Notes |
- 1 - FEVELAS, Charles Marie de
lieutenant colonel
Naissance : 26.8.1783 - Bourg en Bresse
Dâecáes: 26.12.1864 (81 ans) - Saintes
Signature : signe peut-ãetre
Fils de FEVELAS, Pierre Joseph
et de CHRISTOLLèET, Pierrette Antoinette
[ pdf file recieved as e-mail attachment from Rene Lacroix 21 Sept. 2009 ]
2 - Department [ seal: Law of 1816 third district [ seal: 75c ] of the Moors 50 C in addition ] Town hall of Holy Spirit [ in the margin of left: ] Marriage of Fevelas Charles Marie & Elisabeth Scott Extracted the Register of the marriages which took place downtown this during the year 1822 the year millet huit-cent twenty-two and the twenty-two [?] "November By front us Timothâe Lachapelle mayor and officer" of the marital status of the commune of Holy Spirit, canton of this name "Department of the Moors, are appeared Mr Charles Marie of" Fevelas thirty-nine years old, major with the ninth Regiment of Light infantry "in garrison with the citadel of this city, knight of the royal orders" & soldiers of Louis Saint & of the Legion of native honor of borough "department of Ain, wire major and of "fevelas known as [..]et in its alive owner, & of injury united Antoinette Christolet", making for him and on its behalf of the assent of the injury his/her "mother represented by Mr Theophilus Doussy royal & assistant notary" of mayor of this city y domiciled, as it conste [? ] of the procuration to "us given under the date of October Sixteen millet huit-cent twenty-two" with the report/ratio of Me Rollet and its colleague notaries in duly "legalized Bourg, proceeding en[.]re my known as-Sieur Fevelas under the terms of the authorization" of Its Excellence the Minister Secretary of State to the department of the "war under the date of twenty-seven twenty-two "On the one hand" And young lady Elisabeth Scott huit-cent, without profession, old from "Twenty-two ans1, born with ancrum in Scotland, major and legitimate girl of fire" Mr Jean Scott in his alive Baronet and colonel with the Service of S.M. Britannique, & injury united Henriette Graham, living this city, rural section of Saint-Etienne, house of Mâerignac making for "it assent and in the presence of the injury His/her mother On the other hand. Which required us To proceed to the celebration of the "marriage projected between them, and whose publications were made in front of [ fÀ 2 ]" the principal door of our common house; To know: were the first the ten "of November the year huit-cent-vingt-deux millet, per hour of midday, and" the second, the ten seven of the same month aforesaid hour and year, Pareilles "publications made in Bourg Sundays six and thirteen of the month -" Of October like it conste[? ] certificate with us given under the date of the eighteen of the 1 the birth certificate of Elizabeth Scott of Ancrum attests that it was born well in 1796 and not in 1800. Its arrival in France (with his/her mother?) after the death of his/her father east it seems recorded in Bayonne on an act of 1814, cf "even month delivered by Mr Charrasse first assistant in aforesaid" the town hall duly legalized. No opposition to the known as marriage having been meant us, granting their indictment, after having read out all them "parts Ci mentioned above, and of chapter VI of the civil code" entitled marriage, we asked the engaged couple and with the "future wife, if they want to be caught for husband and woman each one of them" having answered separately and in the affirmative, We declare in the name of the law, "that Mr Charles, Marie, of Fevelas, & young lady Elisabeth" Scott are plain in marriage, in the presence of Sieurs Jean-Franðcois Count "O' Mahony2), fifty years old, ninth regiment of Light infantry "knight of the royal orders and soldier of Saint Louis, officer of the" Legion of honor, decorated with the order with the Turkish crescent, resident at Midsummer's Day "of Luz, Charles, anibal, foulcq baron old Dumerle of fifty-seven" years, Lieutenant of the King, knight of the royal orders and soldier of Saint "Louis & of the Legion of honor, Etienne, Philippe, Joseph, Brac of" old Laperriere of thirty-five years, inspector of the royal Customs, knight "of the Legion of honor & Guillaume, Jean, Barthomivat count of" Labesse forty seven years old, colonel of Vingtrtoisiáeme [ Line Knight of Saint-Louis, and the Legion of honor "living Bayonne Which, after it to them was also given of it" reading, signed with us. Signed with the register of Fevelas M [.. ] Elisabeth "Scott, Henriette Graham, Cte O, mahony A. Bon Dumerle, Cte of" Labesse, E Brac de Laperriáere, Doussy and To Lachapelle. Collated in conformity with the register delivered by us [ seal: illegible ] mayor of the town of Holy Spirit on July seven millet huit-cent twenty-six 2 Jean-Franðcois, count O' Mahony was born in Calais on 7 October 1772, baptized the following day. Its godfather is Jean O' Mahony of the castle of Dunloe. His/her father who still lived Calais in 1880, put it in the fathers of the Oratory of Boulogne whereas it had yet only 7 or 8 years. A 14 years (1786) it is confirmed with the cathedral of Boulogne. From there his/her father led it to the regiment of Dillon to present it at the officers and its former brothers in arms (September 30). It thus enters at 15 years as second lieutenant of replacement to the Irish regiment of Dillon or his/her future father-in-law of Power was also, like Mac Donald, which was always his/her friend and later made Marshal of France. Under lieutenant in foot in 1787, it emigrates in 1791 with the officers of its regiment, is named captain in the same regiment of Dillon the following year and makes the Champagne countryside under the orders of the princes. Passed to England after the dislocation of the army in 1793, there remains one month there then returns Ireland where he is received with arms opened by his family where there remains 18 months at Daniel, with the castle of Dunloe. It turns over in 1794 to England where Royal Irish Brigade is raised (where his/her beautiful father is also) in which it will be useful until 1799. There remained 6 months with Portsmouth and the island of Wight, being held ready to leave with its regiment. During this period, his/her parents of Ireland provided largely for its needs. In June 1795 it joined Cork with its regiment and remains in Ireland during nearly 3 years. It makes the campaigns in the Western Indies into 96 and 97. In 1799 it leaves its regiment and passes to England where it takes service with the German regiment of the Queen (become 27th of line English) with which it makes the campaigns of the Mediterranean (1799-1800) and Egypt (1801- 1802) during which it is wounded in Alexandria and is decorated with the Turkish crescent. It had been appointed pomegranate captain in 1801. After the peace of Amiens, it returns to France in 1803 and rents in Boulogne on sea a house street Midsummer's Day. It often went in Honvault. It often saw the emperor in Boulogne and it sometimes happened to him even a day to go on its foot. In 1804 it came to be fixed in Paris, to the 18 Poissonniáere boulevard. Appointed major in 1809 it makes the campaigns of 1809, 1810 and 1811 with the armies of Spain and Portugal. He is a major of the Irish regiment in 1812, colonel of this same regiment (become the 3rd foreigner) in 1813. He was in Antwerp during the blockade of 1814. Having expressed its feelings for the Bourbons it is suspended and imprisoned during 6 weeks before being exiled to have wanted to involve its regiment in the royal cause. In 1815 it is patented colonel by the king but resigns with the return of Napoleon (l"usurpator"). Colonel of the Legion of the High Loire this same year. He is named Marâechal of the camps in 1823, by ordinance of the duke of Angouleme, commander-in-chief of the army of the Pyrenees. He receives the higher command of Sherry then that of the 3rd brigade of the division of Cadiz and is named general inspector of the Infantry for the 14 and the 15th division soldiers in 1825. He enters within the framework of reserve in 1831 and dies in Boulogne in 1842, 70 years old. He had been made knight of Saint Louis on August 3, 1814 by the duke of Berry, was commander of the Legion of Honor, large cross of Ferdinand Saint of Spain, carried the decoration of the Othoman crescent and the Lily. He had on married June 12, 1815 in Paris 6th Anne Eugenie Clâementine of Power, born in Paris on April 28, 1790, girl of the count Jean de Power, former officer, and of Marie Henriette Brancour, of where Julie Francoise Clâementine, born in 1819, married to Andrâe Hyppolite Bourdon, trader with Valencians and Charles Louis Ernest (sources: file SHAT, note written by his/her Ernest son; according to [ readable signature: ] T Lachapelle [ fÀ 3 ] Jean Antoine Lodáeve 1st judge f.f. with [? ] the President of the civil court of Dax, the prevented holder, Let us certify that the Signature of the other patt affixed is that of Sieur Lachapelle Maire of Holy Spirit and that faith must be added there Dax, July 8, 1826 = [ seal: illegible ] [ readable signature: ] Lodáeve [ readable signature: ] J [? ] Lacouture
[ Babel translation of Marriage contract forwarded in pdf format by researcher Marc Gabolde ]