1906 -
Name |
Viola Eugenia "Jean" Powell |
Nickname |
Jean |
Birth |
30 Oct 1906 |
Fordyce, (Dallas Co.) Arkansas. |
Gender |
Female |
Person ID |
I148375 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- From Mary Alice in TX aka Mary Abernathy Meyer (meyerma@webtv.net)
"Please correct your data to reflect that Jean Clarice Skinner is mysister, not my mother. She married Floyd Milton Moyer on June 24, 1945 atthe U. S. Navy Chapel in Washington, D.C. Her husband was in the Navyband. After the war, he used his GI Bill and got a master's degree inmusic at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. He was a high schoolband director. In his last few years before retirement, his job was tocoordinator all the band and choral competition at the high school levelin OK.
He was born January 1, 1920 and is now a hale and hearty octagenarian.
Jean Clarice Skinner was born August 27, 1924.
My mother is also named Jean, so maybe that was the problem. Her realname was Viola Eugenia Powell, but she ALWAYS went by Jean (Jean P.Abernathy after she married my father Thomas Nelson Abernathy in 1929).
Her marriage to Louis Hagler Skinner occurred on September 15, 1923 inBirmingham, AL. My sister Jean is twenty years older, so she's old enoughto be my mother. She got married the same year I was born and we havenever lived in the same state. After her marriage, she has always livedin Oklahoma. I grew up in AL.
Thanks again. Please let me know if I can clarify anything. I still knownothing about Clara Skinner McLauren b 1887 Mobile Co. AL. Do you?
Mary Alice in TX aka Mary Abernathy Meyer
(Romans 15:13)
"My mother Viola Eugenia "Jean" Powell was born October 30, 1906 inFordyce (Dallas Co.) Arkansas.
She married Louis Hagler Skinner on September 15, 1923 (six weeks beforeshe turned 17"
From Mary Meyer in China. May 2004 mary23meyer@yahoo.com