Notes |
- From Jacobus:
Banks, John. Deputy (Fairfield) to Conn. Leg., Sept. 1651, May 1661, Oct. 1663, May and Oct. 1664, May and Oct. 1665, May
and Oct. 1666, Oct. 1673, Oct. 1674, May and Oct. 1675, May and Oct. 1676, May and Oct. 1677, Oct. 1678, May and Oct.
1679, May and Oct. 1680, May and Oct. 1682, May and Oct. 1683. Deputy (Rye), May 1670, May 1671, May and Oct. 1672,
Oct. 1677, May 1678, May 1680. Deputy (Greenwich), Oct. 1673, May and Oct. 1677, Oct. 1678. Commissioner for Fairfield,
1666. Member of War Council, Oct. 1675, May 1676; Committee on Indians, Oct. 1676; Committee on N. Y. boundary, Oct.
1674. Auditor of colony accounts, 1680, 1682. Received colonial grant of 100 acres, Oct. 1672.
Settled first in Windsor, where he was Clerk 1643 for weights and measures; came to Fairfield by 1649.
Presented Inv. of father Taintor's Est. at Fairfield, 1658. Married (1) (???), dau. of Charles Taintor.
Married (2) Mary, widow of Thomas Sherwood, 1st. She d. in 1694. [For her will, dated 6 Jan 1693 [1693/4], Inv. 13 Mar.
1693/4, see THOMAS SHERWOOD.]
Sergt. John Banks d. at Fairfield, 22 Jan. 1684 [1684/5]. His will, dated 12 Dec. 1684; codicil, 12 Jan. 1684 [1684/5]; wife Mary;
sons John (land at Biram Neck and Horse Neck), Samuel (land at Rye), Obadiah, Benjamin; gr. child John, son of John Banks;
dau. Susanna Sturgis and gr. child Jonathan Sturgis; gr. child Benjamin, son of Benjamin Banks; dau. Hannah Burr and gr. child
Daniel Burr; son-in-law Daniel Burr; dau. Mary Taylor and her eldest dau.; mentioned land at Rye sold to George Kniffen. Inv. 27
Jan. 1684 [1684/5].
In 1678 and 1682, colonial records call him Lt., but no record of appointment found, and he was called Sergt. at death.
Children [by first wife]:
Susanna, m. Jonathan Sturges.
Joseph, d. abt. 12 Oct. 1682. Will 29 Oct. 1682 [date a mistake for
Sept.]; bros. John, Obadiah, Samuel, Benjamin; sister Mary
Taylor; to Mrs. Sarah Gold, Sr., œ10; overseers, Maj. Nathan
Gold and my father John Banks. Inv. 19 Oct. 1682. Samuel
Morehouse and Daniel Burr, each ae. abt. 40. made oath; will made
abt. 14 days before Joseph's death; the date in the will was a
Hannah, m. Daniel Burr.
Mary, m. (called of Windsor) 27 Oct. 1670, Samuel Taylor [Col??
Obadiah, d. in Feb. 1691. Will 12 Feb. 1690 [1690/1]; cousin Joseph,
son of bro. John Banks; sister Mary Taylor; bro. Benjamin's two
eldest sons, Benjamin and Joseph; bro. Samuel; Rebecca dau. of
Sergt. John Wheeler of Fairfield dec'd; bro. Benjamin Banks, and
John Thompson, Exec'rs. Witnesses: Samuel Roberson, Josiah
Harvey. Inv. 27 Feb. 1690 [1690/1].