- 1331
Name |
Alexander Dunbar |
Prefix |
Sir |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
1331 |
Person ID |
I191138 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
26 Aug 2022 |
Notes |
- Father sometimes shown as Patrick Black-Beard (8th Earl of Dunbar)Dunbar. Doug Hickling's research suggests otherwise.
For sources, etc. see information received from Doug Hickling "THEANCESTRY OF MARGARET DUNBAR, WHO MARRIED ROBERT MUNRO, 14TH BARON OFFOULIS" in Notes under Margaret (of Cumnock) Dunbar
The problem has been that, although Scots Peerage lists Sir From DougHickling
"Alexander Dunbar of Westfield, Sheriff of Moray, it does not continuethe line because he was not a peer. As it happens, Margaret Dunbar wasdescended from this Alexander (Sir) Dunbar, the line from him being:James (Sir) Dunbar, second baron of Westfield, Sheriff of Murray, etc.;
James (Sir) Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield, Sheriff of Murray, etc.; andAlexander (Sir) Dunbar of Cumnock and Westfield, Sheriff of Murray, etc.The Margaret who married Robert Munro 14th of Foulis was this Sheriff'sdaughter.
I mentioned above that it was hard to find information on the successorsto the first Dunbar Sheriff of Moray because he and they were not peers.
However, I found the information needed in Robert (Sir) Douglas's THEBARONAGE OF SCOTLAND, published in 1798. By some miracle, the UCBerkeley rare book library had this work in its collection and thequality of the paper was so high that they even made photocopies of itfor me. "