Notes |
- The Complete Peerage by G E Cokayne Voulme 2 (Vol IV appendix I, page761) "Peverel of Nottingham" says "He is usually said to be theillegitamte son of William the Conqueror, but as this statement can notbe traced further back than the time of the Tudors, it is worth little ornothing."
However there are many who disagree.
"Peverel, Ranulf Married former mistress of William I. Holdings inBerks., Norfolk, Oxon. and Suffolk.
Peverel, William Perhaps illegitimate son of William I by his mistress;took name of Peverel from stepfather who married her. Large holdings inNotts. and Derby. Also in 6 other counties."
From Domesday Book at
Arguments for this connection are put forth in "WILLIAM PEVEREL. TheConqueror and His Companions." by J.R. Planché, Somerset Herald. London:Tinsley Brothers, 1874. At
Part of "The Conqueror and His Companions" at Extensive histories of TheConqueror, his family and may of William's companions.
"William the Conqueror made considerable grants of land within the countyto Henry de Ferrers, whose son he created Earl de Ferrers, and hisgrandson Earl of Derby. William Peverel, a natural son of William theConqueror, also received extensive grants of land, and to him isattributed the building of the Peak and Bolsover castles." FromDERBYSHIRE, England - History and Description, [Description(s) from TheNational Gazetteer (1868)] at
Peavey Resource Center
This site has links to a lot of information
Peavey Resource Center Forum
Sites Of Interest To PV Researchers
shows his parents as Father: Ranulph PEVEREL b: 1030 in Normandy, France
Mother: Maud de INGELRICA b: 1032 in St Martin's le Grand, London,
"William "the Elder" PEVEREL was born about 1045 in Normandy, France.Date is estimated. He served in the military in 1066 in Hastings, Sussex,England. Battle of Hastings. He died in 1113 in England. He has AncestralFile number 85BG-RJ. Parents: Ranulf PEVEREL and Ingelrica Maud.
He was married to Adeline (Adeliza) about 1071.
Children were: William, "the Younger" PEVEREL, Adelise PEVEREL."
Nottingham Castle. THE CASTLE & THE CASTLE ROCK at
This site has a lot of information about Peverell
Also more at Robin Hood Main Forum
Nottingham Castle. The Early Castle
"The Danes, who frequently vexed this isle, possessed themselves of astrong tower here in 852, and were there beseiged by Buthred, the lastking of the Mercians, but without success. Calling to his aid, Aethelred,king of the West Saxons, and Alfred his brother concluded a treatybetween the Danes and the Saxons without taking the fortress. KingEdmund, in 940, finally recovered this castle from the Danes. Immediatelyafter the Conquest, William de Peverel, natural son of the Conquerer,erected a castle here on the summit of the rock, and had a licence toenclose ten acres of land to make him an orchard which, according to theforest measure, contains about fifty statute acres - about the quantitycontained in the Old Park. William of Newborough says, this castle wasmade so strong by nature and art, that it was esteemed impregnable.' at
"Guillaume Le Conquerant's son Guillame Peverel was thought to have anickname of Payne. This name was chosen because Payne's family had to beestranged from his father Guillame le Conquerant. Guillame Peverelhimself picked that name to remind his father Guillaume le Conquerant ofhim and his mother Ingelrica. It worked! Guillaume le Conquerant neverforgot nor forsook the love of his beloved Payne and Ingelrica. This madehis sons by Matilda of Flanders very jealous.
The Kingship line struck back at Payne after the Conqueror died. TheKing illegally stole by confiscation of "The Honour of Peverel "alongwith the Peverel coat of arms. William Peverel was falsely accusing ofpoisoning his foe. This was an attempted justification for the theft.
William Payne Peverel's daughter Mellett appointed her son Fulk FitzGuarine( when he became of age) as "defender of the Holy Grail." Hefollowed his father Guarine de Metz ,and Grandfather William PaynePeverel, and Great Grandfather Guilliame le Conquerant as formerdefenders.
Fulk Fitz Guarine fought through the shadow of death to recover the"Honour of Peverel".
Fulk proved a very worthy defender. Huge bounty was placed onFulk's head by the King, but with the grace of God Fulk prevailed.Hiding in his own forests, and stealing from caravans with supplies andmerchandise going to the King. Fulk became the first real Robin Hood,from which legend the later Robin Hood merely copied. That explains therober part in latin in the motto of Warren."leo de juda rober nostrum".
Below from "PEVEREL ARMS DEXTER BEND" AUTHOR: Hallie June PeaveyAragon
E Mailed by Hallie June Peavey
"The secret marriage in England becomes glaringly revealed as the PeverelCost of arms proudly displays that DEXTER BEND MEANING TRUE SON.Thusly, the Peverel arms were extremely hated by William Peverel's halfbrothers.
William the Conqueror was a Bastard son. Other knights used to taunt himby shaking animal hides at him and screaming "Bastard of the tanner'sdaughter." That ridicule is why William the Conqueror insisted upon thesecret marriage to Ingelrica, while having a standing proposal to Matildaof Flanders. Ingelrica's father was the richest man in England andWilliam the Conqueror needed that connection.
The Conqueror needed Matilda of Flanders Father's connection to keepFrance unified.
Ingelric, Ingelrica and William the Conqueror actually negotiated themarriage, name bearing, and oldest son heir prior to the secretmarriage. It was insisted upon by William the Conqueror because hesaid he did NOT want his first born to be ridiculed like he was. He gaveWilliam Peverel his name, heirship, and legitimacy, thusly he Gave himthe Dexter bend on the Peverel arms.
This was to much for the jealous sons of Matilda to swallow. They hatedthat coat of arms saying William Peverel is also a TRUE son and heir andhe bears the name. They were forbidden to bear the name their FatherWilliam the Conqueror had bestowed upon what he named " THE HONOUR OFPEVEREL."
As long as William the Conqueror was alive William Peverel's halfbrothers could do nothing but sheath with jealousy and anger about thevast wealth held by " The Honour of Peverel".
They made their move after William died. Unlawfully confiscated theholdings. BUT! Were not content at all with that. The Peverel arms hadto be eradicated so they also attached them. An attempt to cover up anderadicate the truth so their horrible acts were not so obvious. Thistaking of arms is unprecedented in Heraldry and is literally impossibleand illegal to do.
They wanted that Dexter Bend destroyed ,with the name Peverel that theywere denied. Well , it didn't work because the defender cousin Fulk FitzGuarrine- Warren fought until he got them back.
During the ban by the King , some Peverel's changed the v for Psubstituting the Pepper plant for the 3 golden crosses. They becameforefathers of our famous rich cousins Peperel-Pepperill (John Davidsonand Nelson Rockefeller) also another president of USA. "
Castles Manors etc associated with Peverel see in this file under
"Peverel, Castles Manors etc associated with"
Royalty Web Sites
Including the web site addresses for the families lines of the many royalHouses of Scotland, England, Wales, Britain and Ireland. Also sites forimages of royalty, etc.
In this file at "INFORMATION, Royal Houses family lines web sites".
On the web at