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- "Further queries in the Berkeley Co. courthouse records finds a NettieWOMAX b. 19 July 1899 to Jesse & Mary WOMAX of Hedgesville, WV."
"ps. Also found in a cemetary book at the courthouse, which could helpsomeone else but we've yet to make a connection here, was a CoraWOMIX, b. 31 Nov. 1881 in Berkeley Co., dau. of J.F. & B. ["Becky"?]WOMAX - another book states that her parents were John F. and RebeccaJ. WOMIX. She d. 17 Feb. 1889 (listed as age 6 yrs., 3 mons. 17 days)and is buried at Little Georgetown Methodist Cemetery. "
Monday, February 10, 2003 at 18:41:38 (PST)
NOTE: According to son Carl L. Womax death certificate, Jesse Womaxwas born in West Virginia; According to son Charles's deathcertificate Jesse Womax was born in Fort Frederick, WashingtonCounty, Maryland. In the c.1870 U.S. Federal Census, Jesse Womax islisted as being born in Virginia.
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Jessy Womax
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866
Age in 1870: 4
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Long Marsh, Clarke, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: View Image
Post Office: Berryville
Household Members: Name Age
John F Womax 24
Rabecca Womax 26
Jessy Womax 4
Lucy Womax 2
Alice Womax 1
William H Womax 4/12
Estell Hill 30
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Long Marsh, Clarke,Virginia; Roll: M593_1641; Page: 509; Image: 178. 1870United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2003.
"30 June 1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Jessie Womick (Womax)
[Jessie Wornick]
Home in 1900: Hedgesville Township, Berkeley County, West Virginia
Age: 18
Birthplace: West Virginia
Race: White
Ethnicity: American
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Father's Birthplace: West Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: West Virginia
Spouse's Name: Mary
Marriage Year: 1886 (?)
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 14
Residence : Hedgesville District (West Side), Berkeley, West Virginia
Occupation: Laborer, rents home, reads/writes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age; Information is not complete on the censusand some is inaccurate
Jessie Womick 18 (?) March 18??(not given)(if marr. for 14years--the age is incorrect)
Mary Womick 30 wife, April 1870, 7 child/5 living, VA, VA, VA
Myrtle Womick 15 May 1870 (if she is actually 15 yrs old then herbirth is abt.1885, not 1870), VA
(Carl) Lee Womick 9 son, Mar 1891 (death cert. makes his birth 28Mar 1888), VA
Mollie Womick 6 dau., April 1894, VA
(Charles) William Womick 4 son, May 1896, WVA
(Catherine) Katie Womick 10.12 dau., July 1899, WVA
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Hedgesville, Berkeley, WestVirginia; Roll: T623 1755; Page: 15A; Super. 288; Enum. 14; Sheet 15A;Dwelling 273/277; Lines 43-49. 1900 United StatesFederal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The GenerationsNetwork, Inc., 2004.
04 May 1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Jess Wamax
Age in 1910: 43
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1867
Birthplace: Virginia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Virginia
Mother's Birth Place: Virginia
Spouse's Name: Mary
Home in 1910: Hedgesville Twp., Berkeley Co., West Virginia
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Jess Wamax 43 1st mar., R.R. Hand, Coal
Mary Wamax 48 wife, F, W, 1st mar., mar. 24 yrs., 9 child/5 living,WV., WV., WV
William Wamax 13 son, WV.,
Catherine Wamax 10 dau., WV.,
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Hedgesville, Berkeley, WestVirginia; Roll: T624_1676; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 18; Image:517; sUPER. 2ND w. vA; sHEET 8a; eNUM. 18; dWELLING 148/148; lINES22-25. 1910 United States Federal Census [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.
John F. Womax (1846) Ft. Frederick Md / Clarke County,VA
Rebecca Hill (1844) VA
Children 1. Jesse Womax 1866 Clarke, VA D: 1914 W Va
Wife Mary C. Marple (1860)
Children 1. Carl Lee (1892)
Charles William(1898)
Nettie (1899)
2 Lucy (1867)
3 Alice (1868)
4 William H. (1869)
5 Cora (1881)
Charles William Womax and Myrtle V. Farris (1st marriage)
Children Roscoe D. Womax
Paul Lee Womax
Charles and Myrtle were my grandparents. Charles is buried in the NewPhiladelphia, Ohio, Tuscarawas County. He was killed Nov. 1940 in acoal mine accident. I researched the cemetery and found him and a lotof other Womax?s dating back to the 1700?s... Charles and Myrtle weredivorced in the 30?s and she took the boys and settled in Newark,Ohio. Paul joined the Air Corps in WWII and later settled inLouisiana. He died in La Place, Louisiana in 2004.
Charles remarried to Adaline Huber and they had a son, Lionel A.B.Womax
Charles was born 19 May 1898, Berkley County, W Va, D: 8 Nov 1940.
Roscoe was born 20 April, 1916, Cherry Run, Morgan County, W VA D: 31May 1985.
Paul was born Dec 1919, D: Aug 2004"