Notes |
- ID: I00659 Name: **James WITHERINGTON Sex: M Birth: 1690 in CalvertCo, Maryland Death: 1732 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, MarylandOccupation: Farmer Reference Number: 659 Note:
NOTE: Starting with the offspring of James and Elizabeth I havemaintained the WETHINGTON spelling for the sake of continuity in myrecords. The descendents of James appears to be documented andreasonably accurate. However the ancestors of James involves a littleproof and a lot of guesswork. JLC
Wethington is spelled in many different ways depending upon the areaof the country, but this Witherington seems to be the correctprogenitor of most of the Wethingtons, especially of the
Maryland and thus the Casey/Adair Co, Ky descendents.
There is some evidence (not proven as yet) that the Wethingtons ofCasey/Adair Co, Ky originated in the Northumberland area of England,which actually borders Scotland. They were very possibly a part of theJacobite (three separate rebellions) Movement and were forced to leaveEngland as indentured servants for various times of servitude. Theother choice was to be executed for treason.
James lived on a plantation of 200 acres called "Withingtons Chance"in Charles Co, Maryland.
History: 1705 - 1795 (w) "Withingtons Chance", Charles County,Maryland
(Tract "Withingtons Chance" ; 1705 - 1719, 200 acres Charles County,Maryland Wm Withington:
1724 James Withington pd the tax on 139 1/4 acres. It was surveyed toThomas Withington & his children being James Witherington, RichardWitherington, Benjamin Witherington who paid the taxes in 1794,Ignatius & Rhoda (Rhoday) O'Bryan, Basil & Eleanor O'Bryan, Allen &Anne Shuttleworth, Mary Carrico widow of William:
1795 sold to Thomas Waters, part of the "Witheringtons Chance", lyingbetween "Sothorons Discovery" and the "Two Friends", about 20 acresand 3 rods.
There was an inventory of James' estate on Jan 20, 1733 and probatedJuly 14, 1773 in St Mary's Co, Maryland;
14 cattle, 19 sheep, 9 hogs, 16 shoat, 2 horses, 1 mare; 1 servantwith 7 months to serve & household items.
Kin Henry Atwood and minors. Elizabeth Witherington said that she knewnot more kin.
Court records of Charles County, Maryland (unknown file number)
Inv Bk 17, p718 Inventory of the goods chattels, rights. credits ofJames Witherington late of Saint Mary's County, appraised by usunderwritten Jan 20th 1733, (Inventories page 7/8, 1734) 14 head ofcattle, 19 head of sheep, old hogs, & 16 shoats, 2 old horses and oldmare, a servant man seven months to serve, old feather bed andcovering, 2 old bed steads and 3 old pots and hooks, 1 Spit and newbox Iron, and 3s or old pewter, 1 pot hanger & 12 of old iron, 3 oldaxes & 4 old hoes, wearing apparel, 5 yards of coarse lining and 3 oldbooks, large table and old chest, 2 old bags and mans saddle and 2bridles, 1 old plow and harrow, and canoe and gegg, old earthware andglass bottles, 1 old gunn and two small hides, 1 knife and fork anddrum hooks, 2 old drumlines & new one, 13 lb of wool and 14 lb ofcotton, 1 old pair of wool cards and 1 cotton, 3 lb 100 cloath yarnand 1000, s nails, parcel of old lumber and 1 old frying pan,
Total 52 pounds, 15 shillings, 6 pence
Creditors; John Hicks & Absolom Tennefor;
Kindred Henry Atwood, no more kin;
Appraisers; Thomas Underwood & John Gayther
Probate; 14 Jul 1733 St Mary's County, Maryland (estate ElizabethWeatherington admx.
sureties William Dunbar & Anthony Underwood
Court records of Charles unknown file number, BK 29 7 366 St Mary'sCounty Maryland
There was a final accounting on May 31, 1735 in St Mary's Co, Marylandby William Dunbar and Elizabeth, wife and administrator; divided 1/3to accountants (widows dower) residue to John; Joseph; James; William;Thomas; Eleanor and Mary Weatherington, all orphans of James deceased.
Court records of Charles County unknown file number, Bk 15 folio 79TAS St Mary's County Maryland
Information From:
Carol (Ghers) Mitchell
134 Schnauzer Lane
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
James Weatherington 15. 79 A SM 52 lbs 5 shls 6 pence; 66 lbs 17 shlsMay 31 1736
Sureties: Anthony Underwood; William Dunbar (accountant).
Received from: William Harrison.
Payments to: Absalom Tenison; Capt John Hicks; John Guyther; MaryTayler; James Egerton; James Smith; Thomas Underwood; Thomas MackettSr; Thomas Mackett Jr; Solomon Jones; Col Richard Hopewell; ChristianHart; Thomas Plumer; John Green; Mr Edward Diggs
Distribution To: accountant (173). Residue to (orphans): JohnWeatherington; Joseph Weathering; James Weatherington; WilliamWeatherington; Thomas Weatherington; Eleanor Weatherington; MaryWeatherington.
Administrators: William Dunbar and his wife Elizabeth Dunbar
Information From:
Family Tree Maker, CD 206 Genealogical Records: Maryland ProbateRecords, Prerogative Court Abstract, 1731 - 1737, Abstracts 1731 -1737 page 152
Father: **William (III) WHITTINGTON b: 1671 in Calvert Co, Maryland
Mother: **Elizabeth TAYLOR b: ABT 1670 in Calvert Co, Maryland
Marriage 1 **Elizabeth UNKNOWN b: ABT 1695 in St Mary's Co, Maryland
Married: 1714 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
John WETHERINGTON b: ABT 1716 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
Joseph WETHERINGTON b: ABT 1718 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
James (II) WETHERINGTON b: ABT 1720 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co,Maryland
William WETHERINGTON b: ABT 1722 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co,Maryland
**Thomas WETHERINGTON b: 1724 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
Eleanor WETHERINGTON b: ABT 1726 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co,Maryland
Mary WETHINGTON b: ABT 1728 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland