Notes |
- From Barry Wetherington:
Gasham CASE
BIRTH: The "LDS Collectors Library: Early LDS Membership Data" CD-ROM, 1995 Infobases Inc., lists Gasham's name three ways: Goshen CASE, Gashum C. CASE, or Gershon C. CASE. It gives his birth 16 Mar 1915 (sic, 1815?) or March 1918 in Colbrain, Hamilton, OH. It gives the source as "Early Church File". It refers to an 1851 Utah Federal Census (which I have not yet seen) as the source for Jacob CASE being Gasham's father.
MARRIAGE: Married in 1834 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, to Susan FITCHETT. But they were also married 7 September 1851 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. They were probably remarried as Mormons, or this was some kind of Mormon sealing ceremony.
BIOGRAPHY: From ONE OF SAN BERNARDINO'S OLDEST AND LARGEST FAMILIES: THE CASE FAMILY, "Gashum C. Case was born near West Cincinnatti, Hamilton County, Ohio, March 16, 1815. He was the son of Jacob and Elizabeth Case, and married Miss Susan Fitchett near Cincinnatti,Ohio, 1834. Miss Fitchett was born in Walnut Landing, Dorchester County, Maryland on May 11, 1817, and was the daughter of John and Esther Fitchett. Shortly after their marriage, they moved to West Quincy, Adams County, Illinois, and then to Perry, Pike County, Illinois...."
MOVE: Susan BEATTIE, of St. Louis, MO, wrote in a 14 Feb 1997 e-mail, "My best guess is a good chunk of the family moved from Cincinnati to Adams County either en masse or in rapid succession in the 1830's -- I know that Sarah Bell and James McNUTT arrived in 1834. Since the present day McNUTT's lineage is full of both LDS and RLDS notables, I'm sure they would know if Sarah and any of her sibs had been early converts and would have mentioned it. Sounds to me like they came out like a lot of other folks because the land was cheap and productive, and at least Gasham CASE and Levi JONES joined the church in the period between Far West and Nauvoo, when several thousand Mormons were given refuge in and around Quincy."
COURT: In the early 1840s, G. CASE and Susan Jane CASE were witnesses in acourt case at Quincy, Adams County, IL. (info from Susan BEATTIE, of St. Louis, MO).
RESIDENCE: The "LDS Collectors Library: Early LDS Membership Data" CD-ROM, 1995 Infobases Inc., has a comment saying, "Goshan was on the Nauvoo membership list", according to "Nauvoo: Early Mormon ... Series, 1839-1846", by Lyman PLATT, 1980. Another source listed was "Nauvoo Social History Project", by James SMITH.
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, COVERED WAGON FAMILIES: GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS -- PIONEERS STAYED IN VALLEY AS CHURCH ISSUED RECALL, "In 1841, Mr. and Mrs. CASE became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. When the Saints were forced to vacate their homes in Illinois in 1846, the CASE family located with the exiled Saints at Winter Quarters, where they remained until 1849, when the group crossed the plains. /// Mr. CASE was captain of 10 wagons in an ox train led by Capt. George A. SMITH. This company left Winter Quarters, on the bank of the Missouri river, July 4, 1849, and arrived in Salt Lake valley on Oct. 27, of the same year. Only the most capable and trustworthy men were placed as captains, as they were responsible at all times for wagons placed in their care. "
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, COVERED WAGON FAMILIES: GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS -- PIONEERS STAYED IN VALLEY AS CHURCH ISSUED RECALL, "Gashum CASE spent two years working on the tabernacle at Salt Lake and contributed $20,000 toward the expense."
CENSUS: 1850 U.C. Census (Utah County, Utah). Gershon C. CASE, 36y, born OH, cooper, $400.
Susan, 34y, born MD. Children listed: John (16y, born OH), Melinda (14, IL), James (11), Elizabeth (8), William (6), Mary J. (4), and Alice CASE (2, IA). Also with the family was Willis MORSE, 20y, laborer, born NY; and Andrew KELLEY, 25y, laborer, born Ireland.
BIOGRAPHY: From ONE OF SAN BERNARDINO'S OLDEST AND LARGEST FAMILIES: THE CASE FAMILY, "On April 24, 1853 at the little settlement of Palmyra, Utah, Mr. Case was married to Samanthy Wells who was born in Morgan County, Illinois, January 18, 1836. In 1854 [1852, according to COVERED WAGON FAMILIES], Mr. Case and other Saints were transferred to San Bernardino. For several years he hauled freight between Utah and San Bernardino...."
BIOGRAPHY: From the National Daughters of the Golden West, info from a Gladys Case BAKER, graddaughter of Gasham, "[Gasham] was the Captain of the wagon train which crossed the plains in 1854 at which time Mrs. Van Leuven was deprived of her clothes by the Indians. Made several trips to Salt Lake hauling freight. Was famous for the art of preserving meats and vegetables and making sourkrout and pickles. In emergency cases presided in the absenceof an M.D."
BIOGRAPHY: From ONE OF SAN BERNARDINO'S OLDEST AND LARGEST FAMILIES: THE CASE FAMILY, "In 1858 the Saints, who were located in San Bernardino, were instructed to return to Utah and the settlement of San Bernardino as a Mormon town was vacated. Most of the faithful Saints obeyed the instruction received, and at the close of 1858 very few members of the church remained in San Bernardino; The Case family did not return to Utah. Mrs. Samanthy Case passed away at Peetneck, now Payson, Utah, on March 9, 1860, leaving three children; one baby boy only a few days old. The interment was at Stewart Plot, Payson Cemetery, Payson, Utah...."
CENSUS: 1860 U.S. Census (San Salvador, San Bernardino, California). Gersham C. CASE, 46y, teamster, $150 real estate, $360 personal estate. His wife Susan, 45y. Children listed: James (20y, born in IL), William W. (15 IL), Mary Jane (13 IL), Alice (11 IA), Marion (5 CA), Laura (5), Adelbert (3), Susan M. (2), and Gersham E. CASE (1).
CENSUS: 1870 U.S. Census (San Bernardino County, California. page 425). Gracham CASE is 63y, born in OH, farmer, $600 real estate, $400 personal estate. His wife Susan is 53y, born in MD. Children listed: Delbert, Grachum, Susan, William, Rosel, Worthelle, and Harriet CASE, all born CA, all "at home" except for William, Rosel, Worthelle, and Harriet who are "attending school" too.
FAMILY: From the 1870 census one would assume these last four children to be Gasham's children. But, all other sources only list nine children of Susan FITCHETT's and three children of Samantha WELLS.
These children – William (b. 1860 CA), Rosel (b. 1862 CA), Worthelle (b. 1863 CA), and Harriet CASE (b. 1865 CA) -- fit in their ages as if they were the next younger siblings (Susan CASE, the last child listed known definitely to be a child of Gasham's, was 12 years old in 1870, while William CASE, the first unknown, was 10 years old). But, Gasham already had a child named William W. CASE who was 16 years old (though living elsewhere?) Who are these children? Gasham is listed as living right next door to his son James CASE. Other family members live nearby.
CENSUS: 1880 U.S. Census (San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California. Vol.8, E.D. 63B, Sheet 22,
Line 1). G.C. CASE, 75y, born OH, parents born NJ. His wife Susan, 63y, born MD, father born England, mother born MD. Child listed: William W. CASE, 36y, born IL, widowed, unemployed laborer.
Gilbert street and Waterman avenue. He traded the property to Alexander KEIR for a grey horse and an adjoining 12 acres was traded for a span of mules."
BIOGRAPHY: From ONE OF SAN BERNARDINO'S OLDEST AND LARGEST FAMILIES: THE CASE FAMILY, "Mr. Case was a cooper by trade and although he had never studied medicine, he was often called to aid the sick. During his last illness, he would try to rise from bed to suggest remedies for those who were ill. He was a friend to all. He passed away at the old family home at Eighth and H streets, San Bernardino, on October 20, 1885. Interment was at Pioneer Cemetery, San Bernardino...."
Susan Catherine FITCHETT
LEGEND: The family legend that came down through my line told that Susan FITCHETT's father was the governor of Maryland. The story that came down through the line of cousin Bayford BUTLER said that her father was a minister in the Episcopalian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. John FITCHETT is on the 1820 U.S. Census (Dorchester County, Maryland, page 57), where he is listed as being in Commerce.
LEGEND: My grandmother (Frances CASTELHUN TRIMBLE) wrote in her notes on the family that Gasham and Susan's names were on plaques in Salt Lake City since they were founders of the city. On my trip to Salt Lake in Summer 1994 I tried to find this plaque, but no luck. The legend probably comes from that fact that James CASE is on a plaque. His name is listed on the Brigham Young Memorial which is located in the middle of the street between Temple Square and the old Hotel Utah. James CASE, son of Joseph CASE and Lydia MILLS, grandson of Asahel CASE and Dorothy PHELPS, as far as I can ascertain, was no relation of Gasham Case CASE.
BIOGRAPHY: From the National Daughters of the Golden West, unknown informant, "Grandma [Susan Fitchett] Case as she was lovingly called by all of her descendents was honored by all who knew her, for her kindness and goodness and mothering of all who came within her door."
BIOGRAPHY: From ONE OF SAN BERNARDINO'S OLDEST AND LARGEST FAMILIES: THE CASE FAMILY, "Mrs. Susan Case was the mother of nine children, and after the death of Mrs. Samanthy Case, she brought her three little children into the home and cared for them as if they were her own. After the passing of Mr. Case, she made her home with a son at Willows, California, where she passed away in the early part of 1898. Interment was at the Masonic Cemetery, Willows, California.
[Gasham Case] has many descendents, and with the exception of a few, all are living in California."
BURIAL: Susan Fitchett CASE is buried at the masonic Willows Cemetery, Glenn County, CA. Grave F, West 1/2 of Block 70. The gravestone says "Pioneer Mother". It appears that Marion CASE lived at 305 Ivy Street, Chico, when he bought that lot in the late 1890s, but the address might have been from when it was sold 20-30 years later. A genealogist who once corresponded with the office was a Barbara DUNN, 3820 3rd Avenue #1, San Diego, CA 92103.
OBITUARY: From the Willows Promoter, "Death of an Aged Lady. Susan M. Case, died at the home of her son, M. Case, this morning. She had been ill but a few days and bore up with remarkable fortitude to the end. Mrs. Case was one of the early settlers of California having arrived here in 1849 from Maryland in which State she was born. She was nearly eighty-one years of age. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon."
OBITUARY: From Saturday, 12 Feb 1898, in the Willows Promoter, "Yesterday morning at the residence of her son in this city Mrs. Susan C. Case passed from this life at the ripe old age of 80 yrs. Deceased had only been ill a couple of days and on the morning of her demise awoke and was quite cheerful. An hour later she was a corpse. Mrs. Susan C. Case was a native of Maryland, age 80 yrs. and 9 mos. She came to Calif. with her two sons in May 1854 and settled in San Bernardino Co. where she resided almost continuously for the past 40 yrs. About five mos. ago she came here on a visit to her son Marion Case and up to within a few days has been in best of health. The funeral will take place from the Case residence on Shasta Street this afternoon at 3 PM."
OBITUARY: From the Willows Promoter a few days later, "Card Of Thanks. We take this method of thanking those friends who so nobly came to our assistance and extended their sympathies during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Susan C. Case. Although almost strangers in Willows the aid and sympathy lent us in our sad affliction by those kind friends makes us feel that at least an expression of
appreciation is due them. Mr. & Mrs. M.M. Case."
RESEARCH: The cemetery office in Willows is interested in updates on Susan FITCHETT's ancestry so they can update their genealogy file. Their address is: Willows Cemetery District, attn: Raymond Mertle, Rt. 1, Box 69, Willows, CA, 95988.
Samantha WELLS
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Gashum CASE's second wife, Samanthy Wells CASE, had three children, Erie, Delbert and Laurie Case CLARK."
DEATH: Gashum Era CASE was only about a month old when his mother, Samantha(WELLS) CASE, died. Laura Ellen (CASE) CLARK, who was five years old, laterclaimed to remember her real mother.
The three children were raised by Susan(FITCHETT) CASE as if they were her own.
the death of Mrs. Samanthy CASE she brought the latter's three children into her home and raised them with her own."
RESEARCH: The records of Payson (used to be called Peteetneet Town), Utah,UT, were destroyed in a fire in 1892.
BURIAL: Stewart Plot, Payson Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Utah.
CHILD 1 John Fitchett CASE
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "John I. CASE, son of Gashum and Susan CASE, married Elizabeth DOYLE. The couple had six daughters and one son. They are: Ina C. McGIRR, Minerva C. DEWITT, Lanora C. COLE, Alice C. JENKS, Della C. MUNRO, Clara CASE and John M. CASE. /// Farley and Lela are the children of Ina C. McGIRR, Ora D. BLAKE is the child of Minerva C. DEWITT. Lanora C. COLE is the mother of Riley COX, Nolan, Lena BECKLEY and Hazel KAAKE. Hilary is the child of Alice C. JENKS. John M. and Mollie McKittrick CASE had one son, Leslie D. CASE, who married Irene BRUNTON. The latter couple have two children, Lloyd and Louise."
CHILD 2 Malinda Hamilton CASE
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "The children of Malinda Hiltman WELCH were Martha SEARLE, Artimus BISHOP, Julia LAW, Susan MEEKS, Boman MARTON, James, Alice FORBES, Mary
Elizabeth REEDER, Carol, Stella BRENTLINGER and John. There are 168 descendents of Malinda Hiltman WELCH. Those best remembered are Herbert LAW of Longs Beach, CHURCHILLs and Goldie CORNETTE of Garden Grove."
CHILD 3 James Hillman CASE
WAR: Civil War (Indian Wars); In 1856 he enlisted under Capt. Robert CLIFTS in the First Light Dragoons of First Brigade, 1st Division of CA Militia, and made a trip to Utah with the regiment. During December of 1861 he enlisted in Company E., First California Cavalry, and served with his regiment in Indian Wars in California, Arizona, and New Mexico and as far away as Texas, being honorably discharged at Santa Fe December 20, 1864. During the Battle of Cook's Canyon he was one of nine cavalrymen who successfully resisted sixty-two Indians, of whom they killed eighteen, with a loss in their own company of only one killed and two wounded. On being discharged he traveled from Fort Craig down the Rio Grande river to Las Cruces, thence across the country to Tucson, and down the Gila River to Fort Yuma, thence across the desert to Warner's ranch, arriving at San Bernardino February 7, 1865, more than three years after he had left home for services in the Civil War.
CENSUS: 1870 U.S. Census (San Bernardino County, California. page 425). James CASE, 30y, born IL, teamster, $1000 real estate, $400 personal estate. Elizabeth, 20y, born IL. Children: Jessie and Stella CASE, both born CA.
CENSUS: 1880 U.S. Census (San Bernardino County, California). James CASE, 40y, born IL, father born OH, mother born MD, farmer, can't read and write. His wife Mary Elizabeth, 35y, born MO, parents born MD. Children listed: Jesse, Susan Stella, Francis Florence, and Mary Sinna CASE. The children attended school within the year.
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "James CASE married Lizzie FOLKS. Their children were Jessie CASE, Stephen M. CASE, Serena C. SMITHSON, Stella HEAP and Florence SMITHSON."
CHILD 4 Elizabeth Ann CASE
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "The children of Elizabeth Ann DODSON are Ely, Janie Young, Gashum, Silas, Marion, Lidgie, Kate MATTERSON, Mary DEAKINS, William, John and Susan BRADLEY. There are also 28 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and 14 great, great grandchildren."
CHILD 5 William Wallace "Colonel" CASE
CENSUS: 1870 U.S. Census (San Bernardino County, California). William CASE, 26y, born IL, gambler, $200 (?) real estate. Jilla, 19y, born AZ. Children listed: Chris CASE, age 8/12, born CA.
RESIDENCE: In 1897, "W.W. CASE of Willows" was a witness to the marriage of Minnie Elizabeth CASE and Peter Elba BENTLEY.
CHILD 6 Mary Jane CASE
MARRIAGE: San Bernardino Marriage Records, FHL US/Can microfilm #1290189
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Mary Jane DODSON was the mother of Josephine D. SMITH, Henrietta McMULLEN, Jeanette GUY, Mary REED-DEWITT and Gertie WEEKS. She was also the grandmother of Henrietta Guy HARRIS and Ralph GUY."
CHILD 7 Alice Addaline CASE
BIRTH: Info from a Sherlee Hendricks letter says she was born in Pisbee, IL
MARRIAGE: The female marriage index record listed her under 1 Aug 1863 in the Salt Lake microfilm.
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Alice POPPETT was the mother of John, Huley, George, Edward, Morson, Ira, Irene HITCHCOCK, Grover, Thurman, Leah MARTIN and Freddie POPPETT. There are many descendants of that family in Southern California, particularly in San Bernardino valley."
CHILD 8 Marion Fletcher CASE
BIRTH: Marion Fletcher CASE was born 10 Sep 1854 in San Bernardino, CA, the son of Gasham Case CASE and Susan FITCHETT.
CENSUS: Marion CASE is 5 years old on the 1860 U.S. Census (San Salvador, San Bernardino, California), in the household of Gersham C. and Susan CASE.
CENSUS: Marion CASE, 16y, was not with Gracham & Susan CASE on the 1870 U.S. Census (San Bernardino County, California. page 425). Where was he?
MARRIAGE: FHL US/Can microfilm #1290190; San Bernardino Marriage Records; 20 September 1874 San Bernardino County, California; by B.F. Mathews, JP; names written as Marion Case & Harriet M. Simmonds.
RESIDENCE: In 1875, Marion CASE was in San Bernardino, CA, because of the birth of son Marion Wallace CASE.
RESIDENCE: In 1877, Marion CASE was in San Bernardino, CA, because of the birth of daughter Lillie Roene CASE.
RESIDENCE: In 1879, Marion CASE was in San Bernardino, CA, because of the birth of daughter Minnie Elizabeth CASE.
CENSUS: 1880 U.S. Census (San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California. Vol. 8, E.D. 63B, Sheet 22,
Line 12). Marion CASE is 25y, born CA, father born OH and mother born MD, occupation "gambler".
His wife Harriet Maria is 22y, born CA, parents born England, occupation "keeping house". Children: Marion Wallace, Lillie Roene, and Minnie CASE. Gasham CASE is on the same page.
LEGEND: Legend tells that Marion Fletcher CASE was a big-time gambler. Supposedlly he once won a stagecoach line to Arizona, and in another game he won $25-$40,000 in gold. He taught my grandmother (Frances CASTELHUN) to play poker when she was six years old. In the 1880 U.S. Census Marion CASE's occupation was listed as "gambler". His brother William W. CASE also listed his occupation as
"gambler", but on the 1870 Census.
RESIDENCE: In 1883, Marion CASE was in San Bernardino, CA, because of the birth of son Arthur Nemiah CASE.
RESIDENCE: In 1887/88, Marion CASE was in southern California, because of the death of his wife Harriet in Los Angeles. In 1888 he married Minnie WINSELL in Los Angeles.
RESIDENCE: In 1889, Marion CASE was in San Bernardino, CA, because of the birth of son Byron Winsell CASE.
RESIDENCE: In 1898 he was in Willows, Glenn County, CA, according to his mother's obituaries. He was probably also there in 1897 when Minnie CASE, of Willows, married Peter BENTLEY.
CENSUS: 1900 U.S. Census (Red Bluff, Tehama, California. Vol. 46, E.D. 184, Sheet 19, Line 1).
Marion CASE, born Sep 1854 CA, 45y, married 12y, father born OH, mother born MD, rents a house.
His wife Minnie F., born Nov 1862 CA, 37y, one child born and living, father born IL, mother born PA.
Children listed: Marion W., Lilly R., and Arthur N. CASE, and Minnie E. BENTLEY, everybody literate.
Marion F. BENTLEY is a baby grandson (father born MO).
RESIDENCE: Marion's obituary says that he settled in Chico in 1900.
BURIAL: The Redding Cemetery burial records show that "Baby Case", late residence at Redding, was interred on 24 May 1901, no further information. N.W., Block 15, Lot 6, Grave 4. Was this a child of Marion and Minnie?
BIOGRAPHY: Paul TRIMBLE says Marion CASE was a progressive in that he believed in education for women. He sent his daughters to high school and apprenticed them to a dressmaker and a milliner. He later sent them to nursing school.
RESIDENCE: James Fletcher WINSELL's death record in 1906 shows that his daughter, wife of Marion CASE, was in Chico in 1906.
RESIDENCE: The 1909 Chico City Directory lists M. CASE, retired, living at 305 Ivy Street.
RESIDENCE: The 1910 Chico City Directory lists M. CASE (wife Minnie), laborer, living at 305 Ivy Street, phone Red 301.
RESIDENCE: The 1911 Chico City Directory lists Marion CASE (wife Minnie), laborer, living at 305 Ivy Street, phone Red 301.
RESIDENCE: The 1912 Chico City Directory lists Marion CASE (wife Minnie), dairyman at 305 Ivy Street, living at the same place.
RESIDENCE: The 1913, 1915, 1916, and 1918 Chico City Directories list Marion CASE (wife Minnie), living at 305 Ivy Street.
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Marion CASE was the father of Arthur, Minnie, Lillie and Byron C. CASE. The latter is superintendent of schools at San Carlos."
DEATH: pneumonia and influenza, following amputation of great toe from diabetic dry gangrene.
OBITUARY: From the Chico Daily Enterprise, 22 Jan 1919, "RESPECTED CITIZEN PASSES TO HIS REWARD /// The death of Marion CASE came as a surprise to the many devoted friends of the hale old gentleman. /// He was 64 years old, a native of San Bernardino county. Himself a pioneer, CASE spent his early boyhood in watching the development of his native city. In 1900 after living in different parts of the state, CASE settled in Chico and he has lived here since. /// Private funeral services will be held from the family home, 305 Ivy street, Thursday at 10:30 a.m., Dr. E.A. OSBORN officiating. The remains will be sent to Redding Thursday afternoon for interment."
OBITUARY: From the Chico Daily Enterprise, 22 Jan 1919, "CASE -- In Chico, January 21, Marion CASE, 64. He is survived by a wife, two daughters and two sons. Funeral will be private from home January 23 at 10:30 a.m." BURIAL: The Redding Cemetery records show that Marion CASE was born 10 Sep 1854, buried 21 Sep 191 of diabetes. Late residence Chico, physician was E.E. BAUMEISTER.
Put in the ground "bare" (thus cremated?) N.W., Block 15, Lot 6, Grave 4.
RESEARCH: Also buried at the Redding Cemetery was a Steven A. CASE, died 3 Aug 1935 at age 53y 1m 1d (thus born 2 Jul 1882), born in U.S. Late residence Redding, cause of death Perforated Peptic Ulcer. Section RA, Block 9, Lot 20, Grave 4. Who was he?
CHILD 9 Susan Madora CASE
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Dora FOLKS was the mother of Willie, Myra, Evelyn LEFFEN and Nell UNDERHILL."
CHILD 1 Laura Ellen CASE
BIRTH: Born on Mount Vernon below Mill Street, San Bernardino Co., CA
BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Laurie Case CLARK is the mother of Hiley, Grace C. ENGLISH, Cleo JONES and Fay. There are six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren."
CHILD 2 Francis Adelbert CASE
CHILD 3 Gashum Era CASE BIOGRAPHY: From the San Bernardino Sun, 1938, GASHUM CASE FAMILY ONE OF EARLY DAY MORMON SETTLERS, "Erie CASE had two children, Lloyd L. CASE and Gladys Case
BAKER. The latter has one son, Bobby. "