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Montgomery County, Indiana
Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & FountainCounties, Indiana (Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 555; Copy obtainedSaturday, 16 August 2008 by SLJuhl, Compiler & genealogist from database on-line at also, as well as, the source listedbelow (
Henry H. Clore owns one of the finest residences in the northern partof Parke County, which is situated on his finely improved farm onSection 1, Sugar Creek Township. He is a native son of the county,having been born in Howard Township in 1849. His parents are Howardand Margaret Deer Clore, the former born in Boone County, Kentucky in1819. Grandfather, Israel Clore was of German descent. The twobrothers of his wife served in the War of 1812. Israel Clore, soonafter his marriage, removed to Boone County, Kentucky, where he boughtland and settled at a very early day. Of his children, two are stillliving, namely Howard and Simeon, who live in Montgomery County,Indiana. The others were Joel and Melinda, Lucinda, Uriel andBerryman. The last two died within the last year. In 1837, the fatherof Israel Clore removed to Indiana, locating in Montgomery County. Hehad also made a number of trips tot his state, where he entered landof the Government. he was a hard worker and whenever he could get alittle money ahead he would come to Indiana and enter land, sometimeswalking all the way from Boone County. He was drafted for the War of1812, but hired a substitute. His death occurred August 18, 1854 andthat of his wife April 17, 1870. He was first a Jacksonian Democrat,and afterward became a Whig. He was a member of the Hard Shell BaptistChurch. To each of his children he gave a good farm about 160 acres.Howard Clore was educated in the subscription schools of Kentucky,which he never attended more than 6 days after he was 10. On Dec. 12,1839, he married Margaret Deer, whose father, John Deer, was a nativeof Virginia, removed to Kentucky, and finally located in MontgomeryCounty, Indiana where he entered land at an early day. Mrs. Clore wasborn in Boone County, Ky and died November 6, 1856. After his firstmarriage Mr. Clore located on the farm which he now operates on Sec.16, Howard Township, Parke County. No improvements had then beenplaced upon the farm, which has since been developed entirely by him.In 1868 he built the large and imposing house where he now lives.Before this his home had been an old-fashioned double log house. Hisfarm comprises 520 acres, which with the exception of 40 acres, is allin one body. On New Years Day, 1859, Howard Clore was again married,the lady being Sarah Deer, sister of his first wife. After her deathhe married Mrs. Elizabeth Frame. He had 11 children by his firstunion, 5 by his second. Those living are: Amanda Ellen, who lives athome; Henry Harrison, subject of this sketch; Sarah L; Howard, Jr. whois a farmer in Lucas County, Iowa; and Whitfield, who is engaged inpartnership with his brother Howard in stock-raising in Lucas Co,where they have 850 acres of land. In 1852, Mr. Clore went to Iowaand entered about 700 acres of land. Mr. Clore, Sr. has his farmsuperintended by another and is not actively engaged himself onaccount of his age. He has one of the finest farms in the county, allupland. He has a large amount of stock on the place and in the pasthas raised considerable for the market. His home was built at a costof $8000 in 1868. Mr. Clore is honored by all who know him and thoughnot a church member, has a strong love for everything relating toreligion, especially that inclining toward Universalism. Henry H.Clore received a district school education in Howard Township, wherehe resided until shortly before his marriage, which occurred in his20th year, the lady being Miss Susanna M. daughter of Franklin andSarah SOWERS MYERS. Mrs. Clore was born in Jackson Township, FountainCounty, Indiana where her parents were early settlers. They were bothnatives of NC. Six children have blessed the union of our subject andwife, their names being as follows: Franklin F; Lillie M; Lydia J;Otha E; Bessie B and Bertha. Soon after his marriage Henry Cloreremoved to Lucas County, Iowa where his father had entered 279 acres.This he carried on and resided upon for four year, but becomingdissatisfied returned to Indiana, settling first in Montgomery Countyand afterward removing to his present farm, which comprises 178 acres.The owner is especially interested in stock fine variety of goodanimals. He erected a beautiful home on n his place which is the abodeof hospitality and good cheer. Politically he is a supporter of theRepublican party."
Last Modified on © Saturday, 13-Jan-2007 11:54:29 MST
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© Copyright Saturday, 13-Jan-2007 11:54:29 MST Karen Zach
HTML By: Blacksheep Genealogy
Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project, Copyright ©1997-2007, MontgomeryCounty Website
Data contained within this website may only be used with permission ofthe submitter, for non-commercial research and educational activities,and for personal genealogical information. [Transcribed by, SLJuhl,Compiler, 19 March 2007,]
DEC. 29, 1922 -- "Henry Clore, the father of Otha Clore, died at hishome near Wallace on Monday morning. He was cranking his car, and instepping back fell over a can, causing injuries that resulted in deathin a few hours." SOURCE: Notes of Cathi Clore Frost of Oregon in therecords of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins, page 124. [Transcribed 26April 2008, SLJuhl,]
"1850 United States Federal Census
Name: Henry H Clore
Age: 0
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850
Birth Place: Indiana
Gender: Male
Home in 1850(City,County,State): Sugar Creek, Parke, Indiana
Roll: M432_164; Page: 243; Image: 487;
Dwelling: 1163/1163
Howard Clore 31, M, Farmer, 3000, KY
Margaret 28, F, KY
William H. 9, M, IN
Amanda 8, F, IN
Matilda 2, F, IN
Henry H. 11/12, M, IN
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Parke,Indiana; Roll: M432_164; Page: 243; Image: 487. 1850United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005." [Transcribed 30 April 2008, SLJuhl,Compiler]
"04 June 1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Henry Clore
Home in 1880: Howard, Parke, Indiana
Age: 29
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851
Birthplace: Indiana
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Maria
Father's birthplace: Kentucky
Mother's birthplace: Kentucky
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
Henry Clore 29
Maria Clore 30 wife
Howard F. Clore 8 son
Lilly Clore 6 dau.
Lidia Clore 5 dau.
Otha E. Clore 3 son
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Howard, Parke, Indiana;Roll: T9_303; Family History Film: 1254303; Page: 396.2000;Enumeration District: 168; Image: 0277; Page 6; Super. 4; Enum. 168;Dwelling 40/41. and The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005."[Transcribed 30 April 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"18 June 1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Henry H Clare
Home in 1900: Sugar Creek, Parke, Indiana
Age: 50
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850
Birthplace: Indiana
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Spouse's Name: Susanna M
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
Henry H Clare 50 Nov. 1849, Farmer, Both marr. 30 yrs., IN, KY, IN
Susanna M Clare 51 May 1849, wife, 8 child/6 living, IN, IN, IN
Jessie L Clare 25 May 1875, dau., IN
Otha E Clare 23 Dec. 1876, son, Farmer, IN
Bessie M Clare 14 Nov. 1885, dau., IN
Bertha L Clare 12 Sept. 1887, dau., IN
Amanda E Clare 52 ?Mar/Jan. 1842, sister, IN, IN, IN
Sarah Clare 45 Jan 1855, sister, IN, IN, IN
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Parke,Indiana; Roll: T623 396; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 62; Super. 5;Enum. 62; Sheet 8B; Dwelling 154/155. 1900 UnitedStates Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2004." [Transcribed 30 April 2008, SLJuhl,Compiler]
"20 April 1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Henry H Clore
Age in 1910: 60
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850
Birthplace: Indiana
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: United States of America
Mother's Birth Place: Indiana
Spouse's Name: Susannah M
Home in 1910: Sugar Creek, Parke, Indiana
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
Henry H Clore 60 Both marr. 40 yrs., IN., US., IN., Farmer, Farm,reads & writes
Susannah M Clore 60 wife, 8 child/6 living, IN., NC., IN., reads &write
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Parke,Indiana; Roll: T624_373; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 90; Image:1100; Super. 5; Enum. 90; Sheet 2B. 1910 United StatesFederal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The GenerationsNetwork, Inc., 2006." [Transcribed 30 April 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"02 January 1920 United States Federal Census
Name: Henry H Clore
Home in 1920: Sugar Creek, Parke, Indiana
Age: 70 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850
Birthplace: Indiana
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Susanna M
Father's Birth Place: Kentucky
Mother's Birth Place: Indiana
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Male
Home owned: Own
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 1066
Household Members: Name Age
Henry H Clore 70 no occupation
Susanna M Clore 70
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Sugar Creek, Parke, Indiana;Roll: T625_443; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 63; Image: 1066;Dwelling 2/2; Enum. 63; Super. 5; Sheet 1A. 1920 UnitedStates Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005."
[Transcribed 30 April 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
- (Medical):See Notes.