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- SOURCE OF CENSUS RECORDS: Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins of ParkeCounty, Indiana; Records kept in Elkins volumes under William & RhodaElkins section. [daughter, SLJuhl, compiler;]
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Joseph Elkins
Age in 1860: 37
Birth Year: abt 1823
Birthplace: Indiana
Home in 1860: Owen, Jackson, Indiana
Gender: Male
Post Office: Mooney
Household Members: Name Age
Joseph Elkins 37
Prudence Elkins 33
Hannah Elkins 18
William Elkins 15
Francis Elkins 13
John Lacy 13
Albert Lacy 11
John Elkins 11
Serilda Elkins 7
Mary E Elkins 1
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Owen, Jackson, Indiana;Roll: M653_268; Page: 451; Image: 64. 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line].
In the 26 August 1850 Federal Census, page 227/114, dwelling 255/258for Salt Creek Township, Jackson County, Indiana, it was noted byJoyce Elkins in her research that there was a Peter Elkins, 15 yearsold listed with the family of Joseph & Tabitha Elkins, however withhis age, Peter Elkins could not have been a son of Joseph & TabithaElkins. Upon re-checking the census record again on www.Ancestry.comthis compiler noted the same findings, and could not find any otherindications of relationship from the original census page. It isstrongly believed by this compiler that Peter Elkins is the son ofJames & Mary Polly A. Reynolds Elkins. After James died it was notedthat his son William H. Elkins was living with Amaziah Elkins, andsince Joseph is Amaziah's brother (both Amaziah & Joseph are sons ofWilliam & Rhoda Elkins) it's quite possible that James's son Petermight be living with Joseph & Tabitha Elkins as well during the 1850census year. See James & Mary Polly A. Reynolds Elkins notes.Peter Elkins disappears in all of the census records after 1850. Itis assumed that he died young. SLJuhl, compiler;
SOURCE: BOOK-History of Jackson County; Obtained per Joyce LorraineClore Elkins bef. 2003; Pages 339-340.
Joseph Elkins was born Feb. 13, 1823 in what is today, Brown County,but then considered Jackson County. He was the son of William andRhoda (Stephens) Elkins. His parents had come from Pulaski County,KY. c. 1817, being the first white family to settle the area, firstliving in a block house located in Lawrence County. This block housewas built to protect against the Indians.
Rhoda had married Richard Elkins, in Kentucky before she marriedWilliam. They had sons, Francis and Thomas and possibly otherchildren, besides Joseph. William and his wife Mariah, born 1818,married William Stogdill; Drury, born 1819, married Nancy Uley,William married Rachel Cummins and Ambazar married Hannah Cummins.The Cummins girls were daughters of Daniel and Nancy Collier Cummins,also early settlers of Jackson County.
Joseph was reared at Elkinsville. According to his obituary, the townwas named for his brother, as he owned the land where Elkinsville waslocated.
Joseph married Tabitha Fergason in 1840. They were married in BrownCounty. They purchased a farm three miles east of Kurtz, living therethree weeks prior to his death. He moved to Freetown, where he diedMay 19, 1913.
Their children were Hannah Elkins, born 1841, married (1) EliShortridge, (2) Richard Collier; William, born 1842 died 1939, marriedAdeline Charles; Francis Elkins, born 1841, died in Civil War;Cerilda, born 1853, married Lemeul Borders and John was born c. 1848.
John Elkins married Sarah Kinworthy, daughter of John and Sally HattonKinworthy. They were married in Jackson County in 1868. Sarah hadmarried a Mr. Banks first and had two daughters, Mary and MahalaBanks.
Tabitha died after the birth of their youngest daughter, Cerilda andhe married Prudence Black Lacy. their children were Mary Elizabeth,born 1859, married (1) Henry Williams, Amshire McClellan, born 1862,married Mary Elizabeth Surgeon and Samantha Ann, born 1865 and died1882.
After Prudence died in 1894, he married a third time, ElizabethEdwards.
One of Joseph's great-granddaughters, Eva Burford, tells that hergrandmother, Mary Elizabeth Elkins Williams Maples, told thefollowing: "Joseph sent two of his sons out one evening to work thefields. the panthers then had a route to they followed, going Northin the Spring and South in the Fall. All of a sudden he heard thepiercing scream and realized it was panthers, so he jumped on hishorse, going immediately to for the boys." The times were difficult,with the wild animals at stalk, and the gun was a partner to the plow. Thank goodness, the boys were safe.
Some of his descendants still reside in Southern Indiana: but thetimes and large families forced many to leave the beautiful county andsettle in other parts of Indiana, some moving into Wisconsin,Michigan, Illinois, etc..." continues on page 340 with moreinformation on ancestors and descendents such as Drury Elkins, JesseElkins, etc...[Transcribed 10 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler; dau. ofJoyce L. Elkins;]
ELKINS--JOSEPH ELKINS, one of Jackson's County's oldest and mostrespected citizens, died at his home at Freetown, of infirmities ofold age, Tuesday afternoon, May 20, 1913, aged 90 years and 3 mo.Deceased was born near Elkinsville, Brown County, in February, 1823and was probably the oldest citizen in this county. He was a son ofMr. and Mrs. William Elkins. The town of Elkinsville was named for abrother of the deceased as he owned nearly all the land upon which thetown was built. About sixty years ago he moved on a farm three milesEast of Kurtz, where he resided until about three weeks ago he movedto Freetown. He was married three times, his last wife surviving him. He also leaves three sons and one daughter, VIZ: John and William, ofSandborn, Ind., McClellan, of Maumee, and Mrs. Mary Williams, ofKurtz. The funeral services were conducted at the M.E. Church atFreetown Friday morning by Rev. Wesley Maynard, after which theremains were laid to rest in the Bagwell Cemetery." SOURCE: JoyceLorraine Clore Elkins of Parke County, Indiana bef. c.2003.[Transcribed 10 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
This is to certify, that our records show: Name: Joseph Elkins diedMay 19, 1913, at Salt Creek Township. Age at death 90 years, SexMale, Color White, Married. Primary cause of death given wasSenility. Certified by: F.W. Kern, M.D., Kurtz, Indiana. Place ofburial or removal: Bagwell Cemetery, Jackson Co., Ind. Date of burialnot given, George T. Manuel Funeral Home, Jackson Co., In. Record wasfiled May 1913, Book No. H-9, Page no. 58. Seal J.M. Black, M.D.,Local health officer." SOURCE: Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins of ParkeCounty, Indiana bef. c.2003. [Transcribed 10 January 2008, SLJuhl,compiler]
Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
Name: Joseph Elkins
Date: 19 May 1913
Location: Salt Creek Township
Age: 90 yr
Gender: Male
Race: White
Source Location: County Health Office, Brownstown
Source Notes: The source of this record is the book H-9 on page 58within the series produced by the Indiana Works ProgressAdministration. Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 [database on-line].
[Transcribed 12 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
Probate, Jackson Co., Term #191 - 1909-1911 - page # 186 by C. Stultz8/11/1982
No. 5747 Estate of Joseph Elkins, deceased-Elizabeth A. Elkins, widow
Comes now Elizabeth A. Elkins, widow of said decedent, and asks andorder and decree of tis court, vesting in her all of said estate asnot exceeding in value the sum of $500.
And the court find said Elizabeth A. Elkins, his widow, tobe held and owned by her as her sole and seperate property, under theprovisions of the statute in such cases made. Fall-1913:" In therecords of Joyce Lorraine Elkins of Parke county, Indiana.
[Transcribed 10 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler; dau. of Joyce L.Elkins;]
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865,
Name: Joseph Elkins/with Andrew J. & William A. Elkins
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Indiana
Regiment Name: 22 Indiana Infantry.
Regiment Name Expanded: 22nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Film Number: M540 roll 22
National Park Service. U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007.Original data: National Park Service, Civil War Soldiers and SailorsSystem, online <>, acquired 2007.
[Transcribed 12 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]