Notes |
- 1). Source: Redenbaugh/Douglass Group member # 4. E-mail dated:Thursday, December 14, 2006. Copy in Douglass Records. Contactcompiler at for further information.
2). Source: Redenbaugh/Douglass Group member # 2. E-mail dated:Friday, December 15, 2006 11:18 PM. Copy in Douglass Records.Contact compiler at for further information.
Sarah Elizabeth VanCleave's parents Samuel and Rachel VanCleave. Myinfo comes from the writings of James William VanCleave, it doesn'tgive dates, but it gives info on who these two people were.
Rachel VanCleave, daughter of John VanCleave and Marjary Kerns,married Samuel VanCleave, a son of "Upper Aaron", son of John. He wasknown as Black Sam on account of his dark complextion, hair and eyes.He lived on the east side of the Terre haute Rd. about three milesfrom Brownsvalley.
Elizabeth (this is later stated as the Sarah Elizabeth who marriedMcMullen, and then Elrod)
The article is long, so I will skip through some of it, :
Rachel, his wife was a good woman, sort of a naturalist. When a girl,she was fond of examining things. She had to work some in the fieldswith her older sisters. She was not a tidy housekeeper. Hersister, Martha McMullen would go see her and find things about thehouse in a loose shape, so Martha would straighten things up.
When Rachel died, she was buried in the Church yard west of the Terrehaute Rd., known as the Presbyterian Church. After her death, Samuelmarried Lindy VanCleave, a sister to Big John and Big BenVanCleave???? Samuel and Lindy had children:
Samuel died, and Lindy sold out and moved to Wapplo Co. Iowa. Aftershe died, Her children moved to Webster Co. Iowa to be with theirhalf brothers .Preston and Richard
Elizabeth, the oldest daughter of Samuel and Rachel was not liked verywell in her school days. Seemed to have a disagreeable temper. Whenshe was grown, she prided herself on her needle work. She married hercousin, Benjamin McMullen. they lived in Joe Phelp's house forseveral years. Annette was their eldest child, then Joseph Lindsay,then two deformed children, Martin and Mary. They moved to a newhouse on the farm, and had daughter Martha. Benjamin died of fever,and in a few years, Elizabeth married Harden Elrod. They had somechildren, moved to Iowa, then Kansas, then Colorado, and back toKansas. Harden died on the way back, and Elizabeth lived in Lion Co.Kansas the last we heard of her. " [Transcribed 16 December 2006,SLJuhl, compiler]