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- ID: I00658 Name: **Thomas WETHERINGTON Sex: M Birth: 1724 inLeonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland Death: 22 DEC 1787 in Bryantown,Charles Co, Maryland Occupation: Farmer, slave owner Reference Number:658 Note:
1775 Census of St James Parish, Charles Co, Maryland of ThomasWitherington;
one white woman
three white boys
four white girls
one Negro man
one Negro woman
one Negro boy
one Negro girl
Census taken by John Harbin, Constable of Bryantown, Charles Co,Maryland
Thomas owned "Gates Range", and "Withinton's Chance" in Charles Co,Maryland
On August 7, 1779, Thomas purchased twenty-nine acres in "Gates Range"with all the houses and out house buildings, gardens, orchards,fences, pasture woods. underwoods privileges, and appurtenances fromReverend Bennet Neal for the sum of two hundred and thirty-seven (237)pounds.
At the request of Thomas Withinton the following deed was recordedthis 17th day of August 1779.
This Indenture made the 17th August in the year of our Lord onethousand seven hundred and seventy nine between the Reverand BennetNeale of St Mary's County in the province of Maryland of the one partand Thomas Withinton of Charles County of the other part Witnessththat the said Bennet Neale for and in consideration of the sum of twohundred and thirty seven pounds current money to him in hand paid thereceipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge thereof and therefore dothacquit the said Thomas Withinton his executors and administrators hathgiven granted bargained sold aliened enfolded conveyed and confirmedand by these presents and for my self and my heirs doth hereby grantbargain sell align enfold convey and confirm unto the said Thomas
Withinton his heirs and assigns forever a parcel of land lying inCharles County and being part of a tract of land called "Gates Range"and bounded as follows;
Beginning at abounded stone running thence south eighty six and onehalf degrees west two perches then south west by south half a pointsouth sixty four perches then south by west forty perches then easttwelve degrees south one hundred forty four perches then with astraight line to the beginning containing twenty nine acres more orless with all the houses out houses buildings gardens orchards fencespasture woods underwoods privileges and appurtenances to the said landnow belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the saidBargained and sold lands and premises to him the said Thomas Withintonhis heirs and assigns forever and the said Bennett Neale doth covenantpromise grant and agree that he shall & will warrant and foreverdefend the said land and premises to the said Thomas Withinton hisheirs and assigns against him the said Bennet Neale and against allother persons claiming or to claim the same from by or under him
In Witness whereof the said Bennet Neale hath hereunto set my hand andaffixed my seal the day and year above written
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of: Bennet Neale (seal);Rich'd Barnes; Joshua Sanders
On the back of the foregoing deed was this indorsed to wit;
Charles County for August 17th 1779 then came the Rev'd Mr. BennettNeale before us the subscribers two of the Justices of the peace ofthe County aforesaid and acknowledge the written deed to be his actand deed and the lands and premises with the appetencies withinmentioned to be the right title and Inheritance of the writtenmentioned Thomas Withinton his heirs Executors administrators andassigns according to the true interest and meaning of the within deedand the act of assembly in such case made and provided Taken andAcknowledged before: Rich Barnes; Joshua Sanders; Charles CountyAugust 17th 1779
Then received of Mr Thomas Withinton the sum of Two hundred and thirtyseven pounds current money of Maryland the consideration money withinmentioned; Bennet Neale
Witness: Rich'd Barnes; Joshua Sanders
Deed of 17 February 1795 from children to Thomas Waters for landadjacent "Gates Range" and "Whitington's Chance" in Charles County,Maryland
Bond 17 Aug 1789 Charles Co, MD ; estate bond granted Ann (?)Witherington, relict (of Thomas) Sureties: Joseph Hagan (of John) andJames Witherington, for 200 pounds
Bond 20 Mar 1790 Charles Co MD, Admin. Bond, Thomas Witherington dec'dof Charles Co MD granted James Witherington
Sureties: William Carrico & William Witherington for 500 lbs ster.
Probate 29 Mar 1790 Charles Co, MD (1st acct. by James Witheringtonadmr DBN but widow was not dec'd among other was debt pd James &Vincent Carrico
Signed by: Richard Witherington & William Carrico)
Probate 21 May 1792 Charles Co MD
Admr: James Witherington
Sureties. Richard Witherington & Wm. Carrico
Final acct: heirs widow (Dorothy) & 8 ch. viz; Mary, Richard,Benjamin, Rhody, Thomas, Eleanor, James & Anna
Information From:
Pat Anderson
9654 Baltimore Ave
Laurel, MD 20723
Father: **James WITHERINGTON b: 1690 in Calvert Co, Maryland
Mother: **Elizabeth UNKNOWN b: ABT 1695 in St Mary's Co, Maryland
Marriage 1 **Margaret Monica JONES b: 1730 in St Mary' s Co, Maryland
Married: ABT 1747 in St Mary's Co, Maryland
**Eleanor WETHERINGTON b: 1748 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
James WETHERINGTON b: 1750 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
Rhoda Ann WETHERINGTON b: 1751 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
**Benjamin WETHERINGTON b: 1753 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
**Richard WETHERINGTON b: 1755 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
Mary WETHERINGTON b: 1757 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland
Thomas WITHINGTON b: 1762 in Leonardtown, Charles Co, Maryland
Marriage 2 Dorthea UNKNOWN b: ABT 1740 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co,Maryland
Married: ABT 1765 in Brayntown, Charles Co, Maryland
Anne WETHINGTON b: 1774 in Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, Maryland