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- Richard may not be the son of Richard - this has not been proved WHSD 20 Dec 2016
Many of his sons shown here were apparently born before him; Should they be brothers? There are two Elizabeths;
19 Richard Lyon, born about 1624, Heston, Middlesex, England, marriedMargaret ? In Connecticut. Richard died October 17, 1678 in Fairfield,Connecticut. Margaret was born about 1629 in Fairfield, CT and died in1705 in Fairfield, CT.
20 Thomas, born 1621, died 11/8/1690
20 Richard, born about 1624, died after 4/12/1678
20 Henry Lyon, born 1625, died 1703 Married Elizabeth Bateman,born 1630-32, died 1703.
20 Moses, born about 1651, died 3/2/1698. Married Mary Grumman.
20 Richard, born 1653, died January 1750. Married Mary Frye.
20 Elizabeth, born 1655, died after 1695
20 Hester (Esther), born 1658, died 1699. Married Nathaniel Perry.
20 Elizabeth, born about 1660, died after 1695. Married BenjaminBanks, born 1653, died November 1, 1692.
20 William, born about 1660. Died November 1699, Fairfield, Co.Married Phoebe.
20 Hannah, born about 1661, died November 1743
20 Joseph, born about 1663, died March 16, 1698.
20 Samuel, born about 1665, died about 1733. Married Susanna.
20 Abigail, born about 1673, died March 9, 1698 [Another sourcesindicates date of death as 3/9/1698]
From from Sandi Hartnell, (, see Henry (Sir) (ofRyslippe) Lyon born 1410
But note many are mentioned in Richard's will, so it seems the dates must be wrong WHSD 20 Dec 2016
Richard (1624) first settled in Fairfield County, Connecticut. He was the youngest of the three brothers who escaped from England after the execution of Charles I. It is said that they were more than just witnesses of the execution as they were soldiers in Oliver Cromwell's Model Army. It is also said that Richard brought his sword with him to America.
Richard married MARGARET (no maiden name known), they had 7 sons and 4 daughters. All records state that Margaret was born in 1624 in Fairfield CT, which was mainly occupied by Belgians, Dutch and Germans at that time. The records also state that they were married in 1642 but as this Richard was in England at that time this was unlikely. It is possible that Margaret was born and married in England and came with Richard to Fairfield, CT. Apart from information in his will, little is known about Richard but that he fathered a large family and started a dynasty, with hundreds of descendants still living today all over America and Canada.
He settled in Fairfield, Fairfield County, CT in 1649 after fleeing from England and was made a Freeman there in 1664, he was Commissioner for Fairfield in 1669 and at his death in 1678 left an estate valued at £632 (a considerable amount at that time).
During the Revolution they were mostly loyal to the cause of Independence. From Vermont some of them moved to Michigan '96 among these the Honourable Lucius Lyon who represented the new state of Michigan as a Senator in the Congress of 1837-39.
His descendants settled in Fairfield, Redding and neighbouring towns, extending gradually northward into Massachusetts and Vermont. During the Revolution they were mostly loyal to the cause of Independence.