Notes |
- SOURCE: Book - History of Montgomery County, Indiana: with personalsketches of representative citizens (c.1913), pages 1141-1143. [c.2005database on-line at], Indianapolis, Indiana: A.W.Bowen & Company; Obtained: Saturday, 16 August 2008, by SLJuhl,Compiler & Genealogist (
DOREN CLORE - Conspicuous among the representative businessmen andpublic-spirited citizens of Montgomery County is the well-knowngentleman whose name forms the caption of this article. Doren Clore,agriculturist and hardware merchant in Waveland, Brown Twp, has madehis influence felt for good in his community, being a man of sterlingworth, whose life has been closely interwoven with the history of thecommunity in which he resides and whose efforts have always been forthe material advancement of the same, as well as for the social andmoral welfare of his fellow men, and the well regulated life he hasled, thereby gaining the respect and admiration of all his fellowcitizens, entitling him to representation in a biographical work ofthe scope intended in the present volume.
Mr. C. was b. in Montgomery Co, IN Nov 24, 1852. He is a son of Simeon& Mary (LUSK) Clore. The father was b. in the state of KY, in the year1821 and his death occurred May 27, 1902. The mother was b. in Indianain the year 1824 and her death occurred 1859. These parents receivedvery limited schooling; however, the father became a widely read man.He devoted his life successfully to general farming and stock raising.His family consisted of seven children, still living: Salmon; Joe;Julia Ann; Susan; Doren; Marvin and Mary. Five of them live in thisCounty.
Doren Clore was reared on the home farm and there he assisted with thegeneral work about the place when a boy, attending the common schoolsin the wintertime. He has been content to spend his life in MontgomeryCo. He was married Sept 1, 1881 to Molly E. GAINES of Boone CO Kyhaving been b. there on Feb 7, 1859. There she grew to womanhood andreceived a good common school education, subsequently attendingHamilton College at Lexington, thus becoming highly educated. She is adaughter of Alonzo and Mary (CHRISTY) Gaines. The father was b. Sept20, 1825 Boone Co KY and his death occurred Jan 26, 1885. The motherof our subject was also born in Boone Co Dec 1, 1826, and she wascalled to rest on March 10, 1874. Alonzo Gaines received a very goodeducation for those early days and he followed school teaching untilhis married, then turned his attention to farming and was verysuccessful as a general farmer and stock raiser. He was a loyalDemocrat, but he was not a public man, staying close to his work onthe farm. He and his wife were highly honored in their community,known for their hospitality and neighborliness. Regarding the latter,we quote the following lines that appeared in a home paper at the timeof her death: Died March 10, 1875 at her home in Boone Co, at the ageof 48 after an illness of several months, Mrs. Mary Gaines, wife ofAlonzo and daughter of Simeon and Olivia CHRISTY. Mrs. Gaines had beena member of the Christian Church for 17 years. She was a good and truewoman in all the walks of life, sympathizing and charitable, andillustrating in her own conduct all the higher Christian virtues. Shewas ever ready with means and counsel to assist all who laid claim toher aid or attention. As a Church member, she was the stay and supportof the weak and her wise counsel and affectionate admonitionsencouraged the doubting and the timid. It may truly be said of herthat she served well her Master. As a neighbor she will be sadlymissed from the community from whose midst she has been taken and as awife and mother her husband and children have been bereft of a trueand devoted friend whose equal they can never know on earth and forwhose loss there is no consolation save that to be found in thecontemplation of a happy meeting in the realms of eternal bliss whereher poor soul has found a resting place in the bosom of her God." Twochildren were born to Alonzo Gaines and wife, Molly E, wife of Mr.Clore of this review and Alonzo, Jr. The latter was b. May 27, 1861.He married Addie UTZ and he has continued to reside in Boone Co KYwhere he is engaged in farming. Doren Clore has devoted his activelife to general farming and stock raising in southwestern MontgomeryCo and now in addition he owns a 1/2 interest in a hardware store inWaveland. A large trade is carried on with the surrounding country,and as a farmer, he has been very successful. He lives in Wavelandwhere he has a fine modern home, attractive and commodious, containing10 neatly furnished rooms. Through his able management and closeapplication, Mr. C. has become one of the substantial men of hiscommunity. Politically, he is a Progressive. Mrs. Clore is a member ofthe Christian Church and is faithful in her support of the same."
SOURCE: "Death Records, Montgomery County, Indiana
Reported Deaths, C;
Name Sex Age Date of Death Location Book/Page Notes
CLORE Doven (Doren) M 82 December 22 1934 Waveland H32 35 "
[Transcribed 09 June 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
SOURCE: "Cemetery Records, Crawfordsville Public Library,Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
Last name First name Birth Death Death age Other CDPL Upd DAR Cemetery(Township)
Clore Doren 1852 1934 82y 1-86 4-73 Maple Cemetery (Brown)"
[Transcribed 09 June 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
Doren Clore, son of Simeon and Mary Lusk Clore was born in MontgomeryCounty, Indiana November 24, 1852 and died December 22, 1934 at age 82years having lived his entire life in the county of his birth. Heowned the hardware store in Waveland, Indiana in partnership with hisbrother Salmon. He was a lover of nature, the woods, trees and birds. He is survived by his widow, one sister, Mrs. Mary Shirk and nephews. he lived on East Main Street, Waveland, Indiana and is buried atMaple Ridge Cemetery." SOURCE: Notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkinsof Parke County, c.1975-2003, from the Clore Family Volumes (now ownedby her daughter Sandra Lee Elkins Juhl, Compiler); Page 130.
SOURCE: Newspaper Article - "Doren Clore - car
Doren Clore has traded the car that has served him so long andfaithfully to the Waveland Motor Co. for a Pontiac Six. Mr. Clore wasone of the pioneers in the use of the motor car, the Maxwell that heand his brother owned jointly being one of the first in this section."
2003 USGenWeb Project for Montgomery County, Indiana, Karen Zach.
Last Modified on © Saturday, 13-Jan-2007 11:54:27 MST Karen Zach
HTML By: Blacksheep Genealogy
Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project, Montgomery County Website