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- "The Ranulph Peverel of Domesday I believe to have been William'shalf-brother. At any rate, he could scarcely have been the Ranulph whomarried the daughter of Ingelric, for we find his eldest son Hammo, orHammond, a man grown, settled in England a few years after the Conquest,and one of the chief tenants or barons of Roger do Montgomeri, Earl ofShrewsbury. He is also reported to have had two other sons, Payne Peverelof Brune, and William Peverel of Dover; "
"A Ranulph Peverel also appears in Domesday as the lord of sixty-fourmanors. Of a verity, the merits of these Peverels must have been great,or their influence at Court from some cause or another extraordinary."
in "WILLIAM PEVEREL. The Conqueror and His Companions." by J.R. Planché,Somerset Herald. London: Tinsley Brothers, 1874. at at
"According to most sources, Whittington Castle was built by Roger deMontgomery. The first member of the Peverel family to be associated withit is generally believed to be William Peverel, son of Ranulf Peverel,during the reign of Henry I. If this is so, why does Fulk le Fitz Warinemention a Payn Peverel? The answer is, "I don't know!" The onlyexplanation is in Fulk le Fitz Warine which says that after Payn's death,William Peverel, his sister's son took over Payn's inheritance.
At some point, a knight by the name of Guarin de Metz married into thePeverel family. The date is difficult to estimate, and even the eventsleading up to the marriage are difficult to verify. However, the story isworthy of repeat.
Circa 1120-1135. After the death of Payn in the reign of Henry I, hislands passed to "Peverel, Ranulf Married former mistress of William I.Holdings in Berks., Norfolk, Oxon. and Suffolk.
Peverel, William Perhaps illegitimate son of William I by his mistress;took name of Peverel from stepfather who married her. Large holdings inNotts. and Derby. Also in 6 other counties."
From Domesday Book at
Below from
Ranulf PEVEREL was born about 1030 in Normandy, France. He served in themilitary in 1066 in Hastings, Sussex, England. Battle of Hastings. Hedied about 1072 in Hatfield, Essex, England. He has Ancestral File number85BG-8X.
Parents: Ranulph DE WRENOC.
He was married to Ingelrica Maud before 1045. Children were: William "theElder" PEVEREL, Robert PEVEREL .