Notes |
- NOTE: In the Book: Early Kentucky Householders 1787-1811 Compiled byJames F. Sutherland (SC 9976.9 Sut) by Clearfield Press at theDavenport Public Library 321 Main Street Davenport, Iowa 52801-1480 onpage 156, Titled Early Kentucky Householders 1787-1811, is listedRunnels, William 29 May '09, book 2.27, page 1. It would seem thenthat this William was in Kentucky by c.1809 A.D.; SLJuhl, Compiler.
(1798 - Pulaski County, Kentucky created.)
Per Char Anderson (not verified as yet)
1802 & 1804 - Lee County, Virginia Tax Lists
1800 - Land on Indian Creek, Knox County, Kentucky
1807 - Knox County, Kentucky Tax List
1808 - Knox County, Kentucky Tax List; Delinquent Tax List, went toTennessee
(Whitely was not a county in 1810, but was formed from Knox County,KY. after 1810.)
1813 - Knox County, Kentucky Tax List
1817 - Knox County, Kentucky Tax List
NOTE: Research by this compiler reveals - (per SLJuhl, Compiler)
(found Wm Reynolds in 1810 Pulaski County, Ky Census-this could beboundary changes or land bordered both counties of Pulaski & Knox)
(found Wm Reynolds in 1820 Pulaski County, Ky Census) Wm Reynoldscould have had land in both counties since they border each other.
1827 - William bondsman for Polly (Mary) Reynolds and James Elkinsmarriage (confirmed marriage in Knox County, KY)
"From: Char Anderson
Date: 7/25/2008 3:57:54 PM
To: gsjuhl
Subject: Re: Reynolds Genealogy
I guess William could have been in Pulaski Co in 1820 census. In 1802& 1804 William Reynolds was in Lee, VA tax lists. We know he was inKnox Co. in 1807 because of the lawsuit and he married Abigail Hayesin 1807 Knox Co. Also he had a land grant Sep 1800 for 130 acres onIndian Creek. He went to Tenn in 1808 delinquent tax lists accordingto Decker History. I cannot remember if I sent you this informationbefore.
Char" [Transcribed 26 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler,]
1810 - United States Federal Census Records for Pulaski County,Kentucky
William Reynolds age 45 & over years (1765-?)
0 - male age under 10 years
2 - males age 10-15 years (1795-1780)
1 - male age 16 thru 26 years (1785-1794)
0 - female age under 10 years
0 - female age 10-15 years
2 - females age 16-26 years (1785-1794)
1 - female age 45 & over years (wife) (1765-?)
Plus, William Reynolds was listed on the same census sheet with Drury,Richard, and Jesse Elkins. Then in 1830, William Runnels/Reynolds isalso in Jackson County living next door to James Elkins his son-in-lawand grandson of Drury Elkins. James Elkins father was Richard Elkins.
(Source: research of Joyce Elkins)(Source: copy of original censusrecord obtained from: per SLJuhl, Compiler, 12 July2008)
1820 - United States Federal Census
Name: Wm Reynolds (Possibly--not sure of this record, very poor)
Township: Somerset
County: Pulaski
State: Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1820; Census Place: Somerset, Pulaski,Kentucky; Roll: M33_27; Page: 47; Image: 71. 1820United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2004.
1830 - U.S. Federal Census for Driftwood Township, Jackson County,Indiana, page 440, obtained from on 01 Dec 2006, andreviewed 14 Jan 2008 by this compiler, not only are James Elkins,James C. Graham, Wm. Runnels (Reynolds), and Jonathan Graham listed onthe same page as neighbors, but Wm. Runnels (Reynolds) and JamesElkins are listed the one directly under the other as heads offamilies and direct neighbors; Wm. Runnels is directly listed aboveJames Elkins and James C. Graham is listed 10 households above both ofthem.
1). Wm Runnels = 1 male 10-15 yrs, 1 male 15-20 yrs, 1 male 50-60 yrs(Wm. Runnels); 1 female 5-10 yrs, 1 female 15-20 yrs, 1 female 40-50yrs (this may or may not be a second wife)
2). James Elkins = 1 male 20-30 yrs (James Elkins); 1 female under 5yrs; 1 female 20-30 yrs (Mary Polly A. Runnels/Reynolds)
3). James C. Graham = 1 male 20-30 yrs (James C. Graham); 1 femaleunder 5, 1 female 20-30 (wife); 1 female 60-70 (mother? ormother-in-law?)
[14 January 2008, SLJuhl, compiler]
Recently in the last six months, Char. Anderson has been assisting with the Reynolds Familyresearch in the Kentucky genealogy of the family with this compiler.Char. Anderson contacted this compiler per e-mail. She had found theconnection in the court records lawsuit of William to Daniel, andGeorge Reynolds in Knox County, Kentucky along with the marriagerecord of Mary Polly Reynolds married to James Elkins. After muchresearch, we did connect the family of Knox County, Kentucky to thesame James & Mary (Polly) (Reynolds) Elkins of Knox County & JacksonCounty, Indiana together with those two records and the censusinformation. James Elkins and his family were living in PulaskiCounty, Kentucky at the time of his marriage to Mary (Polly) beforemigrating to Jackson County, Indiana in around 1831 with Mary's fatherWilliam Runnels/Reynolds and James' father's family. In the processof doing this, this compiler has been able to substantiate theresearch done by Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins for the last 35 years onthe Elkins Family as well back into Virginia. [17 January 2007,SLJuhl, compiler, daughter of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins]