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- The Napoleonic Guide
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In 1840 the former emperor's body was returned to France and, after astate funeral, was laid to rest. The funeral procession moved from theArc de Triomphe down the Champs-Elysées, across the Place de la Concordeto the Esplanade and then to St Jerome's Chapel where his body lay untilhis final tomb was completed in 1861.
"The most significant event in the history of Les Invalides however, isunquestionably the return of the body of Napoléon in 1840. After sevenyears of negotiation with the British government, Louis-Philippe, King ofFrance, obtained permission to repatriate the Emperor's remains from St.Helena. On 8 October 1840 - 19 years after the death of the Emperor - thecoffin was exhumed and opened for two minutes before transport to Franceaboard the frigate La Belle Poule. Those present claim that the bodyremained in a state of perfect preservation.
After arriving at Le Havre, it was brought up the Seine and landed atParis at Courbevoie. On 15 December 1840 a state funeral was held, anddespite a winter snowstorm, the hearse proceeded from the Arc de Triomphedown the Champs-Elysées, across the Place de la Concorde to the Esplanadeand finally to the cupola in St Jerome's Chapel until the tomb - designedby Visconti - was completed. On 3 April 1861 Napoléon I came to his finalrest in the crypt under de dome."