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- John Douglas held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.) for Hindon
A John St Ledger Douglas is listed for 1768 - is this the right person?
Appears in a family tree of 'The Family of Badds' dated MDCCCXXIII (1823) as being an MP at that time
Hindon was a parliamentary borough consisting of the village of Hindon in Wiltshire, which elected two Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons from 1448 until 1832, when the borough was abolished by the Great Reform Act. It was one of the most notoriously corrupt of the rotten boroughs, and bills to disfranchise Hindon were debated in Parliament on two occasions before its eventual abolition.
John St. Leger Douglas of Pall Mall, co. Middlesex, Esq.
Will dated 7 Dec. 1779. (559 Cornwallis.) All my plantations real & personal estate to my brother Lt Col. James Douglas & Alex' Douglas of Devonshire Sq., on trust. My dau. Mary Willett £6000. My dau. Charlotte £6000 at 21. Alex' Douglas £100. My said brother James £1000. Geo. Gavillear £100 & £20 a year for his services. Trustees to hold all my plantations in the Island of S' Christopher's for my son W" Douglas, remainder to my daus. ; in the latter event £4000 to my brother James. Trustees to be Ex'ors. Witnessed by Edward Wilmot, Richard Wiles, Mark Clay.
1st Codicil. 15 Nov. 1781. To Charlotte Peacock alias Prescott of 6 Lower Brook str., Grosvenor sq., £200 a year.
Witnessed by Edward Wilmot, Thomas White, J. Jones.
2nd Codicil. 6 Deg. 1782. Now of Albemarle str.
My dau. Charlotte, now wife of John Leigh Douglas, Esq., Commander of H.M.S. Vigilant, her marriage articles dated 4"" of this month, made between us & Alex' Douglas of Devonshire sq., & Ed. Wilmot of the Middle Temple, gent., of the 3* part, so revoke legacy. Witnessed by Thomas White, Richard Wiles, Claudy Martinet, servants to Mr. Douglas.
On 21 Nov. 1783 adm'on of testator, late of St. James, Westminster, granted to Richard Neave, Esq., the attorney of James Douglas, Esq., the brother, now at Naples, Alexander Douglas, Esq., the brother, not appearing.
On 24 Nov. 1829 adm'on of testator, a widower, granted to James Dalrymple, Esq., creditor. Alexander Douglas survived his co-ex'or James Dalrymple Douglas and died without proving the will. No residuary legatee was named. William Douglas and Charlotte Douglas, wife of John Leigh Douglas, the only children, being cited and not appearing.
On 31 Dec. 1832 adm'on of estate left unadministered by James Dalrymple, Esq., deceased, granted to Sir Thomas Neave, Bart., a creditor, the letters granted Nov. 1783 to Richard Neave, Esq., attorney of James Dalrymple, Esq., (in the will named James Douglas), being void by his death, and Alexander Douglas not appearing. William Douglas and Charlotte Douglas, widow, the children, not appearing.
On 11 Jan. 1851 adm'on of estate left unadministered by James Dalrymple. Esq., deceased, a creditor, and Sir Thomas Neave, Bart., deceased, a creditor, granted to Rev. Henry Lyttelton Neave, the son, the letters granted to Sir Richard Neave, Bart., attorney of James Dalrymple Douglas, expiring.