- Yes, date unknown
Name |
Saier De Lens De Seton |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I165603 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- Stirnet Genealogy athttp://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/continent/bb/bzvar01.htm
Lambert de Boulogne-sur-Mer, Count of Lens (d Phalampin 1054)
m. (1053/4) Adelaide of Normandy (b c1030, d 1081/4, dau of Robert 'theDevil', Duke of Normandy)
a. Judith of Lens &E
m. (1070) Waltheof, Earl of Huntingdon (d 1073/31.05.1076) &E
www.setonfamily.com suggests that Lambert was also father of ...
b. Saier de Lens de Seton
c. Walter de Lens de Bedford
(1) Winemar de Lens 'the Fleming'
Main sources:
(1) for Bayeux - 'Mathematical'.
(2) for Boulogne - 'GenEU'.
" 'MATHS' or 'Mathematical' - for an impressive site by Charles DeanDruit in which his family tree is only one of several interests shown(and is rather hidden at present). ..."
Index at
"'Genealogy.EU'. This is a fantastic web site for all genealogists whohave found a connection to a European royal or noble house."
Stirnet Genealogy athttp://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/ss4as/seton01.htm
The early generations of this family are difficult to ascertain with anycertainty. It appears that, probably a long time ago, a Seton pedigreewas produced that has since been reported by various sources (includingBLG1850 and some modern web sites). Various parts of that pedigree havebeen rejected by some modern genealogists (including TSP and BP1934) forit mixed-up different branches of the family and sometimes showedbrothers & cousins as fathers & sons. The following attempts to makesense of the matter, relying heavily on TSP (Winton) and BP1934(Eglinton) neither of which show the opening connection which appears tohave come from the old pedigree (although it is not reported by BLG1850but comes from the 'setonfamily' web site identified below).
Saier de Lens de Seton
www.setonfamily.com reports that Saier de Lens was father of Walter deLens also known as Walter the Fleming also known as ...
Dougall de Seton (a temp Alexander I who d 1124)
m. Janet de Quincy (?? dau of Quincy, Earl of Winchester)
1. Secher (or Saier) de Seton
Secher, son of Dougall de Seton and Janet daughter of Quincy Earl ofWinchester, is reported by BLG1850 (Seton of Carish). It must bequestioned not least because the first Quincy to be made Earl ofWinchester, Saier, died in 1219 which makes the dates look very unlikely.The 'setonfamily' web site referred to below identifies her just as aQuincy heiress without any suggestion that her father was Earl ofWinchester. TSP and BP1934 both start with ...
A. Alexander de Seaton (a 1150) probably father of ...