Notes |
- This information is from Sandi Hartnell, ( who says"Most of the early stuff was compiled by my grandmother's twin sister,Mina Lyon Rife. She dated the material 1956. She did a lot of research,and attributed some of the material from a 3 volumes titled "LyonMemorial". She indicated they were purchased in Boston at Goodspeed BookStore. I visited Glamis Castle about 10 years ago and have guidebooksfrom there that had family information, and I also picked up someinformation from various web cites.
See also
Hartnell Family Tree
Sandra Hartnell
13 Henry Lyon, Knight, born about 1410, Ryslippe, England. [Circa HenryV] He had four sons, all born at Ryslippe.
14 Henry, born 1440. [Circa Edward IV]
15 John of Ryslippe, born about 1470, born at Ryslippe, Middlesex,England. [Circa Mary I] He married Emma Hedge. It is a singular factthat of the fifteen Lyons who came to the American colonies between 1638and 1683, twelve of them bore the distinctive family names of the sons ofJohn Lyon of Ryslippe, the exception being William of Roxbury, and Peterand George Lyon of Dorchester. However, William was a name that beganwith the William Lyon who was born at Ryslippe in 1540 and continued infavor.
16 Henry, born 1500
16 Thomas, born 1503
16 Richard, born 1505 [Circa Elizabeth I]
16 John Lyon of Ryslippe [Conflict, some sources say LittleStamner], Middlesex County, born 1510. Died 10/3/1592 in Ryslippe. [Somesources link this John as son of John VI, Lord Glamis, and JanetDouglas.] Married Jean [? Lyon], born in 1514 in Ryslippe, died April5,1535, just 100 years before her great-grandsons, William of Roxbury,landed at Boston, Massachusetts the 11th of September 1635.
17 William, born1540 in Little Stanmore, Middlesex, died beforeSeptember 7, 1624 in Little Stanmore. Married Isabel Wightman about 1580in Middlesex, England. She was born about 1559 in Harrow-on-the Hill,Middlesex, England.
18 John, born 1568
18 William Lyon, born about 1580, Heston, England, buried atLittle Stamner November 17, 1634. Married Anne Carter July 7, 1615, atHarrow-on-the-Hill. She died February 18, 1638 at Little Stamner. WhenWilliam died in 1634 John Lyon, X Lord of Glamis and Earl of Kinghorn washead of the Lyon family in Scotland. His descendants fought for theNorth for a King despised and for the South for public liberty. [See LyonFamilies Escape to America.]
19 Catherine, baptized at Heston August 25, 1616.
19 John, baptised at Heston, June 1619.
19 William, baptized at Heston, December 20 [23?], 1620.
18 Richard Lyon, born about 1590 in Heston, Middlesex England.Married ?
19 Richard Lyon, born about 1624, Heston, Middlesex, England,married Margaret ? In Connecticut. Richard died October 17, 1678 inFairfield, Connecticut. Margaret was born about 1629 in Fairfield, CTand died in 1705 in Fairfield, CT.
20 Thomas, born 1621, died 11/8/1690
20 Richard, born about 1624, died after 4/12/1678
20 Henry Lyon, born 1625, died 1703 Married Elizabeth Bateman,born 1630-32, died 1703.
20 Moses, born about 1651, died 3/2/1698. Married Mary Grumman.
20 Richard, born 1653, died January 1750. Married Mary Frye.
20 Elizabeth, born 1655, died after 1695
20 Hester (Esther), born 1658, died 1699. Married Nathaniel Perry.
20 Elizabeth, born about 1660, died after 1695. Married BenjaminBanks, born 1653, died November 1, 1692.
20 William, born about 1660. Died November 1699, Fairfield, Co.Married Phoebe.
20 Hannah, born about 1661, died November 1743
20 Joseph, born about 1663, died March 16, 1698.
20 Samuel, born about 1665, died about 1733. Married Susanna.
20 Abigail, born about 1673, died March 9, 1698 [Another sourcesindicates date of death as 3/9/1698]
18 Isabelle LYON b: 1582
18 Audrey LYON b: 1584
18 Thomas LYON b: 1585
18 Robert LYON b: 1590 d: 17 Oct 1678
18 Richard LYON b: 1624/1625 d: 17 Oct 1678 Married Margaret
15 William, born about 1475
14 John, born 1450. [Circa Queen Elizabeth I]
15 John of Heston, Middlesex County, born 1500, founder of thefamous English school of Harrow-on-the Hill, ten miles from London. Heand his wife are buried at Harrow.
14 Thomas, born 1455
14 William, born 1508
For more information on Lyon Hartnell line see under:
Abraham Hartnell, b ?, d 9/29/1729 in Winfrith, Dorset, England
William Frederick Hartnell Born 2/6/1861 - Overmoigne, England
Joseph Hartnell was born in 1799
John Hartnell born July 1789 in Chaldon Herring, Dorset, Dorsetshire,England
James Hartnell was born in 1794
John Cox Hartnell May 21, 1834
William Penney, born about 1750
John (Colonel of Ryslippe) Lyon died October 03, 1592
William (of Roxberry) Lyon born December 13, 1620
Marcus R. Lyon born February 28, 1857
Henry (Sir) (of Ryslippe) Lyon, born about 1410
John (Sir) (of Foreviot & Glamis) Lyon, born 1320
John (4th Lord of Glamis) Lyon, born 1452
John de Lyon born Bet. 1292 - 1319
Roger (Sir) (de Leonne) de Lyon, born 1040