- 857
Name |
Erespoe Duke of Brittany |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
857 |
Person ID |
I147500 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2013 |
Notes |
- "The dukedom of Brittany (Bretagne) appears to have moved between severalfamilies that were connected by blood or marriage. The following is anattempt to pull them together on one page. It starts with an assumptionthat "XX of Bretagne" was father of both Nominoe and the father ofSalomon as Salomon is described by GenEU as "a cousin of Duc Erispoe".NOTE THAT THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE VERSION SHOWN BELOW THAT HAS BEENOBTAINED FROM A WEB SITE WHICH PULLS TOGETHER VARIOUS OF THE KEY PLAYERSIN A DIFFERENT WAY. IN SOME WAYS THE ALTERNATIVE VERSION IS 'NEATER' ANDLOOKS SLIGHLY MORE PLAUSIBLE THAN THE VERSION GIVEN FIRST BUT, FOR THESAKE OF CONSISTENCY, WE GIVE PRIORITY TO THE INFORMATION OBTAINED FROMGENEU."
See http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/continent/bb/brittany2.htm
Stirnet Genealogy
Families Database
This has a huge amount of information on hundreds (and rapidlyincreasing), mostly landed, families in 3 categories listed below. It ismore "user friendly" than most in that it shows many generations on onepage.
I - Ancient & Mythical
II - Continental Families - Medieval & Renaissance
III - British Families - Medieval, Renaissance & Modern
(Note they also say "We will soon be offering CDs of the database forsale at a modest price.")
Sources at http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/gensourc.htm