Notes |
- CHARLES W. WOMAX's registration card for World War I, indicates thatthe family lived in Berkeley County, West Virginia and near CherryRun. With this information it's possible to follow the family fromWest Virginia now to Ohio. When the family moved to TuscarawasCounty, Ohio, Charles had his wife and two children, his mother Mary,and his older brother Carl with him at his residence according to the1920 census records. Carl died from T.B. around 1926, and left a wifeThelma and daughter Dorothy. Their brother William, his wife Adaline,and their son Loynal (Lional) lived in the same county with them. InOhio Charles William and his brothers worked at the steel mill in thearea while the ladies kept house and took care of the children.According to the few records available on the family, Charles sonRoscoe stayed in the Perry County area most of his life with his wifeVirginia. Charles son Paul moved to Louisiana, was married to Ellen,and they had four children. Please see their notes. [CompilerSLJuhl, 16 February 2006;]
"World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918:;Obtained 27 May 2007
Name: Charles W Womax
City: Not Stated
County: Morgan
State: West Virginia
Birthplace: West Virginia
Birth Date: 13 May 1895
Race: Caucasian (White)
Roll: 1992865
DraftBoard: 0
Source Citation: Registration Location: Morgan County, West Virginia;Roll: 1992865; Draft Board: 0.
Source Information: World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.,2005. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. WorldWar I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509,4,582 rolls." Note: The actual WWI registration card states thatCharles W. Womax was born in Berkely County, West Virginia. SLjuhl,compiler.
"1930 United States Federal Census;; Obtained 27 May2007
Name: William C Womax
Home in 1930: New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas, Ohio
Age: 31
Estimated birth year: abt 1899
Birthplace: West Virginia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's name: Adaline G
Race: White
Military Service:
Rent/home value:
Age at first marriage:
Parents' birthplace: View image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
William C Womax 31
Adaline G Womax 22
Loinel B Womax 4 9/12
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: New Philadelphia,Tuscarawas, Ohio; Roll: 1885; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 21;Image: 750.0.
Source Information: 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2002. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census ofthe United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives andRecords Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls."
"Berkeley County is a county located in the U.S. state of WestVirginia. As of 2000, the population was 75,905. Its county seat isMartinsburg6. Berkeley is the second oldest county in West Virginia.It was created in 1772 from the northern third of Frederick County,Virginia and named for Norborne Berkeley, Baron de Botetourt, ColonialGovernor of Virginia from 1768 to 1770. Due to being close toWashington, D.C., Berkeley County is the fastest growing county in thestate in West Virginia.
This county is a part of the Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan Area."SOURCE:;Obtained & Transcribed: 16 July 2006, SLJuhl, compiler
Please check this: BIRT: CONC Cherry Run, Berkeley
_MDCL: CONC Pri. 5950, Dist. 1257; York Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
- (Medical):Industry Accident; Rock Fall in mine; Coal Miner; Cert. #'s 71007/190,