- Abt 1163
Name |
Lucy "The Countess" of Mercia |
Nickname |
The Countess |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
Abt 1163 |
Person ID |
I171779 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- Lucy --
(1) According to TCP, which dedicates a whole Appendix to 'the CountessLucy" (Appendix J in Volume VII), her parentage "is one of the unsolvedpuzzles of genealogy". It reports an early chronicle as saying that "shewas a daughter of Aelfgar, Earl of Mercia, and niece or grandniece ofThorold, sometime Sheriff of co. Lincoln" with which what we show here isconsistent. HOWEVER, TCP also says "All that is certainly known is thatshe was niece of Robert Malet of Eye and of Alan of Lincoln, and thatThorold the Sheriff was a kinsman." TCP then reports the view that shewas daughter of Thorold, Sheriff of Lincolnshire. There appear to bearguments for both theories, both of which make reference to theinheritance of various lands. We provisionally show her here, rather thanleave her 'loose', but draw attention to the fact that at least some'serious' modern genealogists seem to lean towards the view that she wasdaughter of Sheriff Thorold (Turold of Bucknell), by a daughter (Beatrice?) of William de Malet, rather than what we show here.
(2) Some web sites show two generations of Lucy, often with the secondone being a daughter of Ivo Taillebois by the first one. TCP notes thisview but reports "Charter evidence, however, proves that there was onlyone Lucy."
From Stirnet Genealogy athttp://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/xyz/zzmisc03.htm#link2