- 1433
Name |
Walter (Sir) De La Pole |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
1433 |
Person ID |
I166154 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- Edmond de la Pole
It is assumed that either Thomas or Edmond was father of the followingWalter who is described in BE1883 (Bradeston) as "1st cousin of William,Earl of Suffolk". It is presumed, because of the dates and because hadthe cousin really been William then he would probably have been describedeither as Earl of Pembroke or as Duke of Suffolk, that BE1883 was wrongand should have named his cousin as Michael, Earl of Suffolk.
i. Sir Walter de la Pole
m. Elizabeth, heiress of Bradeston (b c1374, dau of Sir Thomas deBradeston, 2nd Lord)
Stirnet Genealogy
Families Database
This has a huge amount of information on hundreds (and rapidlyincreasing), mostly landed, families in 3 categories listed below. It ismore "user friendly" than most in that it shows many generations on onepage.
I - Ancient & Mythical
II - Continental Families - Medieval & Renaissance
III - British Families - Medieval, Renaissance & Modern
(Note they also say "We will soon be offering CDs of the database forsale at a modest price.")
Sources at http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/gensourc.htm