- Yes, date unknown
Name |
Lucy Dau of Algar Earl of Mercia Or Thorold |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I177589 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- From Stirnet Genealogy athttp://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/mm4ae/malet1.htm#lucy
Beatrice Malet
m(1). William of Arques = William d'Arches
Beatrice's second marriage shown below (which is not mentioned in theMallet web site identified below as a main source for this page) is basedon the presumption that Lucy (below) was the offspring of such amarriage. According to TCP, which dedicates a whole Appendix to 'theCountess Lucy" (Appendix J in Volume VII), her parentage "is one of theunsolved puzzles of genealogy". It reports an early chronicle as sayingthat "she was a daughter of Aelfgar, Earl of Mercia, and niece orgrandniece of Thorold, sometime Sheriff of co. Lincoln". HOWEVER, TCPalso says "All that is certainly known is that she was niece of RobertMalet of Eye and of Alan of Lincoln, and that Thorold the Sheriff was akinsman." TCP then reports the view that she was daughter of Thorold,Sheriff of Lincolnshire. There appear to be arguments for both theories,both of which make reference to the inheritance of various lands. We showher here because at least some 'serious' modern genealogists seem to leantowards the view that she was daughter of Sheriff Thorold (Turold ofBucknell) by a daughter of William de Malet. As it is suggested invarious web sites that William de Malet had only one daughter, Beatrice,and as it appears to be certain that she was married to William ofArques, it is assumed that she married twice.
m(2). Thorold or Turold of Bucknell, Sheriff of Lincolnshire
i. Lucy ('the Countess Lucy') --
Some web sites show two generations of Lucy, often with the second one(shown as wife of the Earl of Chester) being a daughter of Ivo Tailleboisby the first one. TCP notes this view but reports "Charter evidence,however, proves that there was only one Lucy."
m1. Ivo Taillebois, Sheriff of Lincoln, lord of Kendal (d c1094) --
m2. Roger FitzGerold de Roumare --
m3. (c1098) Ranulph de Meschines, 1st Earl of Chester (b c1070, d01.1128-9)
Main sources: http://www.ott.igs.net/~rhmallett/index.htm with supportfrom various other web sites
From Stirnet Genealogy athttp://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/mm4ae/malet1.htm#lucy