Notes |
- geni:about_me NOTE: K. Keats-Rohan in Domesday Descendants [p.354, 355] has listed Adam I de Brus of Skelton (d.1142) as married to Agnes of Aumale, and Adam II Brus (d.1196) as married to Juetta de Arches. This is in variance with Farrer's observations in vol. 3 of Early Yorkshire Charters in which the opposite placement is upheld. The situation is not helped by CP which claims [VII : 670] that Agnes of Aumale married William de Roumare and secondly Piers de Brus. A study of the chronology tends to support K-R's findings.
Ivetta de Arches[1]
b. circa 1137, d. circa 1206, #32366
Name Variation
Ivetta de Arches was also found as Juetta de Arches.[2]
(Ben M. Angel notes: I and J are frequently interchanged, as is u and v, during this period.)
Birth* circa 1137
Ivetta was born circa 1137 at Scagglethorpe, Yorkshire, England.[1],[3]
!AInfoNew 1148
In support of Juetta being the wife of Adam II
Two grants appear, made by Adam II's son Peter de Brus I to the canons of the priory in the Arches fee. In one, Peter refers to his mother as 'Juetta', and in the other specifically as 'Juetta de Arches'.
Blakely cites further evidence, e.g., that Adam II's daughter, Isabella, is granted land from the Arches fee ca. 1192 by Juetta who calls her 'my daughter' [22-3]. Blakely then offers an ample and concerted explanation as to why, nevertheless, William, count of Aumale (eventually Earl of York per K. Stephen), and brother of Agnes d'Aumale, acquired custody of Adam II in the latter's minority (22-25).
(Essentially he, as Adam II's maternal uncle, had immediate strong political reasons for seeking some control over the large Brus domain.)
Blakely's conclusion is that Juetta de Arches, daughter and ultimately sole heir of William de Arches and widow of Roger de Flamville and still living 1209, is certainly the wife of Adam II de Brus.[3]
Marriage* circa 1151
Ivetta de Arches married Roger de Flamville circa 1151. They had at least two children: Agnes born in 1153 and Maud born c.1155.[3]
Marriage* circa 1169
Ivetta de Arches married Adam II de Brus Lord Skelton, son of Adam I de Brus Lord Skelton and Agnes de Aumale, circa 1169. This was a second marriage for both.[1],[3]
!AInfoNew* 1205
K. Keats-Rohan in Domesday Descendants [p.354, 355] has listed Adam I de Brus of Skelton(d.1142) as married to Agnes of Aumale, and Adam II Brus (d.1196) as married to Juetta de Arches. This is in variance with Farrer's observations in Vol. 3 of Early Yorkshire Charters in which the opposite placement is upheld. The situation is not helped by CP which claims [VII : 670] that Agnes of Aumale married William de Roumare and secondly Piers de Brus.
A study of the chronology tends to support K-R's findings.
Juetta de Arches married Roger de Flamville (d.1169) who held the 7 Arches knights' fees in her right in 1166. [Charles Clay (ed.) 'Early Yorkshire Families', p.2]. She had children by de Flamville but the fees eventually descended to Peter de Brus II indicating that her Brus children were her eventual heirs, not the Flamville ones. Her children by Roger Flamville were in the custody of Adam II during their minority. Adam II is known to have had two children - Piers and Isabel who married Henry de Percy.
In 1193 Juetta gave land in Askham to her daughter Isabel de Brus. The charter clearly says "Noveritis me concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Isabelle de Brus filie mee et heredibus suis totam terram de Ascham..." Farrer uncharacteristically makes the error of assuming that Isabella was her granddaughter [EYC I ; no. 548, 549].
As Juetta died in 1206, she would have had to have been nearly 90 had she been mother of Adam II de Brus (b 1134). A not impossible achievement, but highly unlikely for the time and place.
Rosie Bevan (
Death* circa 1206
Ivetta died circa 1206.[3]
Family 1
Adam II de Brus, Lord Skelton
b. circa 1134, d. 1196
1. Isabel de Brus b. c 1172, d. a 12301
Compiler: Pomala Black
From The Brus family in England and Scotland, 1100-1295:
Although Adam II (de Brus) had begun from a position of weakness, he seems to have made good use of what he had and built on it. His marriage to Juetta, daughter and ultimately sole heiress of William de Arches, brought him control of the Arches feif which comprised seven knights' fees in the West Riding, mostly in the Ainsty Wapentake, centered on the manor of Thorp Arch and held of the Honor of Mowbray [73]. Despite assertions to the contrary, there can be no doubt that Brown was right in stating that Juetta was wife of Adam II, not of his father. This is made clear in two grants which Adam II's son, Peter I, made to the canons of Healaugh Park priory in the Arches fief, in which Peter names his mother as 'Juetta' [74]. Further evidence is forthcoming in connection with Adam II's daughter Isabel, who was married in the early 1190s to Henry de Percy. In c.1192, Juetta granted seven carucates of land from the Arches estates at Askham [Richard] to 'my daughter' Isabel de Brus and her heirs, and confirmed this by a quitclaim before the king's justices in the same words [75].
Juetta de Arches was twice-married. Her other husband, Roger de Flamville, who was a tenant and close companion of Roger de Mowbray, died in about 1169. Adam de Brus II was therefore Juetta's second husband, and must have been at least 30 years of age when he married [76]. But it was not unusual for a man to remain unmaried until his early 30s, and William of Aumale may have been reluctant to relinquish his hold on the Brus barony sufficiently to allow his ward to establish himself in his won household [77]. There is nothing to suggest that Adam II was unduly influenced by his connection with the Mowbrays; in 1173-4, when they were rebels against Henry II, Adam was among the King's adherents. It is, however, just possible that Adam's marriage to Juetta did not take place until after Roger de Mowbray's defeat in 1174, when the Mowbray lands were temporarily forfeit to the crown [78]. If wardship of the widowed Juetta had likewise passed to the crown, her marriage te to one of the king's supporters could have been a deliberate ploy to lessen Mowbray control over the Arches estates. In which case, the count of Aumale may have had some say in the matter since he too is listed among Henry II's supports, albeieit a rather half-hearted on. Besides having an interest in the Bruses as Adam II's uncle and guardian, Count William (of Aumale) had links with the Arches family through Juetta's aunt, Agnes, who had successively married two important Holderness tenants, Herbert de St-Quintin and Robert de Fauconberg [79]. It is also noteworthy that the only Mowbray charter included in Greenway's edition to be witnessed by William of Aumale, is...
73. In 1086, the Arches estate had been held in chief by William's father, Osbern, but the overlordship was granted to Nigel d'Aubigny by Henry I, perhaps because of William's involvement in rebellion. Juetta had a sister, Matilda, who became a nun and prioress at the family's foundation of Nun Monkton, thus ensuring that the family lands would not be divided on William's death. EYC, i. 415; Early Yorkshire Families, ed. C.Clay (YAS Record Ser. 135, 1973), 1-2; Mowbray Charters, pp. xxv, 262; Dalton, Conquest, 90. For details of the estates, see EYC, i. 408-36, DB: Yorks, ii. section 25W.
74. Brown, "Brus Cenotaph", 245; Healaugh Cart., 66-67. For further details of the evidence in support of Brown, see Blakely, "Bruses of Skelton", 19-20, 22-5.
75. EYC, i., nos 548, 549; EYC, ii. no. 668. Farrer interpolates "grand" before "daughter" in his abstracts of Juetta's grants.
76. In a grant made by Juetta after Adam's death, for the souls of her parents and both her husbands, Roger de Flamville is named first, although Farrer's abstract transposes the names; EYC, i. no. 555.
77. Duby, Chivalrous Society, 113.
78. Mowbray Charters, pp. xxix-xxxi. The marriage could not have been later than 1175, as Adam's son was evidently of age by 1196 x 1198. PR 8 Richard I, 185; PR 10 Richard I, 43.
79 Benedict of Peterborough, Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, i 54 n. 4; English, "Lords of Holderness", 24, 147-150, Agnes was subsequently married to another Aumale tenant, William Foliot, who was also a major tenant of the Lacys; Dalton, Conquest, 183-254.
WFT 6122
From: Rosie Bevan (
Subject: Re: Domesday Descendants corrections: Harcourt & Brus
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval Date: 2002-06-05 18:38:09 PST
As you have commented, K. Keats-Rohan in Domesday Descendants [p.354, 355] has listed Adam I de Brus of Skelton(d.1142) as married to Agnes of Aumale, and Adam II Brus (d.1196) as married to Juetta de Arches. This is in variance with Farrer's observations in vol. 3 of Early Yorkshire Charters in which the opposite placement is upheld. The situation is not helped by CP which claims [VII : 670] that Agnes of Aumale married William de Roumare and secondly Piers de Brus.
A study of the chronology tends to support K-R's findings. Juetta de Arches married Roger de Flamville (d.1169) who held the 7 Arches knights' fees in her right in 1166. [Charles Clay (ed.) 'Early Yorkshire Families', p.2]. She had children bby de Flamville but the fees eventually descended to Peter de Brus II indicating that her Brus children were her eventual heirs, not the Flamville ones. Her children by Roger Flamville were in the custody of Adam II during their minority. Adam II is known to have had two children - Piers and Isabel who married Henry de Percy. In 1193 Juetta gave land in Askham to her daughter Isabel de Brus. The charter clearly says "Noveritis me concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Isabelle de Brus filie mee et heredibus suis totam terram de Ascham..." Farrer uncharacteristically makes the error of assuming that Isabella was her granddaughter [EYC I ; no. 548, 549].
As Juetta died in 1206, she would have had to have been nearly 90 had she been mother of Adam II de Brus (b 1134). A not impossible achievement, but highly unlikely for the time and place.
The following two posts to soc.genealogy.medieval indicate that the"accepted" order of wives for Adam I & II de Brus should actually bereversed:
From: Rosie Bevan (
Subject: Re: Domesday Descendants corrections: Harcourt & Brus
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-06-05 18:38:09 PST
Domesday Descendants [p.354, 355] has listed Adam I de Brus ofSkelton(d.1142) as married to Agnes of Aumale, and Adam II Brus(d.1196) as married to Juetta de Arches. This is in variance withFarrer's observations in vol. 3 of Early Yorkshire Charters in whichthe opposite placement is upheld. The situation is not helped by CPwhich claims [VII : 670] that Agnes of Aumale married William deRoumare and secondly Piers de Brus.
A study of the chronology tends to support K-R's findings.
Juetta de Arches married Roger de Flamville (d.1169) who held the 7Arches knights' fees in her right in 1166. [Charles Clay (ed.) 'EarlyYorkshire Families', p.2]. She had children by de Flamville but thefees eventually descended to Peter de Brus II indicating that her Bruschildren were her eventual heirs, not the Flamville ones. Her childrenby Roger Flamville were in the custody of Adam II during theirminority. Adam II is known to have had two children - Piers andIsabel who married Henry de Percy. In 1193 Juetta gave land in Askhamto her daughter Isabel de Brus. The charter clearly says "Noveritis meconcessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Isabelle de Brus filie meeet heredibus suis totam terram de Ascham..." Farreruncharacteristically makes the error of assuming that Isabella was hergranddaughter [EYC I ; no. 548, 549].
As Juetta died in 1206, she would have had to have been nearly 90 hadshe been mother of Adam II de Brus (b 1134). A not impossibleachievement, but highly unlikely for the time and place.
From: Cristopher Nash (
Subject: Re: Domesday Descendants corrections: Harcourt & Brus
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-06-08 04:13:25 PST
Now I can quickly summarize the argument of Ruth Blakely, 'The Brusesof Skelton and William of Aumale' in _Yorks Archeol Jnl_ (2001)73:19-28, which appears to be the clincher leading Keats-Rohan in DDto reverse the traditional order of two early Brus marriages, giving(1) the wife of Adam I de Brus as Agnes d'Aumale and (2) the wife ofAdam II de Brus as Juetta de Arches. Blaklely's article is devotedspecifically to this double question.
On Juetta de Arches: The conventional account, Blakely says, derivesfrom Dugdale in _Baronage of England_, in which he cites as evidence apapal mandate cited in _Mon. Ang._, where in fact Blakely finds that"It is not apparant from this record which of the two Adams issignified. Nor are they named in any of the other sources whichDugdale cites....His reasons for naming Adam I rather than Adam II asJuetta's husband are therefore obscure. Despite this ambiguity, theidentification was accepted by William Farrer and subsequent writers,such as Wormald, Greenway and Clay, although some of them, likeDalton, have noted inconsistencies arising from it" [18-20].
Blakely's argument takes as its starting point an alternative accountby William Brown, who -- giving Juetta as wife of Adam II -- in 1895had cited records in the chartulary of Healaugh Park Priory. Here 2grants appear, made by Adam II's son Peteter de Brus I to the canons ofthe priory in the Arches fee. In one, Peter refers to his mother as'Juetta', and in the other specifically as 'Juetta de Arches'. Blakelycites further evidence e.g. that Adam II's daughter, Isabella, isgranted land from the Arches fee ca. 1192 by Juetta who calls her 'mydaughter' [22-3]. Blakely then offers an ample and concertedexplanation as to why, nevertheless, William, count of Aumale(eventually Earl of York per K. Stephen), and bro of Agnes d'Aumale,acquired custody of Adam II in the latter's minority (22-25).(Essentially he, as Adam II's maternal uncle, had immediate strongpolitical reasons for seeking some control over the large Brusdomain.) Blakely's conclusion is that Juetta de Arches, da. andultimately sole heir of William de Arches and widow of Roger deFlamville and still living 1209, is certainly the wife of Adam II deBrus.
An important aspect of Blakely's argument is that this reconstructionof the 4 marriages of Juetta and Agnes resolves a number of problemsthat have long dogged the Brus genealogy. A useful part of itsdevelopment is a thoughtful assessment of the historical (inter-familypolitical/economic) background to these events. Rosie, I think whenyour interloan copy gets to you you'll find that the article parallelsa good part of your smart chronological case, and yours may in factlend it further support.