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- Thought you might be interested in this extract from page 12 of thebook, "The Deil's Ain", by Roy J. M.Pugh, published by Scotland HarlawHeritage, 2001: ============= In 1576, Katherene Roiss [Ross], LadyFowlis [Foulis], the wife of Lord Monro of Foulis and daughter of LordRoss of Balnagowan, was accused of attempting to murder her eldeststepson, Robert Monro, so that her brother George Ross might marry herstepson’s widow and thus become heir to the Foulis estate. This alsomeant murdering George Ross’s wife to allow the marriage to take place.The motive was clearly to increase the lands and finances of the Rosses.To help her with the double murder, Lady Foulis engaged a group ofwitches whose notoriety was well-known. As subsequent events proved, theywere certainly notorious, not for their success but their ineptitude. Thechief witch was Marioune McAlester, colloquially known as Losky Loncart.Under her direction, the witches made images of their victims from‘butter’ and shot at them with elf-arrows, in reality Neolithic flintarrowheads. The witches missed their targets no fewer than twenty times!They next brewed a pail of poison; the pail leaked, the poison ran outand they were left with dregs; Lady Foulis obtained a second brew fromLosky Loncart but the pipkin of poison broke and the servant carrying itdrank some and obligingly died. Lady Foulis then took matters into herown hands. She fed her sister-in-law food laced with rat poison; theyoung girl didn’t die but she was extremely ill for a long time. At leasttwo of the unknown total number of witches involved, Christian Ross andThomas McKendrick, were convicted of witchcraft and burned in 1577. By1589, Lady Foulis was widowed and her second stepson, Hector Monro, hadsucceeded his brother Robert on his death. Hector Monro brought an actionagainst his stepmother and several people including Losky Loncart,William McGillivray, Agnes Roy and John McNillan. There is no record ofthe outcome as far as the witches are con-cerned. At her trial, LadyFoulis was acquitted, not surprisingly since the jury was made up fromher estate servants and dependents. In his turn, Hector Monro wasarrested on suspicion of causimg the death of George Ross but he too wasacquitted by a similarly sympathetic jury. As for the witches, it is
probable that they were strangled and burnt at the stake. ================
This pleasant lady, (Katharine 'of Balnagown Lady Fowlis' Ross) wasfortunately only a 4th cousin to me.
Jim Houston Fort Worth, Texas. (March 2004)