Notes |
- BURNS, Capt. Alak, of Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire.
Third son of John William Burns, Esq., of Cumber-
nauld, and of Kilraahew, Dunibartonshire, who d
1900 by Helen, dau. of the late Gen. Sir George Moyle
Sherer,K.C.S.I.; b. 1868; m 1901 Hel6ยป Jaqueline,
2nd and elder surviving dau. of the late Capt. John Hope,
R.N., of St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbright, and has, with
other issue, a sou,* John Alan, *. 1905. Capt. Burns,
who was educated at Repton and at Trinity Coll., Cam-
bridge (B.A. 1889), and admitted a Member of the
Scottish Faculty of Advocates 1893, is a Magistrate for
Dumbartonshire, Capt. ret., late 9th Batt. Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders, and a Member of the R. Co. of
Archers (King's Body Guard for Scotland). '97 Cumber-
nauld House, Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire; Boodle'.
Club, s.w. ; New Club, Edinburgh ; Western Club,