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- The Last Will and Testament of Joseph Wetherington
In the name of God amen, I Joseph Wetherington of St Mary's County being sick but of sound & perfect memory, thanks be given to almighty God, do make a ordain & appoint this my last will & testament in the form & manner following.
Imprimis I will and bequeath to my beloved son James Wetherington part of a tract of land called 'St Jerome's freehold, lying in StMichael 's hundred in St Mary's County. Beginning at a White Oakmarked with twel ve notches of four sides, containing One hundred &twenty five acres mo re or less, likewise one feather bed, one youngmare, one cow & cal f, to be possessed by him at the age of twenty oneyears, and to remain h is own personal property and his heirs forever
Item I will and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Wetherington, one feather bed one cow & calf to be paid to her at the age ofsixte en years
Item I will & bequeath to my beloved daughter Sarah Witherington o nefeather bed, one cow & calf to be paid to her at the age of sixteenyea rs
Item I will and bequeath to my grand son Abraham Card, one cow and calf. and one brooding sow.
Finally (or ult.)I will and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Jane Witherington all the residue of my estate goods & chattels, bothpersonal a nd impersonal to be enjoyed by her in quiet & peaceablepossession also t he rents due for that tract of land I gave to my sonJames Witheringt on in consideration for giving my 3 children properschooling till such ti me as my son James Witherington comes of age totake the land himself.
And I do likewise appoint my wife Jane Witherington and my son Jam esWitherington, Co- Executors of this my last will and testament, to whom I appoint the guardianship of my two daughters.
And I do give and bequeath to all my Children (except Mary Card) a proportionable part of my wife's part of the said estate, after herdecea se and I do utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul, all & everytestame nt legacy or bequeath by me made, willed, or bequeathed by me,ratifying a nd confirming this to be my last & witnesswhereof I have s et my hand and seal, this 19 day of March Onethousand seven hundred and s eventy Eight
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Joseph (h is mark)Witherington
George Davis; Lawson Davis
Form of a Schedule. The condition upon which my two daughters, Elizabeth & Sarah Witherington hold the aforementioned promises is that theyst ay at this place on which I now live or at that on which John Colenow liv es.
St Mary's County, for the 20th day of April 1779
Then came George Davis and Lawson Davis, the two subscribing witnesses to the within last will and testament of Joseph Witherington la teof St Mary's County deceased and severally made oath of the HolyEvange los of almighty God that they did see the testator thereinnamed sign a nd seal this will and they heard him publish pronounceand declare this sa me to be his last will and testament, that at thetime of his doi ng so he was to the best of their apprehensiveness ofsound mind memo ry & understanding and that they respectivelysubscribed their names as wi tness to this will, in the presence andat the request of the testator, a nd in the presence of each other.
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Reg. Wills