Notes |
- Dorothy was involved in the school, church, and community. She lovedto sew, cook, and do crafts. She was the first wife of George RobertWalter. A while later after her death, George married her youngersister Doris Elkins also in South Bend, Indiana.
NOTE FROM JOYCE ELKINS TO HER DAUGHTER SANDRA: c.03 Aug. 1977 A.D."Dorothy Mae died at age thirty-three in South Bend, Saint JosephCounty, Indiana. She is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in SouthBend, Indiana." continued: " Sepsis is caused from a bacteria in theblood stream, and the doctor said that somehow Dorothy had contracteda certain type of bacteria that lays dormant until it is exposed tooxygen. Which is what happened shortly after her surgery in 1954.When the bacteria was exposed to the oxygenated air with her abdominaltype surgery it began to multiply quickly, and caused her death.Apparently, the strain of bacteria was brought back to the UnitedStates from Korea possibly by returning soldiers after the Korean War. It was unknown how she must have come in contact with it. I can'tremember the name of the strain of bacteria though."
Date of Birth: February 23rd, 1921
Date of Death: March 12th, 1954
Place and Time of Services:
Mayflower Bible Church
Mon., March 15th at 3:30 P.M.
Clergyman: Rev. Robert F. Nitz
Place of Internment: Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Funeral Conducted by: Orvis Funeral Home
MRS. DOROTHY M. WALTER, South Bend, died at 7:30 p.m. Friday in theOsteopathic Hospital. She had been ill for one week. Born inFountain County, Indiana, February 23, 1921, Mrs. Walter came to SouthBend from Montezuma, Ind., twelve years ago. She was married toGeorge R. Walter in Rockville (Parke County, Indiana) in (27th)November 1939. Also surviving are two sons, Kenneth and Donald R., adaughter, Judy Mae of South Bend; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. SamuelElkins, Rockville; four sisters, Mrs. Paul Paddock, Clinton, Mrs.Herman Wall and Mrs. Louis Mershon, South Bend and Miss Doris M.Elkins, Rockville; seven brothers, Joseph and Orville of South Bend;James, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; Paul, Donald, Ronald and Kenneth ofRockville. Services were held at the Mayflower Bible Church with theRev. Robert F. Nitz officiating. Burial was in Mount PleasantCemetery. Mrs. Walter was a member of Mayflower Bible Church andtreasurer of the Ardmore School Parent-Teachers association."
[Transcribed by, SLJuhl, compiler-niece]
Please Note: Wives of George Robert Walter, 1. Dorothy Mae Elkins &2. Doris Marie Elkins are sisters from a very large family in Indiana. The Elkins Family genealogy may be found at the CrawfordsvillePublic Library in their genealogy section, Crawfordsville, MontgomeryCounty, Indiana.
Please check this: _MDCL: CONC Department, South Bend, Indiana
- (Medical):Death Cert. Book No. 217; Pg. # 109; St. Joseph County Health