- Yes, date unknown
Name |
Melette\Mallet (of Whittington) Peverel |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I163221 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- Whittington Castle
"William, the son of Payn's sister. He extended his lands and built acastle called White Tower which is recognised as Whittington, nearOswestry. (The remains which stand today are only a part of the originalcastle, representing the outer bailey and gatehouse.)
William Peverel had two nieces, Eleyne and Melette. Melette was theyounger and more beautiful. She was also a 'bit of a handful'. Manysought her, but none won her. In desperation, her uncle asked her whatshe wanted in a man.
"Sire", she said, "no knight is there in all the world that I would takefor the sake of riches and the honour of his lands, but if ever I takesuch a one, he shall be handsome, and courteous, and accomplished, andthe most valiant of his order in all Christendom. Of riches I make noaccount, for truly can I say that he is rich who has that which his heartdesires."
Shropshire's Secrets. The Shropshire Outlaw athttp://www.shropshire-promotions.co.uk/shropshire%20Secrets/SS-7.html
from Inside Shropshire
Shropshire Promotions
Tim Carrington
(founder of Shropshire Promotions)