- 877
Name |
Ivarr King of Dublin |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
877 |
Person ID |
I165576 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- See also "Halfdan White Shirt Ragnarsson King of Dublin:" in this file
His ancestry is shown at Stirnet Geneqalogy at
Radbert, King of Gardarige (b c638)
m. (c669) Aud (b c633, dau of Ivar 'Vidfame', King in Sweden)
1. Randver (b c670)
A. Sigurd 'Ring', King in Sweden (b c730, d 812)
i. Ragnar 'Lodbrok', King of Denmark (b c765, d 845)
m. (c783) Aslaug (b c765, dau of Sigurd 'Fafnisbana' Sigmundsson)
f. Halfdan 'White shirt', King of Dublin (d 877)
(1) Sitric I, King of Dublin (b c860, d 896)
(A) Sitric II, King of Dublin and of York (d 927)
Main sources: 'Mathematical', 'Royal Data'.
"* 'MATHS' or 'Mathematical' - for an impressive site by Charles DeanDruit in which his family tree is only one of several interests shown(and is rather hidden at present). For access to the genealogical data itis best to use our link to the master index, which is still beingdeveloped, and bookmark any relevant pages. The database provides someconnections not easily found elsewhere, and therefore may not always befully reliable, but it is no different from most other databases in thatrespect and is certainly better than most."
"* 'RODATA' or 'RoyalData' (Royal and Noble Genealogical Data on the Web)- for a huge database that is well-known and well-respected amongstgenealogists. The site also contains several links to other sites ofinterest. Congratulations to Brian Tompsett and his team at theDepartment of Computer Science at the University of Hull."