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- Samuel held the office of Commissioner on the County Commissioner's Court in 1838. He lived in Randolph, Illinois, United States in 1850. His occupation is listed as justice of the peace in Evansville, Randolph, Illinois, United States.
1822— This year, Samuel Douglas, with James Bean, Thomas McBride, James Redpath, and some others, made a settlement in Hitchcock Prairie. Samuel Douglas came to Illinois in 1804, with John and James Anderson. He was then but ten years old. Having reached man«s estate, he married and located as previously stated, and became an influential, leading man in his settlement. He once held office of County Commissioner. His five sons — John A., Archibald, George w., Samuel H. , and James T. Douglas, are all living, and their descendants are numerous,
Samuel Douglas came to Illinois in 1804, with John McClinton, and David and James Anderson. He was then but ten years old. Having reached man's estate, he married, and became an influential, leading man in his settlement. In 1822, Samuel Douglas, with James Bean, Thomas McBride, James Redpath, and some others, relocated to, and made, a settlement in Hitchcock prairie.
Samuel was born 31 Mar 1796 at Abbeville, South Carolina, a predominantly Irish settlement, to his parents, John Douglas and his wife Susan. Samuel left Abbeville, South Carolina with about thirty other family friends, including his father, John Douglas, and John McClinton, and David and James Anderson. They all settled at the Irish Settlement of Randolph County, Illinois at the mouth of Plumb Creek. Shortly after arriving, John Douglas returned to his wife and other children at Abbeville, South Carolina, and there they continued to raise the remainder of their family until their deaths. Samuel remained on the frontier with the Andersons and other family friends, as he was then but eight years old.
Samuel signed up as a soldier for the War of 1812 as evidenced by his wife's War of 1812 pension application.
Last named spelled Douglas or Douglass. Husband of Mary "Polly" Thompson. Father of Archibald T. Douglass, John Anderson Douglass, George W. Douglass, Hannah Douglass, Samuel Hill Douglass, James T. Douglass, Sarah Douglass, Elizabeth Douglass Cox & William R. Douglass.
- (Research):Samuel and Polly were living with all their children except John during the 1850 census for Township 5 S R 7 W, Randolph, Illinois. Also living with them at that time were Andrew Diver, Henry Loseby, John Shmin, Frederick Belch, and John Silver Belch.
1820— John and Samuel Cochran, from Belfast, Maine, arrived in the county in 1820. John first settled upon the farm now belonging to Mr. Darwin, near the mouth of Mary» s river. Soon afterv/ards he settled upon the farm now occupiedby Isaec Rust. He moved away to Hancock County about the year 1829. Andrew Cochran made the farm two miles and a half from Chester on the plank road, which is occupied by the Widow Douglas. He moved to Hancock County about the year 1830.