office: Crawfordsville
Cancelled: No
U.S. Reservations: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Numbers
Document Nr.: 21271
Accession/Serial Nr.: IN1300__.006
BLM Serial Nr.: IN NO S/N
Parts Sec./
Block Township Range Fract.
Section Meridian State Counties Survey
Nr. W½SE 24/ 18-N 3-W No 2nd PM IN Montgomery" [Transcribed 19March 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
1837 - SOURCE: "Accession/Serial #: IN1370__.280 BLM Serial #: INNO S/N;
Acres: 40
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 3/20/1837
Land Office: Crawfordsville
Cancelled: No
U.S. Reservations: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Numbers
Document Nr.: 25085
Accession/Serial Nr.: IN1370__.280
BLM Serial Nr.: IN NO S/N
Parts Sec./
Block Township Range Fract.
Section Meridian State Counties Survey
Nr. NENE 25/ 18-N 3-W No 2nd PM IN Montgomery" [Transcribed 19March 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
1837 - SOURCE: "Accession/Serial #: IN1380__.415 BLM Serial #: INNO S/N;
Acres: 40
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 3/20/1837
Land Office: Crawfordsville
Cancelled: No
U.S. Reservations: No
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Numbers
Document Nr.: 25728
Accession/Serial Nr.: IN1380__.415
BLM Serial Nr.: IN NO S/N
Parts Sec./
Block Township Range Fract.
Section Meridian State Counties Survey
Nr. SENE 25/ 18-N 3-W No 2nd PM IN Montgomery" [Transcribed19 March 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]