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Chapter III., page 147 Excerpt: "The early settlers who came into whatis now Mercer County, were largely Irish, and mainly members of thePresbyterian Church. They were intelligent, courageous, industriouspeople, who were desirous of establishing homes for themselves in thenew country just opened up to be occupied by the white race. Theycame, the majority of them, from Westmoreland, Washington, Fayette andAllegheny, where they located after wearisome journeys from the Eastacross the Allegheny Mountains. Some, it is true, came direct fromIreland and the eastern counties of the State, but the line of travelbrought them by way of the forks of the Ohio. As a rule thesepioneers reared large families, and were noted for their longevity."
Page1181--1182: "ALEXANDER AND MARGARET HUNTER, natives of the CountyTyrone, Ireland, were among the early settlers of West Salem Township. The former was born November 13, 1761, and the later in April, 1768,and they were married in County Tyrone, Ireland, October 2, 1786.They left their native county for America June 16, 1788, and arrivedat Philadelphia August 22 following. They remained there till August,1790, and then removed to Cumberland County, Penn., and in November,1793, to Fayette County. Here they lived till April, 1812, when theycame to Mercer County and settled on a tract of 400 acres of land inWest Salem Township, still principally owned by their descendants.Alexander Hunter was a pioneer surveyor of Mercer County and a man offine education and extensive knowledge. He was the principal surveyorof this locality from 1812 up to his death, and devoted nearly hisentire attention to that profession. He reared a family of ninechildren: Jane, who married Thomas Gilliland, and remained behind inFayette County; James, Matthew, Betty, who married James Mossman, andat his death Robert Brion, and subsequently David Parker; Peggy, whobecame the wife of John Mossman; Ebby, who married Hugh Mossman;Alexander, Hiram and Elliott, all of whom are dead except Hiram, aresident of Wisconsin. The eight youngest came to this township withtheir parents, the eldest son, James, being then in his twenty-thirdyear, and the youngest, Elliott, in his fifth year. The mother diedon the old homestead April 8, 1838, and her husband survived her tillMarch 24, 1847. They were life-long members of the Covenanter Church,and Mr. Hunter was an elder in the Greenville congregation many years. Politically he was a Whig, and one of the prominent men of pioneerdays." [Transcribed 28 Jul 2006, SLJuhl, compiler]
"Alexander Hunter
Richard R. Parks;
Sun Jan 18 19:23:05 2004
Source of birth/death/child data(F).
From the History of Mercer Co. PA 1888, notes made in Alexander'sfamily bible, and associated notes from (H) & (ew).
Natives of County Tyrone Ireland (Alexander & Margaret), they wereamong the early settlers of West Salem Twp. (Mercer))(birthdates/locations as above)----They left their native country on June16, 1788, sailing from Londonderry, and arriving in Philadelphia Aug.22 following. They remained there until Aug. 16, 1790, moving toCumberland Co, Newton Twp. PA and in Nov. 1793 to Fayette Co.Franklin(otherwise Dunbar) Twp PA. They lived in Fayette until April1812 when they came to Mercer Co. and settled on a tract of 400 acresin West Salem Twp, still principally owned by their descendants.Alexander was a pioneer surveyor of Mercer Co., his principaloccupation from 1812 until his death. He was a man of fine educationand extensive knowledge. (nine children). Hunter was an elder in theGreenville Congregation, member of the Covenanter Church. A whigpolitically, he was prominent in pioneer days.
Their daughter Jane remained behind in Fayette Co. and Married ThomasGilleland. The eight youngest came to Mercer 1812, James thenbeing 23 (b 1789?), and Elliott being 5 (b 1807?).
(F) has birth in Crevenmore Parish, County Tyrone, Ireland."[Transcribed 07 October 2006, SLJuhl, compiler]
EXAMPLES OF OTHER LISTED SOURCES: Also see end notes and referencesspecific to individuals in their notes as well. If you would likemore information or notice mistakes please contact the compiler and place the word "genealogy" in the subjectline so that your e-mail message is not missed when scanned. You mayalso reach the compiler by snail mail at: 3810 -10th Avenue Place,Moline, Illinois 61265.
1). Family source: Edna Park Waller; ; Edna isa direct descendant of the Hunter family as well as the Griffin andPark families. She also has access to the Will & Bible records ofAlexander Hunter. ; The WorldConnect pages of the Internet site.
2). Internet Site: ; multiple census, birth,death, military, immigration, marriage, trees, records available onthe site.
3). Interviews & written correspondence with immediate familymembers; Records kept in Park & Griffin Volumes of the family. Mustcontact the compiler or a family member for further or
Note: No information on living individuals will be given out except bypermission of that individual.
4). Illinois web State web site:
5). Internet Site:
6). Internet Site://; Illinois Maps
7). Book Source: Atlas if Henry County, Illinois, Warner & BeersPublishers, Chicago, 1875.
8). Internet Site:
9). Atlas of Rock Island County, Illinois; Moline Public Library,Rock Island County, Illinois; Iowa Publishing Company, Davenport,Iowa, 1905. Reprint 1976.
10). The Art Of Heraldry, An Encyclopedia Of Armory, By A.C.Fox-Davies, Bloomsbury Books, London; Moline Public Library, RockIsland County, Illinois.
11). Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia; Infopedia 2.0 CD; A Complete 29Volume Encyclopedia Plus 7 Essential Reference Books-1992-1995 SoftKeyMultimedia Inc., Cambridge, MA. 02142 USA.
12). Internet Site:
13). Internet Site:
14). Book: History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania : its past andpresent : including its aboriginal history, its early settlement anddevelopment, a description of its historic and interesting localities,sketches of its boroughs, townships and villages, neighborhood andfamily histories, portraits and biographies of pioneers andrepresentative citizens, statistics, etc. : also, a condensed historyof Pennsylvania.
Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., 1888, 1208 pgs.
City of Publication: Chicago, Ill. Publisher: Brown, Runk & Co.Date:1888 ?Page Count: 1208 Notes: "Illustrated." Reel/Fiche Number:Genealogy and local history ; LH9824 Subject Headings: Mercer County(Pa.) -- History .
Mercer County (Pa.) -- Biography.
Pennsylvania -- Mercer County; pages 1; Chapter I, pg. 1; pg's. 147,1181 - 1183 (Biographies).
Obtained: 27 July 2006, SLJuhl, compiler
15). Book: Chapter 34: Mercer County, from A Pioneer Outline Historyof Northwestern Pennsylvania by William James McKnight, M.D.(Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1905). Transcribed by MichaelHebert.
pages 584-587.
16). Cemetery photos of headstones where noted as: "Per headstone"