Notes |
- Source: Historic Nelson County, Its Homes and People, by Sarah B Smith
copyright 1982 Page 28 - 29
>From Dec 31, 1776 to Nov 1, 1780 the area known as the State ofKentucky was called Kentucky County, Virginia. On June 30, 1780, theLegislatu re of the Commonwealth of Virginia passed a law, which wassigned by Gover nor Thomas Jefferson creating the three counties ofJefferson, Fayette, a nd Lincoln, in the "Territory" of Kentucky.
The new counties came into existence on Nov 1, 1780 with Louisvil leas the county seat of Jefferson County; Lexington as the county se atof Fayette County; and Stanford as the county seat of Lincoln Count y.On June 1, 1792 Kentucky became the fifteenth state to be admitted tot he union.
1778 census of Charles Co, Maryland (males over 21)
Bryan Town Hundred
Richard Witherington
Benjamim Witherington
Thomas Witherington
John Shuttleworth
Joseph Shuttleworth
The St Mary's/ Charles County Maryland to Kentucky Migration;
There was a general exodus of people out of St Mary's County at the end of the 18th century. There is an excellent reference for thisoccurren ce in Regina Combs Hammett's book "History of St Mary'sCounty, Marylan d" published in 1976.
The migration out of St Mary's County was part of the general movement out of St Mary's/Charles?Prince George's/County. Between 1790 and18 10 the population decreased from 15,500 to 12,800. Hammettattributes mu ch of this relocation to the counties of north-centralKentucky, particula rly to Washington and Nelson Counties The reasonswere numerous; one reas on was that the federal government offeredpayment in land in exchange f or serving in the Continental Armyduring the Revolution.
In addition, between 1789 and 1799, 480,000 acres of western land were offered to promote settlement. Ads were placed in the MarylandJourna l, Baltimore Advertiser and the Maryland Gazette offering cheapland f or sale and through lotteries. Religious reasons have beencited as reaso ns for going; up until the Revolution, Catholics hadbeen denied the rig ht to hold office. The changes from the land rentsystem to the land owner ship system and the associated debt after theRevolution was another contr ibuting factor.
In 1785 a group of St Mary's/Charles County Catholic families form eda "Catholic League" committing to relocate to Kentucky. The Archdiocese in Baltimore agreed to provide a priest if the group settled together in a contiguous area.
Hammett indicates the way of getting to Kentucky from St Mary's/Charles County was consistent. The settlers traveled overland to Pittsburgh, Pa where they boarded flatboats traveling down the Ohio River toMayvil le, disembarking there to avoid the rapids and the Indiansknown to occu py this region. They then proceeded overland to one of ahalf-dozen "stati ons" where there were blockhouses, for protectionagainst the Indians.
Excerpts from "Sketches of the Early Missions of Kentucky" and "The Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky"
In "Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky" by M J Reverend Martin John)Spalding (1810 - 1972) he Writes "The Catholics of theinf ant colonies received him (Rev Whelan, Irish Franciscan Priestprovid ed to the Kentucky families) with open arms. Many of them hadnot seen a p riest for two years. They were poor, scattered over anextensive territor y, they had no church in which the divine mysteriesmight be offered up. T hey were in too destitute a condition to beable to erect even a tempora ry place of worship."
He goes on to state that there were only 50 Catholic families in Kentucky in 1786, which had emigrated from St Mary's and Prince George'sCount y, Martland. William Coomes (Combs/Coombes) and his 16 year oldson Walt er A were the first known Catholics to emigrate to Kentuckyin 1774 - 177 5. The Haydens and Lancasters led the first CatholicColony in Kentuck y, mostly around Pottinger's Creek about 1785. (Oneof the Hydens lo st 7, and another lost 3 family members from thehardship and sickness whi le on the way to Kentucky)
The next spring, 1786, a larger colony of Catholics was led by Captain James Rapier. In 1787, another colony led Phillip Miles and ThomasHil l, then another in 1788 led by Robert Abell. Benedict Spalding leda gro up in 1790.
"The Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky" by Hon Ben J Webb not es onpage 27: The Pottinger Creek settlement; in the year 1785, a leag ueof 60 families was formed in Maryland, all Catholics, and mostlyreside nts of St Mary's County each of whom was pledged to emigrate toKentucky w ithin a specified time (footnote on this page; The UnitedStates Cathol ic Miscellany of Wednesday, December 1, 1824, mentionsthe fact that abo ut twenty Catholic families reached Kentucky in theyear 1785)
Page 28: principal among them was Basil Hayden; other families listed: Philp Lee; William Bald; Bernard Cissell; Charles Payne; WilliamBrewe r; Leonard Johnson; Henry McAtee; Joseph Clark; Stephen Elliot;James Moll ihorne (surname has been spelled Mollohorn/Mollohorn);Henry Norris; Ignat ius Cissel; Ignatius Byrne; Randal Hagan; IgnatiusHagan; Jeremiah Brow n; Robert Cissell; Ignatius Bowles; HezekiahLuckett; Stanislaus Melton; T homas Bowlin; John Baptist Dent; PhilipMiles; Harry Hill; John Hutchin s; Isaac Thawles; John Spalding;William Mahony; Henry Lucas; William Bowl es; John Bowles; JamesQueen; Bernard Nally; James Stevens; Ignatius Frenc h; WashingtonBoone, Frances Bryan, Jeremiah Wathen, Thomas Mudd; Rapha el R Mudd;Walter Burch; Phillip Mattingly; Joseph Spalding; James dent; J osephDant; Urban Speaks; Joseph Edelen; Joseph Howe; Joseph Mills; Har ryMills; Monica Hagan; Rodolphus Norris; Francis Peak.
Page 30 states: Ignatius Cissell was accompanied to Kentucky by his four sons; Rody, Ignatius, Joseph and James. the entire family wasconspicu ous fort its sterling worth and its strong adherence to theCatholic truth .
Submitted by Melissa Thompson Alexander
(some information provided by Jackie Higdon
Forerunners of the later emigration arrived in Kentucky in the 1770 'sand their names can be found in a Certificate Book of Virginia LandCom mission. Most of the migration out of St Mary's/PrinceGeorge's/Charles Co unty occurred between 1790 and 1810. Below is alist of settlements whe re many of the St Mary's/PrinceGeorge's/Charles County ended up;
Pottingers Creek Settlement, begun 1785
Hardin Creek Settlement (ten miles east of Pottingers Creek) begun inear ly 1786
Bardstown, county seat of Nelson Co, Ky, incorporated in 1788(Kentucky ad mitted to the Union in 1792)
Cartwrights Creek (about 20 miles from Bardstown, and now part ofWashingt on Co, Ky) begun in 1787
Scott County Settlement (settled as Woodford) begun in 1787
Rolling Fork Settlement begun about 1788. Some of the StMary's/Charles Co unty residents also settled between Rolling ForkSettlement and present d ay Lebanon.
Cox Creek Settlement (later called Fairfield) begun about 1795
The St Mary's/Prince George's/Charles County residents took their extensive knowledge of tobacco growing with them and in these areas ofKentuc ky, tobacco became the primary "cash crop." They also took withthem a uni que food called "stuffed ham" which is a boiled ham,stuffed with seasonin g, kale and other items. It is served cold andhas a very strong taste, wh ich is an acquired taste. It is stillserved in church dinners in St Mary' s/Prince George's/Charles Countyand the only other place where it is kno wn to be served is inKentucky
Richard came to Kentucky after his marriage, and established his ho meon Cartwright Creek (1795) which was located near the present Catholic Church of St Rose in Washington Co, near the town of Springfield.In 18 02 Richard moved with his family (and probably slave) to CaseyCreek Preci nct # 12, Adair Co, Ky. He was accompanied by the familiesof ; Henry Clem ents, Nicolas Wheatley, Wilfred Miles, and John Speakswho settled on cont iguous farms. This group of families was laterjoined by the families o f; James, Montgomery and several otherfamilies.
Richard's farm (part of a tract owned by John Grundy) of one hundr edacres was situated (according to the deed) "on the East Fork of CaseyC reek - waters of the Green River." Richard, the unofficial leader ofthe g roup, died in the 1830's. It is believed that Richard had sevensons and m ost of the present Wethingtons can trace their roots tohim.
The 1790 census of Charles Co, Maryland
Richard Weatherington as head of a household consisting of:
one free white male over the age of 16
two free white males under the age of 16
five free white females
one slave
The State of Maryland, Know ye that whereas Richard Withington of Charles County by his petition to the honorable Chancellor on behalfhimse lf and others heirs at law to Thomas Withington late of the saidcounty de ceased did set forth that the said Thomas Withington in hislifetime to wi t, on the twenty second day of December seventeenhundred and eighty sev en obtained out of the land office a specialwarrant to resurvey pa rt of a tract of land lying in the Countyaforesaid called "Gate's Rang e" originally on the twenty seventh dayof February seventeen hundred a nd thirty nine granted Joseph Gatesfor eight hundred and sixty acre s. In pursuance whereof resurvey wasmade and a certificate thereof return ed by which it appeared the saidpart of a tract contained eighty one acr es and one half acre to whichthere was added fifty seven acres and thr ee quarters of a acre ofvacant land for which said warrant the said Thom as Withington paid tothe treasurer of the western shore the sum of twen ty one poundsthirteen shillings and two pence coupon as also the sum of o ne poundten shillings for some improvements thereon as appears by the rec eiptendorsed said certificate of resurvey - which certificate bears the date on the fourteenth day of May seventeen hundred and eighty eight.Th at said Thomas Withington died intestate Whereupon the said landdescend ed to the petitioners and Benjamin, Thomas, and JamesWithington, Mary Car ico, widow of William Carico deceased, Rhoda, thewife of Ignatius Brya n, Eleanor, the wife of Basil Bryan, and Annethe wife of Allen Shuttlewor th - his only children and heirs at lawthe petitioners therefore prayed t hat a patent might be issued to himand the other heirs of the said Thom as Withington, aforementioned andthe facts appearing to the chancell or to be truly stated it wastherefore ordered that a patent should iss ue accordingly.
The State of Maryland doth therefore hereby grant and confirm unto the said Richard Withington, Benjamin Withington, Thomas Withington,Jam es Withington, Mary Carrico, Rhoda O'Bryan, Eleanor O'Bryan, andAnne Shut tleworth the aforesaid land resurveyed as aforesaid with thevacancy add ed into one entire tract and called "Withingtons Chance"lying in Charl es County aforesaid
Beginning at a stone fixed in the earth the original beginning of theafor esaid Thomas Withington's part of "Gates Range" and runs thencewith the l ines of the said Withington's part of said "Gates Range"north eighty s ix degrees fifty seven minutes west ninety two perchesthe south twenty se ven degrees forty minutes west twenty perches theleaving the second li ne of said Withington's part of "Gates Range"north thirty four degrees we st forty six perches the south forty fivedegrees west thirty perches fi ve links to the first boundary of"Hunts Venture" then south fifty six deg rees west seventy six perchesto the second boundary of said "Hunts Ventur e" the south fifty twodegrees fifty minutes east twenty eight perches th en south fourteendegrees thirty minutes west twelve perches ten lin ks to twentyperches on the third line of a tract of land called the "T wo Friends"then running and bending with the lines of lines of the "Two F iends"north seventy two degrees forty five minutes east one perches th ensouth seventy two degrees fifteen minutes east one hundred & twenty six perches then leaving the fourth line of the "Two Friends" norththir ty degrees east thirty nine perches then north seventy eightdegrees twen ty seven minutes west twenty one perches seven links tothe end of the ea st line of Thomas Withington's part of "Gate'sRange" then with a straig ht line to the first beginning containingand now resurveyed for one hundr ed and thirty nine acres and one rod.According to the certificate of resu rvey thereof taken and returnedinto the land office bearing date the four teenth day of May seventeenhundred and eighty eight and there remaini ng ; together with allrights , profits, benefits and privileges thereun to belonging. Tohave and to hold the same unto them the said Richard With ington,Benjamin Withington, Thomas Withington, James Withington, Mary Carrico, Rhoda O'Bryan, Eleanor O'Bryan and Anne Shuttleworth their heirsa nd assigns forever, as tenants in common and not as joint tenants tota ke by survivorship. Given under the great seal of the state ofMaryland th is twenty first day of October seventeen hundred andninety four.
Witness The Honorable Alexander Contee Harrison Esquire; Chancellor
Tho'S L Lee Great Seal A C Harrison Chan'c
This land was then sold to a Mr Thomas Waters as evidenced by a de edrecorded February 23, 1795 in Charles County, Maryland and signed by all the parties mentioned in the above document. This action precededthe m oving to Washington County, Kentucky.
At the request of Thomas Waters the following deed was recorded th is23rd day of February Anno Domini 1795.
This indenture made this seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and ninety five between James Witherington,Rich ard Witherington, Benjamin Witherington, Ignatius O'Bryan &Rhoday, his wi fe, Basil O'Bryan & Eleanor, his wife, AllenShuttleworth & Anne, his wif e, Mary Carrico, widow of William Carricoof Charles County and State of M aryland of the one part & ThomasWaters of the same country and state of t he other part Witnesseththat the said James Witherington, Richard Witheri ngton, BenjaminWitherington, Ignatius O'Bryan and Rhoday, his wife, Bas il O'Bryan &Eleanor, his wife, Allen Shuttleworth and Anne, his wife, & M aryCarrico widow of William Carrico for and in consideration of the s umof one hundred and fifty one pounds, five shillings, and six pence tot hem in hand paid by the said Thomas Waters at or before theensealing & de livery of these present the receipt whereof the saidJames Witherington, R ichard Witherington, Benjamin Witherington,Ignatius O'Bryan & Rhoday, h is wife, Basil O'Bryan & Eleanor, hiswife, Allen Shuttleworth and Anne, h is wife, & Mary Carrico, widow ofWilliam Carrico doth hereby acknowled ge and thereby and every partand parcel thereof doth exonerate and acqu it and discharge the saidThomas Waters, his heirs, Executors & Administra tors and every ofthem forever by the these present, they the said James W itherington,Richard Witherington, Benjamin Witherington, Ignatius O'Bry an &Rhoday, his wife, Basil O'Bryan & Eleanor, his wife, Allen Shuttleworth and Anne, his wife, & Mary Carrico, widow of William Carrico hathgiv en granted bargained sold aliened enfolded and confirmed and bythese pres ent do grant, bargain and sell alien enfold & confirm untoThomas Waters a nd his heirs & assigns forever part of a tract of landcalled "Gate's Rang e" and part of a tract called "Witherington'sChance" and bounded as follo ws. Beginning at a stone and runningthence North eighty seven degrees fif teen minutes West ninety twoperches then south twenty seven degrees twen ty three minutes Westtwenty perches to the beginning of said "Withington 's Chance" thenwith said land south thirty degrees forty two minutes we st forty sixperches the south forty one degrees west ninety two perch es to thefirst boundary of "Hunts Venture", then with the lines of "Southoron's Discovery" reversed north five degrees east thirteen perchesthen n orth seventy seven degrees east ten perches then south seventynine degre es east twenty perches to intersect the south line of said"Gate's Rang e" then with the said land south seven degrees thirtyminutes west twel ve perches then north seventy four degrees fifteenminutes east ten perch es then south eighty one degrees forty fiveminutes east one hundred and s ixteen perches and one quarter of anperch to the original dividing line b etween the said Witherington andLevin Sothoson then said line to the fir st beginning containing andnow surveyed & laid out for seventy two acr es and one rod. Andlikewise part of said "Witherington's Chance" lying be tween"Sothoron's Discovery" and the "Two Friends" and bounded as follow s;Beginning at the end of twenty perches on the third line of said "TwoF riends" and running with said line North seventy two degrees thirtyminut es East one hundred perches the south seventy two degrees thirtyminutes e ast one hundred and twenty six perches then north twentynine degrees for ty two minutes east thirty six perches to intersectthe ninth line of sa id "Sothoron's Discovery". Then running with saidlines reversed south eig hty degrees west forty one perches then northseventy nine degrees west o ne hundred and sixteen perches then southseventy seven degrees west ten p erches then south sixty seven degreeswest sixty one perches then north fo rty nine degrees west thirteenperches then south forth four degrees we st four perches then leavingsaid "Sothoron's Discovery" south fifty thr ee degrees eight minuteseast ten perches then with a straight line to t he first beginningcontaining and now laid out for twenty acres three ro ds of land be itmore or less.
To have and to hold all the said land premises both ancient & modernto w it the aforesaid "Gates Rrange" and "Witherington's Chance" withtheir a nd every of their rights members and appurtenances whatsoeverand the reve rsion & reversions remainder and remainders of all andsingular the said l ands tenements hereditements and premises herebygranted and every part a nd parcel thereof and all rents and profitsto them or any of them or a ny part and parcel or any of them incidentbelonging or appertaining and a ll and every the estate and estates,rights, titles, claims, and demands w hatsoever of them the said JamesWitherington, Richard Witherington, Benja min Witherington, IgnatiusO'Bryan & Rhoday, his wife, Basil O'Bryan & Ele anor, his wife, AllenShuttleworth and Anne, his wife & Mary Carrico, wid ow of WilliamCarrico into or out of the said lands tenements hereditemen ts andremises and every part and parcel thereof and all and every the deeds, chartes, writing, and monuments whatsoever touching the said landsten ements hereditements and premises whatsoever hereby grantedintention ed to be granted or any of them or any part or parcelthereof to have a nd to hold the said lands tenements and all otherthe premises hereby gran ted bargained and sold or mentioned orintended to be granted bargained a nd sold and every part and parcelthereof with there and every of their ap purtenances unto the saidThomas Waters his heirs and assigns forever a nd the said JamesWitherington, Richard Witherington, Benjamin Witheringto n, IgnatiusO'Bryan & Rhoday, his wife. Basil O'Bryan & Eleanor, his wif e, AllenShuttleworth and Anne, his wife and Mary Carrico, widow of Willi amCarrico doth hereby grant for themselves and their heirs that the said Thomas water and his heirs the lands tenements & premises herebygrant ed or mentioned to be granted and every part and parcel thereofwith all a nd singular their rights and every of their rights membersand appurtenanc es unto the said Thomas Waters his heirs & assignsagainst them the said J ames Witherington, Richard Witherington,Benjamin Witherington, Ignatius O 'Bryan & Rhoday, his wife, BasilO'Bryan & Eleanor, his wife, Allem Shuttl eworth and Anne, his wifeand Mary Carrico, widow of William Carrico, a nd their heirs and alland every other person or persons whatsoever claimi ng any thing inthe said Lands and premises shall and will warrant and for ever defendby these present.
In Witness whereof the said James Witherington, Richard Witheringto n,Benjamin Withering, Ignatius O'Bryan & Rhoday, his wife, Basil O'Bryan & Eleanor, his wife, Allen Shuttleworth and Anne, his wife, andMary Ca rrico, Widow of William Carrico hath hereunto set our handsand seal the d ay and year first written above.
Signed sealed and Delivered; James Witherington (s); Richard X Witherington (s); in the presence of; Benjamin X Witherington (s);Ignatius O 'Bryan (s)
Alex'd McPherson; Rhoday X O'Bryan (s); Basil O'Bryan (s); Walter Dyson; Eleanor X O'Bryan (s); Allen Shuttleworth (s); Anne X Shuttleworth( s); Mary X Carrico (s);
On the back of the foregoing deed was the written to wit:
Maryland Charles County for February 17th seventeen hundred and ninetyfiv e;
Then came; James Witherington, Richard Witherington, Benjamin Witherington, Ignatius O'Bryan & Rhoday his wife, Basil O'Bryan & Eleanor his wife, Allen Shuttleworth and Anne his wife, & Mary Carrico widow ofW illiam Carrico before us two Justices of the peace for the countyaforesa id and acknowledged the within lands and premises to be theright title a nd estates of the within mentioned Thomas Waters hisheirs and assigns for ever according to the true intent and manner ofthe within deed.
Then came Mary Witherington wife of the said James Witherington and Ann Witherington wife of the said Richard Witherington and MildredWitherin gton wife of the said Benjamin Witherington and RhodayO'Bryan wife of sa id Ignatius O'Bryan and Eleanor O'Bryan wife ofsaid Basil O'Bryan and An ne Shuttleworth wife of the said AllenShuttleworth and relinquished the ir right of dower in and to thewithin land and premises and that they d id the same freely andwillingly without being forced thereto by their sa id husbands orwithout any fear of gaining their displeasure, they havi ng done thesame after privately examined by us apart and out of the heari ng oftheir said husbands.
Alex'd McPherson
Richard appears on the tax lists of Adair County as well as the
1810 census Adair Co, Ky
1820 census Adair Co, Ky
Information received from;
Pat Anderson
9654 Baltimore Ave
Laurel, MD 20723
Witherington, Richard 50 acres; Book F-2; Page 365; Date survey ed10-18-1835; County Adair Water Course Casey Cr
Witherington, Richard 100 acres; Book N-2; Page 495; Date survey ed11-23-1838; County Adair; Watercourse Caseys Cr
Information From;
Family Tree Maker CD 650 Land Records: Kentucky, 1774 - 1924, TheKentuc ky Land Grants, Part 1 Chapter VI, Kentucky Land Warrants 1816- 187 3. CD 650 page number 776
Wetherington, Richard 74 1/2 acres Book 39; Page 9; Date survey ed11-23-1852; County Adair; Watercourse Casey Cr
Information From:
Family Tree Maker, CD 650 Land Records Kentucky, 1774 - 1924, TheKentuc ky Land Grants, Part 2, Chapter X, Grants in The County CourtOrders, 18 36 - 1924. CD 650 page number 1803
Clements, Wethington; Maryland to Casey Co, KY
Obtained: 30 December 2007 per SLJuhl, compiler
From: WorldConnect
Topic: Register Report on Richard Wetherington and Anne AnnShuttleworth.
Note: Only an outline of some of the descendants will be attemptedfrom Richard Wetherington to William Alfred "Verd" Wethington. If youwish more information please refer to the more indepth outline of theRichard Wetherington (b. 1755) Descendants on and ifyou'd like contact Joseph L. Clements as listed on that web site