1888 - Yes, date unknown
Name |
John Hartnell |
Birth |
14 Apr 1888 |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I150415 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- 6 JOHN HARTNELL was born 06(5) Sep 1818 in Dorsetshire, E
ngland. HeJohn Hartnell was the only child of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnHartnell, who were also of English birth. They (Daryl's informationindicates his mother died in England and is buried in Dorsetshire)accompanied with their son when he came to America in 1843 and lived on afarm in Brighton township where both died, the father reaching the age ofmore than 80 years. After coming to Wisconsin John Hartnell, the son,bought 160 acres of land to which he added later until he had a farm of360 acres, all well improved. He came to be one of the leading men ofthe township, and organized the Brighton Farmers Mutual Fire InsuranceCompany of which he was president. [See John Hartnell 1818 document]